
Mafia's enemy lover (18+)

Ashley_Acetan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

chapter 1:-

"Jiminaah if I tell you that you have to marry right now , would you do that ?"

For a moment, he thought his father's mental state is not right.

"Father! Tell me you are kidding ?"

Jimin asked his father with uncertainty.

"Jimin I have gave you my all, I haven't asked anything from you , but this time I need you to marry that person who just walked outside. For the sake of both your happiness and your future! And I hope you don't let me down_ my little prince."

At the end of the sentence, he Pats Jimin's head with lots of love.

" For You I can do anything. But just let me know one thing Did he force you? ".

He asked hesitantly.


1 day earlier:-

"Father Father, are you alright? Father can you hear me? Father don't close your eyes . I am taking you to the hospital. Ok just don't close your eyes!"

He was screaming with pain in his voice .

Jimin's feets were walking too fast .He hurriedly fetch the car in front of the main door and again run towards his father.He carried his father to the car and drove by the hospital as soon as he can .

As he entered the hospital's Emergency ward , nurses came to him with a stretcher .He carried his father outside the car and layed down him on the stretcher . Some of the staff held Mr. Pil from Jimin and put him on the stretcher.

"Father please ! Dad please hold onn please!!! "

He was begging to his own father for his life but sometimes we forget that life is not something that we can control! Nurses rushed Mr.Pil towards the OR. So he also ran with them but they stopped him to entered the OR.

"Please Sir wait here." One if the nurse said him .

He was walking here and there while waiting outside the operation theater. He quickly ran towards the surgeon as soon as he opened the OR door.

" What is it Doctor? How's my Father?" He asked with restlessness in his voice. Doctor tells him that it is the SCAD ( spontaneous coronary artery dissection) which needs urgent surgery.

He became so worried because he knows that how much will it take to got a surgery. He went to the reception and asked him about the expenses. " Sir we have to arrange a suitable heart for your father. So it will be almost 44k bucks."

Receptionist told him the estimated value but after listening that , Jimin was almost lost in a moment !.

He don't have any idea how he is gonna arrange the sum of approximately 44,000$ .' Jimin ... You can do it.... Fighting...!' he said to himself and told the hospital's staff that he'll bring money so they can start operating his father as soon as possible. He was walking with subjugated feets .

Very slow....

Thinking about what to do next !...

Thinking about how his father gonna be okay ?...A 19 years old boy is ... Now looking like an adult man .

His circumstances made him 10 times more responsible.His one and only father was his all universe. How can he live without him.

He was thinking deep...


Mr. Park pil woo was a right hand of a Mafia boss, always opulent and loyal to his Boss . But 3 years ago , Jimin's family had a car accident in which his mother lost her right leg and backbone and his father got severely injured, but luckily Jimin was safe because he was sitting on backseats.

Doctor said that I'll be hard to save his mother's life . Even if she'll live, her life will become miserable. His father tried his best to cure the love of his life . He scrambled all his wealth on saving his love's life . But God was planning something else . Exact after 2 months of pain, she died.

A 15 years boy bemoaned alot ..

But then he thought to be the one and only for his father. Because after his mother's death his father became quite.

After 2 years . Jimin remembers when he asked his father for getting into the university, he didn't say anything but he asked Jimin to wait for some days so he can arrange fee .

Then he don't know from where his father arrange that sum of his total fee.

He got enrolled for university. Luckily he was a good student so he got scholarship every semester , so the fee doesn't goes high !...

He become his father's butler, doing all his tasks by himself. His father loved him very much so he does the same . His Dad always Sacrifice for him.....

But now....It's his turn !

'How can I get a huge amount?....'

He was walking in the hallway with a thoughtful mind.

"Riiinnnggg.... Riiinnnggg"

Suddenly phone inside his father's jacket in his hand, cought his attention . He ablate the phone outside the jacket and sees that boss is calling. He was already so tens so he just don't want to have any trouble right now ... He ignore the call .

Phone continues to ring . Jimin was already irritated because he was thinking about paying for his father's surgery.

Suddenly he came with an idea .

"Why don't I ask his boss for help . I will return him as soon as I can . May be in instalments . Should I try talking him ? "

Thinking about that he answered the phone.

"Hello ? " When he answer the phone, a soft and plain voice reached his ears ."yeah ! Hello !" He answered in a slow voice .

"Why the hell are you still lying on your bed? Don't you have to go and deal with the Columbians at the main bar ? Don't tell me you forget because your son was doing some stupid stuff again ! "

Now the soft voice became so harsh and rude.

Jimin became nervous.

" Sorry sir! you're kinda misunderstood, my father is having a Heart surgery right now . I am his son . "

Jimin said with a sorrowful voice.

The other person on phone can clearly feel that sorrowness in his voice .

"Which hospital ? " He asked .

" Severance hospital " reply was same as the question, blank!.

After hanging up, his thoughts of having a loan from this boss was quite a bad failure so he get back to his home to get his father's bank receipts.

After taking some important documentations with him, he went to ATM and tried to get into the password...

He tried his birthday but WRONG!

Then he tried his mother's birthday but WRONG! It was his last try so he carefully think about that .

Then he entered his father's Mobile lock password.9393

"gosh!!!!!! .....Hurry!!!!. "At this moment he think that he got a victory. But his happiness turned into astonishment as soon as his eyes fell on the screen. He was stunned to saw the amount in the card.

Writer's Note:-

Thanks for reading yoonmin Stans.

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