
Mafia's Attraction

His name alone was enough to make anyone's blood run cold, infamous for his heartless and cruel ways, he was considered the most dangerous alive. But even a mafia leader couldn't deny his attraction when he saw his maid sound asleep on his bed. ............................ This story contains mature themes such as sexual content, abuse, and strong language. If you are sensitive to this topics, this book is not for you.

fisayomi_Adebowale · Urban
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


(This should go without saying, but if you are uncomfortable with graphic description of violence and torture, than do not read this.)

Cullen's body fell as it collided with the metal chains of the cellar.

The warehouse reeked of blood, limps from it's latest victims blinded his vision as the dried liquid feasted around the ripped off stomach splattered on the ground, now the diet of the rats surrounding it.

However, that was the least of his worries.

Alister gave him no time to settle in his new living space before he grabbed him be the jagular, the knife in his hand scraping the bone that was gradually starting to stick out.

"S-sir! What-"

His pleads came to an end as Alister crushed the surface of his larynx, the sharp side of the object digging deeper into his flesh, the smirk on his face widening as he heard the first course of yells rip out of his throat.