
Mafia’s Lover pt2

This is the continuation of Mafia’s Lover from the account, hedgehog4434. Yes it is me and I wanted to thank you for all the support everyone has given me but also apologize for the long wait I have put you through. My account was hacked and so I couldn’t upload anymore onto my old account. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I have started from where I left off by starting with chapter 15. The chapters before that are still on my old account so plz check those out. Thank you for all the support you have given me and I hope you enjoy the next continuing chapters of Mafia's lover. You can check out my other short FF on my old account and I will be writing other Novels and FF's after these ones. Thank you again. I PURPLE YOU ALWAYS!!!!

hedgehog_4434_2 · Celebrities
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14 Chs

Chapter 28

Yoongi's POV

I was driving at full speed when I saw another car speeding towards us.

Yoongi: OMG! Hold on!!!

I made fast, sharp turns as I avoid the car. I round corners and turn into alleyways til I lose them.

Yoongi: Everyone ok?

Jin: We're good.

Rose: Nice driving.

Yoongi: Thanks. How's Jungkook? How are you holding up back there?

Jungkook: Nothing I can't handle.

Yoongi: I was about to go to the hospital but it looks like we will just have to call doc over.

Namjoon: I'll make a call.

A few minutes later, we reach the mansion. Namjoon helps me with Jungkook and we go inside. The doctor is waiting and we go inside Jungkook's room. We all wait outside.

Y/n: Do you think he'll be alright?

Jin: Don't worry. Jungkook's tough and the doc knows what he's doing.

After about an hour, the doctor comes out.

Namjoon: Is he ok?

Doctor: He was roughed up a bit but after a bit of rest, he'll be fine.

Y/n: Thanks doc.

He smiles, bows, then leaves. We go in and Jungkook is sitting on the bed.

Y/n: Hey babe. How are you feeling?

Jungkook smiles.

Jungkook: Much better.

Yoongi: You scared us there.

Rose: We might have to be careful. What if the remainder of the group comes back to the office?

Jin: We might have to move the office to a different location.

Namjoon: We can figure that stuff out later. For now, let's just let Jungkook recover.

Rose: Y/n, Jungkook, we'll leave you two be.

Y/n: Thanks.

Y/n's POV

Once everyone leaves, Jungkook holds my hand in his.

Jungkook: Thank you for everything.

Y/n: I didn't do anything. But I'm glad you're ok.

Jungkook: You know what? Why don't we get away from all of this stuff. Let's go on a vacation with all the members and with our kids.

Y/n: Are you sure you're in the condition to do so?

Jungkook: Don't worry. I'm fine. But what do you think?

Y/n: I think that'll be great.

-Time skip-

We all arrive at the beach. Rose, Jin, Namjoon, Hobi, Yoongi, Jungkook, Minji, and Damien are all here.

Hobi: Who's ready to hit the waves?

Jin, Namjoon, Rose: Let's go!

Yoongi: I'm coming too!

Damien: I wanna go too!!!

Minji: Yay!

Rose: I'll be with Minji playing in the sand.

After everyone leaves and Jungkook and I are alone, he grabs my hand.

Jungkook: You know, I never thought this is where my life would go.

Y/n: Yea. Well I didn't expect to marry a mafia boss and live this crazy of a life either.

Jungkook: I married an angel and I have an amazing family with 2 beautiful kids. What more could a man ask for.

I laugh.

Y/n: I'm glad I met you. I wouldn't have had this life if I hadn't. Sure, there were ups and downs but in the end, I ended having a perfect family and a perfect life.

Jungkook looks into my eyes deeply.

Jungkook: I love you my princess . Never forget it.

Y/n: I love you my prince.....

-The end-

Authors note:

Hello everyone! This is the last chapter of Mafia's Lover! Thank you to those who stuck around til the end. I know we had some complications but I'm glad we were able to work it out. Please check out my other ff's if you enjoyed this one. Thank you again. I purple you!!!!!!!