
Chapter 20: Darkness Rising


Naruto and Raven look up to see Megan and Connor walking towards them. Naruto is surprised that Connor is with her. He did not expect the boy to tag along. Megan always invites Connor, but he never accepts the invitation to hang out with them. "Mega, Connor," greets Naruto. Raven bows politely to the pair.

"Hey," grunts Connor.

Megan smiles excitedly. "I finally got him to agree to come out on a double date. I mean, not that you two are dating. I know you are dating…"

"I understand," says Naruto. "It is my first time in Happy Harbor in such a manner. We will follow your lead." He notices Raven shift uncomfortably. She is not used to being out in such a casual manner. Like he used to be, she does not like the idea of spending time in public especially out of her usual clothes. Raven is wearing a red sweat jacket with a hoodie, white jeans, and a pair of black sneakers. If not for the fact that he knows that she is a female, he might mistake her for a boy.

"I thought we would go see a movie then I know a great place to have lunch! It is right next to this cupcake store that we can go to afterwards for dessert!" beams Megan. Connor gains a resigned expression. There is no stopping this double date. He much rather being spending time in the cave alone with his girlfriend, but Megan wants to do things that a normal couple do. "Come on Connor!" Megan walks close to Raven and begins to chatter away.

Connor glances at Naruto. "How come you didn't invite Artemis?"

"I did, but as you know tomorrow is Thanksgiving. She is helping her mom prepare for it. I did not fully understand it, but apparently she has a tradition with her mom that they do every year. So she is unavailable for the next couple days," answers Naruto.

"Megan invite you…"


"Are you coming?"


"Good," says Connor relieved. "I didn't want to be the only one there from the team. I am sure I would get stuck helping with the cooking." Naruto frowns. He understands Connor's displeasure. Megan can be a bit excitable when it comes to cooking. She is a great cook, but he prefers to stand to the side then be in the heat of the action.

"The others?"

A shrug comes from the clone. "Wally and Zatanna are spending it with their families. Robin made up some excuse. Kaldur is going to Atlantis."

Naruto knew that Wally and Zatanna would spend the holiday with their families. Robin comes and goes as he pleases. The Boy Wonder follows Batman's instructions so there is never a guarantee he will be around during free time. Kaldur is a surprise though. Usually the team leader shows up to such events.

'I suppose Kaldur wants to return home from time to time,' thinks Naruto.

Unknown Location

A beautiful woman enters in a wide chamber fit to house a king. Each step she takes is calculated and doesn't make a single sound. There is a light sway in her hips meant to entice the eyes of men and women alike. Upon reaching her destination, she kneels down in respect. "Father, I have received information regarding the Justice League. It would seem tomorrow that the League will be holding a vote to invite new members to join the League."

"You have done well, Talia."

Ra stands up. He walks over to his daughter with a pleased smile. A simple nod of the head frees her to rise. She does so obediently. He heads out of the room with her following like a proper soldier. "Do you think the League will promote it?" asks Talia.

"We have done all that we can at this point to get it the recognition needed to be a member of the League. Unfortunately, this part is out of our control." It is obvious that the fact Ra has to admit that he is unable to influence an outcome in his favor bothers him a great deal. "Any word from our agents?" asks Ra.

Talia gains a hint of anger in her eyes. "No, Deathstroke and Copperhead have failed to find Uzumaki Naruto." The boy's name is spoken in venom.

Upon reaching a balcony that overlooks the entire compound, Ra turns to face his daughter. He reaches up gently caressing her cheek. She leans into his touch affectionately. "Lose the anger, my daughter. I have plans for that child. The power that he possesses it could help us change the world," smiles Ra.

"He will not join us willingly."

"A minor problem."

"What about the Light? I know that all of them want the child dead."

A chuckle of amusement escapes the immortal. "My associates need not be concerned with my private matters." Ra turns around to stare out over the compound. Hundreds upon hundreds of assassins are training in order to serve his every command. "I require a strong heir to take over. Uzumaki Naruto possesses the power to lead the League of Shadows into the future. I used to believe that the detective would be the one to take over, but I was wrong. I will have the child and he will accept his destiny," smirks Ra.

Talia remains silent. It is not her place to disagree with her father. At least not out in the open.

November 25th – Watchtower

Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman stare out the large window watching as the sun rises. It is a magnificent sight that view ever get the pleasure to see. The three stand in complete silence. There is no need for them to speak. Each of them knows the importance of this day.

"It is time." All three turn around to see Aquaman. "Everyone is ready."

Aquaman leads the way to the main conference room. Every single member of the Justice League is waiting inside the room. The Watchtower goes into complete lockdown. "Our agent is clear. What is at stake should not be underestimated," states Aquaman.

"The decisions we make today will reverberate for the years to come," continues Superman.

"And will influence how the world will continue to see us," adds Wonder Woman.

"Please take a seat, we have work to do," finishes Batman.

One by one the members take a seat at the table. A miniature holographic screen pops up in front of them. Once everyone is seat, Martian Manhunter speaks. "Another expansion of the league could increase hostilities by our enemies. No one wants another Injustice League."

"That is true, but the option remains to vote no on all candidates. So, I nominated Icon for League membership," smiles Superman. An image of a tall, muscular dark skinned man appears in the middle of the table.

"Why? Because you think he could be Kryptonian like you did with Captain Marvel?" questions Green Arrow.

Wonder Woman comes to the aid of Superman. "I am also interested in Icon. But I am also interested in his protégé Rocket." A holographic image of a dark skinned girl appears. "Athena knows the League could use more female members."

"Here, here!"


Mount Justice

"Gobble, gobble." Wally grabs a handful of cranberries. "I love Thanksgiving!" He begins to munch on the cranberries without a care in the world. As he is about to reach for another handful, the wooden spoon rises up smacking his hand. "Ow!"

Megan gives him a playful stern look. "Wally, stop eating the food!" A sigh escapes the green skinned Martian girl. "I thought you were spending the holiday with your family."

Wally sits up, "right. My day will kill me if I am late. Later!" He grabs one last handful of cranberries before running off. Megan shakes her head.

"You are not even going to offer to help me cook?" Megan looks over at her boyfriend. Connor is sitting on the couch trying to be invisible. "How about you?" Her eyes turn to look at the other member of the team in the room. Naruto is staring at the ceiling with a bored expression.

Connor is about to speak, but he freezes up. Naruto hears a strange buzzing sound. He looks around trying to get a lock on it. His eyes notice that Wolf is on edge. The buzzing sound soon vanishes. "I'll help later." Connor stands up.


"Remember last time I helped in the kitchen?" Connor begins to walk away. "I am going to talk Wolf for a walk. Come on boy."

A frown forms on her face. "I guess so."

Naruto stands up and heads into the kitchen. He knows that Connor is lying. The team seems to forget that he has the power to detect lies. "I am not good in the kitchen."

"I can help with that."


Zatanna is almost tackled to the ground by Megan's hug. "What are you doing here? I thought you were spending the holiday with your dad. Not that I am not happy to see you," smiles Megan.

"There is a special meeting being held by the Justice League. Dad and I are going to spend dinner together so I am free to join you all for lunch," smiles Zatanna. "Looks like you could use the help in the kitchen."

Megan giggles, "any chance you know how to season a turkey? Naruto is good at following directions, but doesn't have much talent in creating flavors." Naruto gives a shrug. It is the truth. As long as it is cooked, it usually tastes good. When one lives on the run, one learns to not be too picky with any food that is found.

A light laughter comes from the younger girl. "I can handle that. I know a few tricks," winks Zatanna. As she heads over to the turkey, she glances over at Naruto. "Where is Raven?"

Naruto leans against the counter. "Raven is still learning how to interact with others. She needs time on her own after the time spent in public yesterday."

"Did she not have fun?" worries Megan. "I didn't mean…"

"You did nothing wrong," interrupts Naruto. "Raven had a good time. All she needs is time on her own." Zatanna smiles. It amuses her that Naruto is able to quiet the rambling Martian girl in such a manner. The others tend to let Megan ramble on and on until the girl is out of breath.

Megan gains a relieved expression. "Alright then, you can help with the mashed potatoes." A bowl floats over towards the ninja. Naruto grabs the bowl and gets to work.


Batman hits a button. "I nominate the Adam." An image of a tiny man appears.

"The Adam?" Captain Marvel chuckles in amusement. "How useful can he be at that size?"

"It is the size that makes him useful," states Batman.

"Agreed," says Flash. "But the League can always use more raw power. Earth does have a third Green Lantern, Guy Gardner…"


Flash turns to look at Hal Jordan and John Stewart. "But…"

"No!" state the two Lanterns.


Higurashi stares down at the masterpiece. It is the finest creation that he ever made. A rare, true smile makes his way onto his face. The brat better appreciate all the work that he put into this.

A ringing sound catches the blacksmith's attention. He had the shop closed today. Higurashi places his masterpiece in a hidden vault. Moving several items, he heads out to the front. "The store is close…" A frown settles on his face to find the shop empty. Higurashi walks over towards the front door. It is locked. But he is sure that he heard the bell. "Old age must be…" He turns around to find a sword tip directly between his eyes.

"Old age indeed."

"What do you want?" glares Higurashi. He stares at the masked man with a full suit of black body armor with no fear in his eyes. "If you are looking for a weapon come by tomorrow between the hours…"

A blow to the back of the knees elicits a cry from the store owner. Higurashi falls to his knees. A tail curls around his neck and begins to squeeze. "So much attitude. I would be careful with your words or I'll pop your head right off," hisses Copperhead with a gleeful smile.

Deathstroke kneels down. "I want to know the location of Uzumaki Naruto."

"If you want to find Japan's hero, you should commit a bigger crime then robbing me," smirks Higurashi. He grits his teeth as the tail around his neck tightens.

"It is faint, but I can smell his scent. He was here not too long ago," hisses Copperhead.

"Japan's hero doesn't have a secret identity," Higurashi gives a grunted chuckle. "You going to attack every single place he visits? I am sure that will get his attention. Just try not to get beat up too fast." Copperhead hisses in anger. A swing of the tail sends Higurashi flying into several shelves. The old man cries out in pain as several of his weapons on display cut into his back. Higurashi never gets a chance to stand when he is grabbed by the shirt and lifted into the air.

Deathstroke stares at the man. "If you give me the information I want, your death will be quick and painless."

Copperhead narrows her eyes. "Painless? I think not." Deathstroke points a gun straight at the female snake villain. She hisses crouching into a fighting stance.

Higurashi gives Deathstroke a cocky smile. "Go ahead and do it." Deathstroke narrows his good eye. He releases the blacksmith. Higurashi drops to all fours. Coughing a few times, Higurashi raises his head never losing the cocky smile. "It will be the last mistake you will ever make. The power that boy holds is incredible. He chose the path of a hero, but he has the same eyes as you. The eyes of a trained warrior. If you keep pushing, he will change his path and then there will be no hope for you."

"I see."

Deathstroke squeezes the trigger. A gunshot fills the shop. Higurashi drops to the ground dead.

"Now how do you expect to find him?" glares Copperhead.

"Didn't you hear the fool? The child will come to us now."


Green Arrow stands up. "If we are considering Blue Devil then I nominate Red Arrow. Roy has more experience and he is 18, a legal adult. He is ready."

"Is he?" asks Aquaman. "He has been uncooperative and insubordinate. If we reward that behavior what type of message does that send to the rest of the team?"

"No," states Superman. "Red Arrow may be eighteen, but the rest of the team is too young. We are not inducting children into the League."

Captain Marvel gains a nervous expression. It is no secret that he is a ten year old child in an adult's body. Batman saves the man by changing the subject. "I nominate Elastic Man."

This nomination gains mixed reactions. "I don't know. He has a pretty substantial criminal record," states Flash.

Laughter erupts from Captain Marvel. He is remembering the few times he met the man. Captain Marvel notices that everyone is looking at him. "Sorry, the guy cracks me up." No one else finds the humor in the situation.

Flash releases a small sigh. "I think it is time we talk about the elephant in the room. Should Captain Marvel remain in the League now that we know he is a ten year old child?"

"He does possess an adult body and the wisdom of Solomon," states Red Tornado.

"Wisdom does not equal maturity," argues Aquaman.

"Hey, I am right here!"

Canary gives a patronizing smile. "Billy, perhaps it is best you leave until this is all over."

"No." All eyes turn to look at the Dark Knight. "Captain Marvel is a member of the League and is entitled to participate until or if he is voted out."

"The truth of the matter is that he lied to us," states Wonder Woman.

"I never lied." Captain Marvel refuses to make eye-contact. "I just never told you my age."

Wonder Woman is not amused. "A lie of omission is still a lie. None of us knew your true identity."

"I did."

"I should have known. You are the one that indoctrinated Robin into crime fighting at the ripe age of nine years old," glares Wonder Woman.

"He needed to find justice for his parent's killer."

"So that he would turn out like you?"

"So that he wouldn't."

Martian Manhunter stands up. "You seemed to have reach a consensus that eighteen years of age is the suitable minimum age to join the League. What of Miss Martian? She may be an adolescent in terms of Earth's standards, but she was born forty-eight years ago on Mars."

Red Tornado speaks, "so what is the deciding factor? Chronologally or biology? Take Superboy for instance."

"Exactly," agrees Canary. "He is less than a year old. Does he need to wait seventeen more to join us?"

Wonder Woman glances over at Superman. Superman is refusing to look at the image of Superboy. It is obvious that the cloned child is still a sore spot with the Man of Steel. "If there is no deciding factor, I would like to nominate Uzumaki Naruto," states Red Tornado. This surprises many members of the League. Red Tornado has never nominated an individual. The android merely points out logical arguments on why a person should or should not be inducted into the League. "I have watched over the team since it was first formed. There was a short period that I was not there, but in my time with the team the one individual that stands above his peers is Uzumaki Naruto."

Hawkman speaks up for the first time. "The one known as Japan's Hero?"

"Precisely. In terms of skill, work ethic, and raw power; Naruto is far above any other member on the team. Not to mention that the success of several of the missions were because of his foresight and ability to adapt," points out Red Tornado.

"He is the only member of the team not to disobey orders," says Zatara.

"There has been growing pressure to have heroes from other countries to join the League. This could help quiet down the issue," says Hal Jordan.

Canary voices her opinion. "In terms of maturity, Naruto is ready."

Hawkwoman gives a vote of support. "Child or not, he has fought toe to toe with villains that have given us trouble. I believe he is the only one on the team to do so."

Mount Justice

Zatanna takes a seat next to Naruto. "How do you like the turkey?"

"It is good."

"The potatoes are pretty good too. Keep this up and you will be a cook in no time at all," smiles Zatanna.

Naruto cracks a small smile of amusement. "I think I will have to pass. I much prefer the eating part then the cooking."

"That is such a typical boy response."

"No idea what that means."

Zatanna curls up on the couch taking small bites from her plate. "How have things been in Tokyo?"

"The crime rate is down. Most of the Yakuza are afraid of me so have stopped with all the recent crime activity," answers Naruto. "Raven has been a large help. She is able to fight crime in other cities while I focus most of my attention on Tokyo."

"Already got a sidekick huh?" smirks Zatanna. Naruto doesn't understand the joke. It doesn't deter the girl in the least amount. "I have always wanted to visit Japan. Maybe when school is out I'll ask dad to take me there. You can show me around."


Raven flies into the room. Naruto stands up noticing a strange expression on her face. "I am sorry to intrude. There was an incident. It involves Higurashi."

"I see."

Zatanna stands up, "who is…" Naruto leaves without a word. Raven gives a nod to Zatanna before following Naruto.

"Where are they going?" asks Megan.

"Who is Higurashi?" frowns Connor.


"We have debated size, temperament, background, age, gender, and experience. It is time to make a decision on who will join or stay in the League."

Images of each individual nominated to join the League appears around the room. Wonder Woman steps forward. "The final choice comes down to one thing…Who do we trust? Trust to have our backs. Trust to uphold the high standards of the League."

Superman finishes, "make your decisions wisely."


Naruto stares down at the dead body of Higurashi. A bullet straight to the head ended the man's life. The ninja clenches his left hand into a fist. He had warned Higurashi that this would happen. Why didn't the man listen to him?

This is not the first time he encountered the death. He used to be a missing ninja. Death surrounded him at every turn. Blood and death were a constant in his life. He had seen it all. Children, mothers, fathers, ninja, and entire villages destroyed. None of it ever bothered him. There was only one other time that death ever bothered him. It was in that psychic training simulation when he had watched Artemis die. That was the first time he had been aggravated by the death of another. Higurashi's death is now the second time.

"I can't believe you were actually soft on this old fool."

Out of the shadows emerges Copperhead. She licks her lips. Naruto continues to stare at the body. Copper head comes up right behind him and leans forward to whisper in his ear. "Don't worry, you will join him soon enough. After I have my fun…"

She has no time to react when he moves at godly speeds. A hand grips her throat and lifts her up into the air. Copperhead is not even able to cry out in pain as her throat is crushed. All that comes out her mouth is blood that splatters on Naruto's face. She is about to reach out when a pair of crimson eyes with a snowflake pattern glare deep into her eyes. Fear fills her that her entire body goes limp. "You are not the one that killed Higurashi," speaks Naruto. "But you had a hand in it. I am sure that you are the one that has been tracking me." Copperhead stares at Naruto unable to form any words. Her body trembles in fear. "No need to answer. I already know the answer. I won't let this happen again."

Copperhead is slung across the room into the far wall. Naruto narrows his eyes upon the villain. He speaks a single word. It is the last word that Copperhead ever hears. All she can think about in her last second of life were the words of warning that the old fool had given to them.


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