
Madly in Red

Him: "Will you at least tell me a little bit about yourself?" Her: "Why is that so important?" Him: "Because I want to love you better." Her: "Trust me. It's better this way." Him: "You mean loving a dream?" She went silent. In the end, she gave him a long tender kiss. It was gripping to the point of sadness, not the passion of love. Her: "There is no darker side of me than me myself to whom I'm protecting you from. I'm the bane of every existence. So please if you love me, don't get caught up with who I am. Just love me... Love me for the sake of love." Because when the time was right, it had to end and it would be in the way that it would break your heart a thousand times over. You had to kill me, love... ------------------------------------------------------------ This is a story about love in every form it can offer - A vital union of necessity - with all that they desire, all that they suffer. Each and every one of them who are torn, defiled, and messed up one way or another but still wishes for love. -------------------------------------------------- - Cover (source: pinterest) - credits to artist - Updates 1ch/day - - 1500-2000 words/ch -

Poetica · Urban
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13 Chs

Hello Father

Ivy had just stepped into the living room when she was immediately dissed by Matriach Young.

"I see you still dare to come here!"

Ivy halted her steps. She fixed her eyes on the old lady who was sitting on the leather couch.

She was wearing a light colored cheongsam top paired with a long formal skirt with a beautiful flower embroidery. Her hair was pinned neatly into a low bun.

She sat with a straight back, her right palm on top of her left hand, a perfect posture altogether.

Honestly, Ivy would admire her ladylike presence very much as well as her respectable attitude if only she didn't have such a foul mouth.

It was a shame, truly.

The edge of Ivy's lip curled into a cunning smile. She folded her arms and stood there, one eyebrow lifted.

"And why wouldn't I dare?"

Matriarch Young glared at her. "You!!"

"You didn't even greet your elder. How disrespectful! Indeed a mistress daughter, no manner at all!" she hollered.

Ivy snorted. "Well then, do tell old Mrs. Young, yelling loudly in the morning is considered having manner?"

Ivy looked away. She covered her mouth as she giggled. "How unrefined."

Immediately, Matriarch Young stood up. Her face was boiling with rage as she pointed at Ivy. "What did you say?! You ingrate! How dare you! If we didn't take you in that time, you would have rot in a rundown orphan!! I truly regret not throwing you away."

Ivy was unfazed, literally. She wasn't amazed by Matriarch Young's respond. Same old line. She needed to stop watching those dramas.

Ivy rolled her eyes. How boring.

"Cut the crap! You didn't even take care of me but sent me abroad straight away. So please don't take credit, know how to be ashamed."

Not giving a damn anymore of this dispute, she continued, "Anyway, the thing that you should be regretting is not educating your son good enough that he didn't think twice before he stick his dick randomly and land himself a mistress."

Ivy suddenly gasped. "Or perhaps he learnt that from his parents? After all, they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."


Ivy narrowed her eyes.


A cup of Chinese tea shattered one foot away from Ivy. The shards of the ceramics scattered across the floor.

Ivy glanced briefly before raising an eyebrow at Matriarch Young.

Then, she walked towards the coffee table and moved the tray of teapot and Chinese tea towards her.

Afterwards, she returned to her original spot. "You can go ahead and try it again, old Mrs. Young. Make sure you aim before you throw so that you don't miss me again."


Before Matriarch Young could give Ivy another speech, a voice as cold as northern glacier interrupted them.

"You've arrived?"

Ivy shifted her gaze towards the two people who had just stepped into the living room.

There she stood poised, Anna Young, the madam of the Young's household and a famous socialite in Country A.

And behind her, stood a young delicate girl who looked the same age as Ivy. She appeared refined with fair complexion, fairer than lily's. Her cheeks blushed reflecting cherry blossoms in March, a breath of youthfulness from a young lady such as her, and to gaze at her lips, was to look upon a cluster of amaryllis.

Felicia Young or known shortly as Alicia, the eldest daughter of the Young's. As a supermodel, her beauty was famous throughout Country A even in another countries abroad. A goddess in every man's hearts.

Ivy looked at this pair of mother and daughter. She sighed.

'Here comes the first boss,' she thought to herself.

"You've just returned and already you've caused trouble?" Anna asked coldly.

"Hmph! I told you to ask of her no more. She will only dirty our mansion. The very sight of this slut irks me," Matriarch Young seethed. She was still indignant towards Ivy action just now.

Ivy clicked her tongue. She scoffed, "Careful old Mrs. Young or you'll pull a nerve and go into a stroke. This slut here doesn't want to be responsible for it."

"You bitch!!" Matriarch Young shouted on top of her lungs as she rushed forward to Ivy.

"Mother!" Anna bellowed.

Two maids grabbed onto Matriarch Young's arms, stopping her from approaching Ivy.

"Calm yourself, Mother. Remember your blood pressure," the madam rubbed Matriarch Young's back as she tried to relieve the old lady from her anger.

Her face was burning red and her chest was heaving up and down furiously. Clearly, Ivy had irritated her too much.

Madam Young turned around. Her face stoic and the air around her was frozen. Her icy gaze pierced sharply at Ivy.

Ivy snorted.

She fearlessly returned her gaze.

She stood her ground with the arrogance of a queen. Her chin slightly lifted and her posture was exceptionally elegant. The air of royalty shrouded her presence.

Although Anna Young was high and mighty above all those in her social circle, however, right at this very seconds, she somehow couldn't help but feel like an insignificant ant in front of this low-born.

Anna shook away that thought. How is it possible, she thought. This piece of trash was just a leftover of that slut!

When Anna lied her eyes once again on Ivy, she couldn't help but knitted her eyebrows. Three black lines appeared on her forehead. Ivy's appearance disturbed her very much.

Ivy might be the daughter of her husband, but it seemed Estelle's gene ran deep within her as she looked more like her mother instead. And to that, she had to admit, her beauty was beyond words. Only until she met Ivy did she understand the phrase, "beauty that could cause the downfall of a nation".

That flawless complexion of hers, even without any make-up, was as fair as a high-quality jade. The very glance of her skin would attract one to feel her within their embrace. One could only imagine how soft her skin appeared.

Her dark luminous hair, like a curtain of the night, further enhanced her pale complexion. And that pair of dazzling blue eyes seemed to glisten like a cut of sapphire under the moonlight. They drew you in and sparked the very soul of those who lied their eyes upon them.

Such sensual charm of a woman that she possessed, capable of disarming every layer of defense in a person.

The more Anna looked at her, the more annoyed she became. Anna felt like tearing her face apart. This woman, if she was a drug, she would be the most addicting one.

This was the sole reason Anna continued to conceal Ivy. In fact, she had never wished for her to come back, because her presence threatened hers and Felicia's position.

Thus, she pulled out this captivating wild rose even before she fully blossomed. However, Ivy continued to blossom beautifully and even redder than any other roses. She was breathtaking.

Anna gritted her teeth. She clenched her fist as her nails jabbed into her skin. She kept her eyes on Ivy and the fire in heart burnt wilder and wilder by the seconds.


She raised her hand and slapped Ivy. But, to her dismay, Ivy stopped her by the wrist instead. Ivy narrowed her eyes.

"Don't. even. think. about. it." Ivy spoke with a pause at each word as she stressed them one by one. Her voice deep and frightening, filled with oppressive aura.

Instantly, Anna exploded. "LET GO!"

But Ivy's grip on her became even tighter. Madam Young grimaced.

"I said," she yelled, "Let go!!"

She raised her other hand and was about to hit Ivy when suddenly, an intense pain came over her along with the sound of cracking.

All the people in the living room gasped. Felicia cringed as she covered her face with both hands. The maids were horrified and Matriarch Young legs grew weak in an instant.

Madam Young fell to the ground and a loud shriek resounded throughout the mansion.

"Let that be a lesson to you, Madam Young. To not fling your hands randomly." Ivy looked down at the fallen Madam Young.

Her whole body trembled. Cold sweat trickled down her forehead. Tears had flooded her cheeks. The pain was far too overwhelming.

"You...you...," Matriarch Young stuttered as her face turned pale, "What have you done?!!"

Ivy shifted her gaze to old Mrs. Young. She raised her eyebrow.

"Did you not watch? I broke her wrist. Or would you like a replay? I don't mind." Ivy grabbed Madam Young's other hand. "She still has another one."

Hearing that and feeling the touch of Ivy's cold skin on hers, Madam Young screamed once again. "NOO!!!"

She snatched her arm back. She dragged her body away from Ivy towering presence. She stared at her with deep hatred which was also mixed with a tinge of fear.

Sounds of hurried footsteps were suddenly heard from upstairs.

"What happened?!" Nicholas panic voice came through as he heard his wife's scream just now.

Eventually, the rest of the maids and the butler entered the scene. The patriarch had also come out from his study room, following behind Nicholas.

When everyone had gathered and witnessed the horrifying scene of their Madam disheveled appearance and badly swollen wrist, the atmosphere immediately became tense. The temperature went down to zero. All of their hearts were in their throats.

Ivy looked up at the stunned Nicholas Young behind the railings of the second floor.

She smiled.

"Hello Father."