
Madly In Love With You.

Valiant is a typical young orphan in his twenties, charming, full of enthusiasm, and always optimistic with a positive outlook. He enjoys the warmth of the sun and the chill of winter, the breeze carrying the fragrance of grass and earth lingering in the atmosphere. Intelligent and driven, he is working towards completing his degree while training at one of the city's leading companies. Life appears perfect when he reunites with his former love, Jason, who also serves as his Boss. Jason, knowing that Valiant was his first love, is keen to capture his heart. However, Valiant's idealistic world crumbles when he receives devastating news: he has leukemia, a fatal illness with a slim chance of survival. To make matters more complex, he encounters James, his step-cousin, who is also vying for his affection. Caught between escaping to savor the remaining time of his life and staying to battle, Valiant confronts challenging decisions.

Sweet_SourKiwi · LGBT+
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24 Chs

What A Nice View

Val had just folded his clean clothes and arranged them neatly in the drawer, He turned his head and saw his phone vibrating, and Fena's name appeared on the screen. He took the phone and answered the call.

"Yeah, Fen"

Soon after.

The two of them were sitting relaxed in the lobby. Fena just peeled the orange and held it out in front of Val.

He and Fena came from an orphanage. Recently the girl returned from out of town and worked as a kindergarten teacher in the city center. It was a suitable job for a girl as gentle as Fena. She likes to take care of the little kids.

"Here, open your mouth"

Val smiled, and Fena didn't hesitate to push the fruit into his mouth.

"You have to eat lots of healthy food, look now you're getting thinner Val, even though the office food isn't delicious, you still have to eat it. Indeed, it's so unpleasant, right?"

Val shook his head, while chewing the orange in his mouth, he smiled until his eyes disappeared.

"No need to save money, Val, I know you did it, but what's the point if you end up getting sick?"

Val smiled. He swallowed the food in his mouth. 

"What do you mean Fen, how do you know I save on food? Don't worry, my boss at the office is so kind, he often treats me to any kind of food. He's a foodie, eats whatever he thinks of, he himself is not fat."

"Oh, the one you said Jason, right? Did you really stay here for free?"

Val nodded. 

"Yeah, of course. It's a bit strange, but I thought that since Boss feels sorry for me, and he also has a lot of money, why not?"

Fena was silent, staring at Val's face for a long time, from such a close distance the young man was even more attractive, she raised his hand to smooth Val's hair. This made Val stop his movements, his mouth still full of food and busy chewing like a child.

"Val, you're grown up, it's like just yesterday we were still playing at the orphanage, time flies so fast"

Val was silent. Suddenly the girl looked at him quite seriously.

"Then, how if, we have a picnic next week, let's just the two of us, there's a park that was just finished not long ago in the city center, it looks like a nice place," continued Fena.

Val sat up, slowly taking Fena's hand off of him.

"I have a consumer interview next week, I don't think I can"

Fena pursed her lips. 

"Then, the week can be done, right?"

"I can't Fen, because Boss will definitely ask for the report on Monday, Anwar will ask me to make it, I have to do it on Sunday, another time, okay?"

Fena looked disappointed.

"Come on Val, we haven't been out together for a long time," Fena insisted, tugging at Valiant's hand.

"Fena, sorry I can't"



You seem to keep taunting people to follow your every beat, without giving them a chance, let alone waiting. You ran with your little arms spread out against the sky, with a big pole holding you up as if to give you as much support as possible, and continued to smile backward where many were left behind and even fell while trying to catch up with you. Can you just stop for a moment, stop, and reach out your hand to help anyone tired of chasing you? ..."



Val just turned off the computer and was about to leave his desk, he grabbed his bag on the desk and hung it on his shoulder. Suddenly Jason stopped in front of him. It was already evening, and all the staff on the floor had gone home, so he didn't suspect that the boss was still in the office because the room had been dark since earlier.

"Hey Boss, you still here?"

Jason smiled.

"Of course, I was waiting for you. So, what are we eating tonight? Iyan didn't come home today, he said there was a seminar out of town, so we were free to eat out. Em, what do have in mind?" he asked.

Val smiled. Jason saw the bag hanging from Val's shoulder and took it.

"Here, let me take it"

But Val held it back.

"No need, Boss, let me carry it myself"

Jason insisted.

"Come on, let me carry it, look at you, so pale, getting thinner, what if you faint because you're too tired from working? I told Anwar and Alex not to take you to the exhibition. Next time you aren't allowed to go out with them."

Val couldn't help but let Jason carry his bag, the two of them stopped in front of the elevator which soon opened.

"But, if I don't join them, what's the point of me being here, boss? Anwar and Alex's team needs someone to help them."

The two of them entered the elevator.

"I've asked HRD people to look for new people since last month, I need you to make reports and make presentations. Don't argue, I've decided that way."

"This boss, just do whatever he wants"

Jason smiled. He grabbed Val's hand and pulled him out of the elevator.

"Come on, I'll treat you to hotpot tonight, it's quite cold tonight. You have to eat more."

"Yeah boss"


The air was blowing quite cold that night. The restaurant is not far from Jason's apartment, only three blocks, so after eating he and Val walked back to the apartment. Jason smiled when he saw Val, who seemed so full that he was walking a little slowly.

"Why, too full, is it?" he asked.

Val rub his stomach, of course, he was full, and at the same time nauseous and wanted to vomit the contents of his stomach out. Even though he was trying hard to hold it in because his boss might ask questions about it. Val nodded.

"Hey, yeah boss, I'm full. Em, can we sit there for a moment, boss?" he asked, pointing to a long bench at the edge of the park not far in front of them.

Jason nodded.

"Sure, come on"

Soon after that. Val sat with two hands beside his waist. Looking up to see the clear sky from there. The park is located between buildings, on empty land which was deliberately used as a place to rest. It is spacious enough that unexpectedly the sky can be seen clearly from there.

Jason looked at Val's face in silent. He thoght there must be alot's of the kids plate, that make him think that hard, it's not cleary visible, but he can see it.