
Fame Contains Drama

There would never have been a day where I wouldn't have to deal with drama in 5th grade. Some were caused by me and some by others. I felt like I was stuck in an ocean of quicksand which was hard to get out of. Every day it will feel like all the sorrow and hate was revolving around me. I was like a rabbit in a zoo of strong and deadly animals but sometimes it was the other way around. I would always go to school with a smile on my face showing that no one, not one person can make me feel down. But on the inside, I would feel that guilt and sadness that made me so weak anyone who said a word about me can knock me over like an ant.

I have many memories about these incidents but there one I can remember the most and the one that will always be deep down in my heart but even thinking about it feels like I have been stabbed in the heart with a razor-sharp knife.

So, It began as any other day were I would go to school with a proud smile. As soon as I walk into school I ran like a stupid weirdo to my friends, Sasha, Ellie, Savannah cause that the only time I get to see them all together in person. Surprisingly, they were not in our usual sitting spot after searching, and searching for them I found them sitting in an area in the library where they would never, ever sit with the same covered diaries. I sat down next to them and was like "Hey, what's up?" but none of them replied. How weird.

I let it go like a bird to fly and never come back. But, It went like that for a few days. I would always do home sad and furious thinking why they were doing this if I hadn't done anything. Every time I would see there donkey and horse-like faces I would feel like punching them. They would always whisper-like maniacs and write in their precious diaries which were like their babies.

One day after swimming lesson I was the first one to go to the locker rooms and saw that Sasha's diary wasn't in the locker, I know I shouldn't have done that but I took a look at it my mind was about to blow. It felt like an explosion had just happen to flow with a volcano that just erupted. THEY HAD CODES ABOUT ME! WHO THE HECK DOES THAT!?

Then it felt like this was enough. All this time I would be sitting on my bed think and think of what I have done and how I could solve while those stupid weeklies would ignore me and always write in the diaries which was getting to my nerves. After that day whenever I would sit on my bed, I wouldn't think of what I have done and how I could solve it but I would think of a plan. A plan which will scare the mean old Sasha, Ellie, and Savannah of me so they would never be the rusty, cold-hearted people again.

After days of think, I would out a simple but strong plan which made me feel as dumb as them. Cause, the only one they were really scared of in school was the counsellor. So it was the perfect thing to blackmail them with.

At 9:00 p.m was the only time they all texted each other. Thankfully with god's will, they hadn't kicked me out of the handouts group so as soon as everyone was on the chat I was the first one to start the conversation saying " Want to meet the counsellor with me ?" I knew they had gotten scared cause as they read the text they deleted me out of the hangouts.

The next day before I could do anything I was called to the counsellor with Sasha, Ellie, and Savannah. The counsellor said that I was blackmailing them but before she would say anything I told the counsellor to ask the girls to bring the diaries without erasing anything. So that's what they did and then everything was differentiated between truth and lie. The girls got in big trouble and never were mean to me again.

This, well everybody knows that it happened years and years ago and I have to say this piece of memory was and is very stupid and funny.

All the people in the world I chose to be friends with the most foolish, savage, and meanest girls in the school.