
Made Villain

"What do you say his name was again?" "Shush No one mentions the name of you know who" "Have you heard of the legend?" "What legend?" "Of the name the whole realms dread to mention or hear!" "You mean... [in low voice] the red death?" All of a sudden every one in the hall brought out their various weapon. And Slash... "The one who mentions the name of the Lord of the Underworld dies. O merciful Lord we have slain the sinner do not descend from your Underwoldly throne. Have mercy on us" ... The red death, Lord of the Underworld, The dark one. I go by many name but my real name is Prime Rager. You want to know what that means right. Carefully rearrange that two names and you will know my true identity. The most dreaded name in all the realms Grim Reaper. Hahahaha "Pray the crimson eyes that watches at night never gaze your path" Support the novel in anyway you could.

Nathaniel_Moon · Fantasy
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5 Chs

From The Deep Of The Stygian Underworld.

Crash! Crash! Arrgh!

"Stop him!"

"I can't see him, arrgh! He's got meee"

"Help me! arrgh"

"We can't stop him!"

Within a thick shadow, a dark silhouette moves like a blur, an enraged vicious beast hunting his prey with different body parts scattered all over the floor. Crushed heads, severed limbs, crushed chests, splitted bodies, all impaled. It was an horrific and brutal sight.They were all maimed to death.

And on the sixth floor of the underground prison a crazed and manical laughter resounded in a thick enshrouding shadow brimming with bloodlust with tearing of flesh and crushing of bones and the constant utterance of "No blood, no fucking blood".

The seventh floor was suddenly covered in thick shadow and all the golden figure on the floor were terrified. And soon...

"Arrgh! Monster! I curse you, curse you"

"Have mercy"

"Mercy? I don't know what that is. Never heard of it."

"Haaaa, I curse you to death, monster"

"Hahahaha, Your doom has finally arrived" The dark blur said as he drifted off to the next floor and what follow were bloodcurdling screams of pain and curses, manical laughter, tearing and crushing sounds, and the scream for the need of blood.

At the highest level, on the 18th floor.

"They can't stop him" one of six golden man said as he looked at the commotion going on at the eighth level.

"Hmm, that's right. But we know that he can't sustain this state for long. Sooner, he will be used up. So for now let them wear him out a bit. Once he reached the 10th layer we all attack." Another golden man said with a calm countenance as a slit opened up between his eyebrows revealing a golden eye.

"Remember our sole goal is to keep him sealed in here forever no matter the cost." The man with the third eyes said while exuding a fierce aura and from the way he talks and was treated he definitely is the leader of the golden men.

The dark blur continued to attack and every where he passed screams abounds. He was like a plague, consuming souls, bringing along with it sorrows and pain and death.

"Arrgh! you will never leave this place" The last body, on the ninth level, was dropped dead. Dismembered.

"It is time." A voice declared from the eighteenth level.


All the golden men lay their hands on the wall and began a runic chants. And shortly after the runes on the walls flared up and begin to release a dense and ancient aura and soon all of the golden men starts to turn illusory.

Watching everything happen with folded arms and with a bring - it - on kind of look. The aura of the berserk Prime Rager didn't lessen at all in the face of the ancient aura, rather it continues to soar matching the momentum and even trying to outdo it.

The illusory figures of the golden men turned into a beam of light, all concentrating at a point.

Afterwards, a gigantic golden phantom slowly took form and soon a gigantic golden man with a third eye was finally formed releasing a tyrannical and suppressive aura.

" You brainless lot decided to up the game and sacrificed all, huh? I admire your commitment but I ask to what end? Because when I decide to do a thing no one under the heavens can stop me, not even in the eighteen hells." The berserk Prime said as the shadows began to take form in his hand becoming a large dark halberd.

"I don't know what triggered you or how you were able to make a come back but I know that after millions of years of being locked in here, you are already a spent force and we have sworn to never let you back on the surface and for that we shall fight to death" The thunderous voice of the gigantic man declared.

"It seems to me that you do not know how the name of death is written, let me remind you of who I truly am" Prime said in a strangely dark and ominous tone with a serious countenance on his face for the first time since he went berserk.

"Lower Devil Form!"

Suddenly he transformed into a dark blurry figure with black horns and black wings matching the height of the gigantic golden phantom.

"I am not afraid, Divine Purifying light!" The golden phantom said as its third eye opened and a blinding beam of light shot out of it.

" The higher realms shall be judged. Judgement!" The Stygian blur said as it slashed out with its Stygian halberd.

Boom! A large explosion occurred. The whole underground came collapsing revealing many miamed bodies and a feeble looking boy.


Moments later, the feeble figure gasped for air as he awoke. Looking around he could see the destruction which had happened, the dismembered limbs, crushed heads, impaled bodies and crazily funny he has no idea whatsoever of what had taken place or who had brought this gut emptying destruction or how he was still alive, where he was, how he came here.

The only thing he could remember was, his resolution to never be oppressed, his waking up in this world, the bizarre yet familiar memory he had, his struggle to be free and his blackout. End of recollection.

Every single event that has taken place between his blackout to this moment is a mystery to him yet he has this foreboding that he might be connected to it, that he is mysteriously dangerous.

Getting himself together, Prime decided to leave the demolished structure and find out more of the world he is in.

Reaching the surface, he could hear the howling wind and could see the dark and stormy clouds. He looked around but couldn't see a single living thing. This place is desolate

He continued walking for who knows how long, but all he could find were scraps of armor and blades, nothing edible.

He started to feel weak, extremely weak. His whole body aches, he could feel pain at every joint in his body, and he was damn hungry. And whenever he thought of food, the image that appears in his head wasn't cereal or meat but blood! He thought maybe he was hallucinating or something but he wasn't able to picture any other thing.

Fainting at times, then waking and walking aimlessly, Prime's hunger grows stronger as his body grows weaker yet since he started his journey he had never for once seen a living soul, it is like all that exists in this dark world was him alone.

But one day as he was wobbling on his path he saw a rock at a distance and was glad that maybe he has found something - a settlement, whatever. But reaching the place he found out that it was - the collapsed prison.

He had been walking in circles? ' Thud ' He fainted. Again.

Waking up due to his sheer and growing hunger, Prime decided to walk the opposite path to the one he had taken at the onset of the journey.

Walking along his newly chosen path with the rumbling sky, the howling winds, his rumbling stomach and dragging feet being the only sound to his ears. Prime consistently cursed at his fate.

He was once the beloved son of the heavens, blessed with everything one could ask for. Love, family, money. But one day the heavens decided against it. What was given was eventually withheld, taken away and now he was stuck in this dark and gloomy world in which he had once had this incredible greatness which has also been denied of him. And now he has been reduced to damn figure that is so light that the slightest breeze is capable of tossing away.

But all of this would not deter him from the resolution he made. He had once said that he shall not he oppressed anymore but will claim what he desire. Therefore he cannot die here, he will not die in here.

Summoning all the strength he have left, Prime starts to take long strides, matching forward and whenever he stumbled, he chose not to give in and faint. But he rose to his feet and continued.

Some days later in the dark world, Prime discovered that the wind wasn't just howling but was now wailing as if there were some undead spirit in the area lamenting their loss and after travelling further he saw a hilt on a rock, more of like a tombstone.

Walking closer he could feel the strong resentment radiating from the hilt and yet he felt an unexplainable familiarity. The closer he got the more dense the repulsive force becomes. After numerous efforts and gritting of teeth he arrived in front of the tombstone which was covered with scars - Saber scars.

Kneeling in front of the tombstone, he gently traced each scars and could feel the boundless emotions they contained.

Sorrows, hatred, desperation, loneliness, anger, bloodlust, longing, and all various kinds of extreme emotions mixed together and unknowingly he resonated with each of it. He felt it all.

Looking at the hilt atop the tombstone, Prime reached for it and suddenly felt a shudder ran down his spine as he could feel the whole world was up against him. The rumbling of the sky increased and various negative intents were directed at him as the wailing in the wind increased. But that wasn't all he could feel a highly corrosive energy from the blade and his hand being corroded.

But he didn't relent his grip, instead with all of his might he pulled it.

"Shrriinn" He pulled it up a little centimeters revealing the blade embedded in the tombstone.

"Rumble" " Zap" Prime was struck by lightning which he endured with his teeth gritted.

"Shrriinn" again. " Rumble" " Zap"

" Shrriinn". "Zap"


This continued till the seventh time in which he finally unearthed the broken Saber which was now covered in his blood.

The moment the blood dripping Prime unearthed the broken blade the wailing wind blew fiercely and he felt the blade absorbing the spirit till silence descended.

The blade then absorbed Prime's blood the shrunk in size and afterwards it transformed into a tattoo just beneath his right palm.

' Chia ' a tear suddenly appeared in the space before him and looking at it an intense joy filled him and without hesitating he hopped right in.

Shortly after, Prime cried alarmingly "SUN!!"