
Made 4 You

She picks up the call "Hello" her jaw dropped. She could not believe it. Her dreams have finally come true. Everyone was against her idea of relocating and working far from home but who knows God could answer her prayers so quickly. Maybe this is a door to many opportunities and perhaps meeting a new lover and getting over her former lover? Better the devil you know than the one you don't know.

TheBlackBird · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 10

Usually in a minute, I would reach my table, however, I sprinted to my desk which didn't help my situation. The gazes were still on me but people continued conversing. Ayanda was grinning and kept on brushing the absent-minded Ntshuxeko who just kept nodding and staying fixated on his phone's screen.

After a while, the door opened and a night in shining armour entered. Who my kidding? It's Lucas. You know what screw that, let me just tap my phone screen non-stop till the bell rings and wait for everybody to go to class and can watch Tiktok and wait for my next class.

"Ping!" A WhatsApp text. Finally! I can stop pretending and respond to somebody's message. I tap the WhatsApp notification.

"So this is what it is huh? emoji face with one eyebrow up" ~ Mr Punctual.

It is Ntshuxeko, what is he saying? I text and reply. A quick return of the text.

"Be careful. Don't be too quick about these things". I frown, what the hell is up with this guy? I raise my head to catch a glimpse of him staring but he is glued to his phone's screen. I sent a middle finger and a meh face emoji and exited WhatsApp.

The bell rings and everybody quickly exits the staff room to their classes. Yesss!! I am alone at last. I take earphones from my bag and when I look ahead of me, I see that Lucas is here. Fuck....so it's just us two, awkward. After the car incident...I felt myself leaning in for his pink thin upper lips, his brown moustache highlighted the lip, so juicy...it was so close. But so improper. I can-not-do-this to myself. Hold yourself together.

" Achoo!'

I turn to follow the sneeze. Wow! And I had to be stuck between these two. Titktok right now!


A bell rings, and I abruptly rise and march to the door.

"Paris!" I turn and my eyes wander between them.

"You are going to class empty-handed? " Ntshuxeko poses a rhetorical question.

"Oh shit!" I strut back to get my preparation book and bolt out of the room as quickly as possible.

I walk on the cracking pavement, rushing to class. I must be there in time. I am going to Grade 12 now. So far they are good kids. I enter the classroom and I was welcomed by screaming voices. Are they talking or fighting? I am yet to figure this one out. I stand in front of the class to catch their attention but they continue conversing and not minding my presence. Few kids stop talking out of embarrassment but the rest shamelessly continue with their interesting gifts.

"Good morning class"

"Morning mam" Two kids reply in front, beside me, the rest of the class keeps on talking loudly.

"Hello...Hello, Hellooooo! " Fuck! I walk towards the door and bang the weathered brown stainless steel door against its frame "Bam!!" Everybody keeps quiet and stares at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys, don't you see I am in class? Is that how you treat your teachers? When they get in, you continue with your mindless fruitless conversations? " I pause to grasp for air. " I bet you are talking about mjolo, dating, girlfriends and boyfriends"

"Halaaaaa" The whole classroom burst out loud laughter.

"Of course, you know it better, because you are already in Mr Windsor's sheets" A sharp female voice comments.

"Already? Iyoh!!" They unanimously exclaim with shock.

"Yoh mam, you are fast" One of the boys in the middle third-row comments with a smirk.

"Hey! Listen here" Oh, I am furious. Breathe... " What you should do is focus on your school work. You are doing Grade 12..."

"So what? We saw you kissing in the morning in his car" The male learner imitates kissing gestures by kissing air and hugging himself. The whole class burst into wild laughter.

I stare at them defeated. What should I do? And quickly the laughter turned into a dead silence. Oh, they realise they're wrong. I will teach them if they apologise. I part my lips.

"What is this? " A very cold husky voice echoed by the door. I turn my head and I see him, Lucas. To my surprise, the kids are reacting to him differently in person.

Besides him, a shadow emerges accompanied by a red sleeveless sheath dress and nice red block high heel shoes. "What's with this commotion? "Her slow voice aligned with the stride she took. She is wearing black heeled blocks although I can still hear every click it has with the floor. All the loud and unruly kids were seated upright and facing front with fixed ties and gazes.

" Don't make me repeat myself twice" She tilts her face a bit, with a soft voice but a smirk displayed on her face. "Classrep what is going on?"

"Ah..." He swallows hard. Wait the class rep, was the leader of this unruly choir. "We were making noise" He glances at his hands which are placed on the top of his desk.

"While mam is here? " Lucas interjects.

I try to peer into his gaze, however, the warm Lucas is not there, he is cold.

"Oh well...we can't let this happen again, do we? " Mrs Windhoek tears a devious grin.

"Yes, Mrs Windhoek!" They all sing so loud.

I can see the fear in their eyes. Some of their eyes are becoming teary and some are biting their lips. I guess it was all fun till they arrived.

"Mam" She turns to look at me with a warm smile " Let us handle this matter so it doesn't happen again. I apologise for their unruly behaviour. I will teach them better this time. Just go relax, discipline is my forte" She tears a wide smile.

"Okay." I quickly tap on the desk and pick up the book with my feeble fingers. I walk out of the room and by the door, I turn to catch a glimpse of the folded-armed Lucas and the dangerous lady in red. I breathe and walk away and hear her saying " Well...the one who speaks first, gets the grace card"

This sounds intense. But who am I to judge, as long discipline is instilled to allow effective and conducive learning in the classroom, it doesn't matter. Or am I fooling myself?


Mjolo-Slang South African vernacular word for dating

Iyoh /yoh- A South African daily expression for showing shock/surprise, empathy, and interest in the matter discussed especially gossip.

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