
Chapter 18: A day in a life of an escaped Uchiha Part 1

Chapter 18: A day in a life of an escaped Uchiha Part 1

It has been another 6 months. Honestly, I am getting sick of growing stronger so slowly.

While I agree, that most 3 year-olds are basically mentally retarded at this point, it is pretty annoying that my strength is moving forward so slowly.

I am only at the Light-Red stage.

So I decided to go out of my house on a small tour of the kingdom. After all, I have been here for nearly 3 years and have not actually seen the city.

However, when I did decide to go outside the compound, I realised that none of my family members are actually that free.

My mother was put in charge of taking care of the daily necessities provided to the clan, and essentially managing all 250 people.

My dad was putting on a front in front of the nobles regarding me. You see, a lot of the Nobles have been wanting to meet me, as rumors of me awakening at a young age have spread around the Kingdom.

I don't know who spread these rumors, but they obviously do not have good intentions for us. My dad has been trying to make it seem like I am a normal child.

My grandfather has been put in-charge of managing the Uchiha who go out for adventures. He manages the items they bring back, gives them their quota, and manages our businesses.

And my grandma, well, she manages my grandfather, which I feel like is the most difficult job of them all.

Due to being busy, my grandfather has not actually trained me a lot over the last year, which has given me a lot of time to experiment with my Aquire Phase, and recreate some Jutsu for the clan.

I have also passed some of the lowest level genjutsu to my father, and some mid-level ones as well. However I did not tell them anything else.

Why? Because I have a bad gut feeling...yes. That is the only reason.

Something about rumors regarding me spreading, and something about the entire Uchiha situation about wanting to spread the bloodline away, it just did not sit well with me.

Something is very clearly fishy.

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.

The first time was regarding the Uchiha business, and the noble clans pushing us around.

The second time was the whole issue with my marriage.

The third time is the current rumor spreading around about me being an early awakened.

And obviously, I have narrowed down my list of suspects to a handful of people.

After basic process of elimination, I believe that


"OWWWWWWWWW!" I shouted as I ran around my entire room.

It was then, I saw a mischievous smile from behind my door, and I went over there to see what was going on.

I then also saw 9 tails swaying around behind the door.

I slightly opened the door, to see a giggling Izuna, trying to cover his laughter with his small hands, but failing miserably at it.

I also saw Kurama trying to crawl into his shirt. He seemed like he was trying to hide in Izuna's shirt.

I held one of Kurama's tails, and pulled him out of Izuna's shirt.

Izuna, seeing that he was caught, did not even hide his laughter anymore, and full on started to burst out laughing like crazy.

He pointed at me and said," Bwuder dumbo."

I then looked at Kurama, slightly ticked off.

This life was supposed to be a fresh start, I was going to be the perfect big-brother Izuna can look up to and respect...BUT THIS DAMMED FOX!

Seeing I was slightly annoyed though, Kurama immediately wrapped his tails around my hand, and did one of his secret moves which always had a critical hit...the stare and lick.

"Sigh, what am I going to do with you." I thought, as I shook him off of my hand.

Kurama got off my hand, but it seemed like he was being extra clingy today, as he crawled up to my head, and sat on top of it.

(A/N: Kurama has started to call Madara dad now, not Mama. While it will be cute at the start, it will be weird later on, unless people ask me to change it back, which I would honestly prefer, more wholesome. HAHA)

He then asked," Dad, when can we go outside? You promised me that we would go soon."

I walked over to Izuna, picked him up as he seemed to be falling asleep on the floor, and kept him on my bed so he could sleep well.

I then thought up a decent punishment for Kurama, I took him off of my head, and put him under Izuna's head as a substitute for a pillow.

While Kurama was pouting, understanding his punishment, Izuna shifted comfortably, and decided to drool faster than usual.

While laughing, I replied," How about this, you stay like this until he wakes up, then we leave? But no one wakes him up early. Deal?"

"Fine. Then I might as well sleep as well." Thought Kurama, as he tried to get comfortable and sleep as well.

I smiled at the Fox's low Iq and thought,' you fool, if you sleep as well, when will you know when Izuna will wake up?'



Mihawk270, I saw your comment about Madara having the time rewind, if i am not wrong, it was from a filler episode.

So for now my thoughts are:

1. Madara's Right Eye records a short event in time

2. His Left Eye then has the ability to rewind that event so that he could do something different

Actually, thinking about it, this is broken, but not too bad. I can work with it, and add more depth to his character....but it is not fixed, I will let you guys decide this MS ability, and if you want it or not.

This is me adding on.


3. Limbo jail (Weaker version)

4 . Seeing into the past and future by 5 seconds


Also said Limbo Jail

5. Manipulation- To manipulate Luck/Probability.

(Word count: 857 without word count)

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