
Mad Hound of Esselgarde

"I'm going to live free as I please! I won't LOSE anyone given this CHANCE." Carseain Esselgarde who lives his life called a "Mad Hound" blindly, fell asleep for five days after getting drunk. During that time, he saw two dreams. One gave him his memories of his past life, struggling through adversities but still staying true to his altruist nature until the day he died. Another one showed him his future as Carseain who lost everything in vain because he couldn't face his past properly. He wakes up at the age of 19 where he can still make amends for his brother Rovenin, sister Carsina, father Johann as well as his soldiers, friends and comrades. Will he be able to protect everything now that he knows?

callow_dream · Fantasy
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240 Chs

Begin Investigation

Carseain was spending his days preparing for the last few exams, getting the recently taken over business on track while investigating and having to oversee the piled up work that he didn't bother to do before.

" I have become a slave."

Nox : " Huh?!"

" I've become a slave whose only job is to be buried in papers."

Rovenin : " Just these two and then sign that. After that, inspect those numbers and then the report for -"

" I'm not doing this anymore!"

Carseain roared.

" I absolutely refuse to work more than needed! All I need to do is hunt monsters, hunt demons, hunt criminals and hunt more. That should be enough! I'll just marry my sword for that."

Therefore, he ran out of his office with his sword towards the training grounds.

[ An angry and frustrated little Carseain who was working on papers has reached its limit and started running amok after spouting nonsense that he probably won't even remember after a spar.]