
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 76: Baiting Riser and Unexpected Meetings PT. 1

After Sona explaining her sister, Serafall Leviathan, to me even though I have known about Serafall's sis-con tendencies, her child like behavior, and her obsession with magical girls, I hug Sona and Asia and welcomed them to my home. However, I won't include Sona into my bedroom just yet. I need to get to know her a little bit better. I told Sona that her peerage is welcomed at my home to train and they can even train along side Rias's peerage. She accepted and that was that. Tsubaki looked at her "king" and is happy for her. Showing the girls around my home and the training room, they were in awe. There are things that Sona will find out about me soon but I'm willing to show her since she wants to be with me. Still, I got to prepare for Riser and I can't waste any time.

6 days later...

The past 6 days has been filled with training, school, and shenanigans (mainly from Akeno and Shuri) where I felt that this night I was going to take a rest from everyone and sleep in my room alone. I improved the barriers are my land to allow both Sona's and Rias's peerages to teleport directly into my mansion. I also made it for Sirzechs and Greyfia to visit from time to time as I figured that they would like to ask me some questions. I have been working to allow a few more people to be added to my exempt list so I'll be busy for a few weeks. I'm getting ready for bed when I see a magic circle appear close to my bed. I know this magic circle. The Gremory magic crest. Rias must be coming here due to Riser's pressure.

"Hello Rias. Any reason for you to come here at this time of night?"

"Yes, I got some bad news. Riser has the marriage moved up."

"Let me guess, your brother told you."

"Yes, how did you... Never mind."

"Let me guess about the second part of you coming here. You want to loose your virginity to me so you don't have to marry Riser."


"Sorry. As much as I am a man and would love to do the deed, you know that there's one thing preventing the deed."

"What do you mean?"

As soon as she said that, another teleportation circle appeared in my room. And here comes Greyfia.

"Sorry to intrude, Mr. Barnes but I came to get Rias and take her back to the underworld."

"I know, Greyfia."

Rias looked defeated.

"Rias, cheer up. I'll take care of it or do you not remember my promise to you?"

It took Rias a few seconds to remember but when she did, it looked like a weight has come off of her. Now Greyfia was looking confused at me and Rias.

"Don't worry about it, Greyfia. You'll find out soon enough."

She nodded and motioned Rias to get ready to leave. I held up my hand to hold her up for a moment. I walked over to Rias and kneeled down. I kissed her on her forehead. Her eyes lit up.

"Don't worry so much. I'll take care of Riser soon." I whispered to her. And with that, the 2 devils were gone. I let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, I had just put on my boxers and pajama pants and shirt before Rias showed up. No need for an awkward moment between my future sister-in-law and myself.

The next day...

I'm sitting on the couch of the Occult Research Club's main room in the old school building in Kuoh Academy. School was a drag as usual but my acting skills are top notch as no one has yet to catch on that I already know everything due to my past life and my wish for the world's knowledge when I was reincarnated. Rias was sitting at a desk with Akeno standing in close proximity. Asia was beside me on the couch and Koneko was in a chair. Kiba was leaning on a wall. A knock was heard.

"Come in." Rias said loud enough that who ever was on the other side of the door would hear her. It was Sona. Sona walks in and then looks over the room. Rias knows that I told Sona what my plan is about Riser and Sona was shocked at first when I told her. She didn't think that I knew of her best friend's problem. However, she wants to help Rias out but didn't know how. I told her to leave it to me.

A few more minutes pass and then 2 magic circles appear in the club room. One of them I knew since I saw it the night before. It belonged to Greyfia. The other must belong to Riser Phenex. Riser appears and I got to say, he could get any woman if he wasn't such a fucking moron. 5'11", blond hair, blue eyes, and a face that could make him male model, he is a moron by acting that like he's Ric Flair but he has a secret, he's a virgin. Riser looks over the room and his eyes don't even get to me when he finds Rias.

"So, looks like we're getting married early."

"Wait, WHAT!"

"Just like I said, my dear."

"Riser, I wouldn't marry you even if you was the last devil in existence!"

The argument between Riser and Rias was on. I listen until Riser started to look at Asia with lustful eyes. That's my queue.

"Riser Phenex, you better stop while you're ahead."

Riser then looked at me. I stood up and I could see that he's showing not just arrogance, but surprise and a little bit of fear on how tall I am. I'm 11 inches taller than he is.

"And what are you going to do about it, human low life."

"I have a name, fire chicken. It's Michael Barnes. And I'll stomp a mud hole in your ass and run that some bitch dry if you EVER look at Asia that way ever again."

I must have touched a nerve. Riser was fuming.

"I have an idea. Fire chicken, how about I fight you with Rias's marriage at stake. If I lose to you, Rias will have no choice but to marry you right after the fight. If you lose, Rias is free to marry anyone of her choice at anytime."


"What a pussified bitch. Fire chicken, didn't think that you would be a yellow belly coward. I'm just a human."

"Fine. I'll fight you."

"Guess what. I want to make sure that you don't back out so I have a contract that we'll sign right now so you won't tuck your feathers and run." I said as I pulled out a contract. We sign it. Rias looks at me relieved.

"See you in 10 days, fire chicken. You better bring your A game because you're going up against the One and Only, MAD DOG BARNES!"

Riser's eyes went wide as he realized that he fucked up. He tried to burn the contract but it's protected by magic. Thank god I got that contract from the old man before I came here. Riser was about to fire his flame magic at me when Greyfia stepped in. Riser knew that he has royally fucked up and will do anything to try to gain an advantage but with Greyfia being there, he can't sneak an attack against me. They leave and Rias burst out laughing and then Sona. Everyone else looked confused and looked at me who was grinning from ear to ear. They put 2 and 2 together and figured out that the reason for me being in the room was for that.

"Well, I got to prepare to stomp a mudhole in a fire chicken's ass. I'll be going. Asia and Sona, I'll see you at home soon. Everyone else, see yall in a few hours."

I head home and just walked in from the front door when my phone rings. I take it out to see who's calling and it's Sirzechs. I answer.


"Mr. Barnes?"

"Yeah, that's me. What's up Sirzechs?"

"I would like to invite you to my home. I have a few people that would like to meet you and talk."

"I have time so sure but how am I going to get there? I don't have a teleportation room in my mansion. Just the portal to my world."

"I'll send Greyfia to teleport you here in the underworld."

"I guess. When do you want to do this since I'll be fighting Riser in 10 days."

"How about tomorrow morning?"

"Sure. I'll bring some beer."

"Ok, see you tomorrow."

I hang up and carry on my plans for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, with Sirzechs...

"Beer? I thought he's 18."

Back with Michael the next day...

I wake up with Asia on my right and Sona on my left. My wives left before bedtime to spend time with our kids. I look at Sona and then at Asia. I feel Asia move and then she looked at me looking at her. That smile of hers always melts my heart. She gets close to my face and we kiss. Then Sona stirs and looks at me with her cheeks blushing. Not wanting to loose to Asia, she kisses me too. I get up and start to get ready.

"Sona, I won't be at school today. I have a meeting at Sirzechs Lucifer's home in the Underworld in the morning. Asia, tell Rias what I just reveled. Alright?"

"Yes darling."

I finished getting dressed and eat a quick breakfast before Greyfia appears in my kitchen.

"Sup Greyfia."

"Hello Michael. Are you ready?"

"Give me a second." I said as I walk past her to my beer frig. I take a 6 pack of Bud Light and put it in my storage.

"Now I'm ready."

Greyfia gave me a confused look before shaking her head and teleporting us to Sirzechs's Manor. Looking at the sky in the underworld, I know now why the devils waged a war with the other 2 factions. A bit gloomy here in the underworld. Greyfia leads me to a room with desk and 2 couches and a few chairs in it. I see Sirzechs in front of the desk but I was surprised at the others there. 2 Blond ladies with blue eyes and look almost identical with only difference is one is little bit taller than the other. Then a Black haired, pink eyed girl was standing next to the blonds. She has her hair tied in twin tails and is dressed in a magical girl outfit. Then I look at the 2 next to her, one man and another woman. They share the same features as Sirzechs and Rias but the woman's hair and eye color is different.

"Welcome Michael Barnes."

"I don't think I brought enough beer, heh heh." I said while scratching my head.

"That's ok. I would like to introduce you to some people here since they wanted to meet you."

The man with red hair was first.

"Hello Mr. Barnes. My name is Zeoticus Gremory and this is my wife, Venelana."

I shake Zeoticus's hand and then I tip my hat to Venelana.

"I take it that you're the current head of the Gremory house. It's a pleasure to meet both of you." I said to Zeoticus.

"You might as well call me mom soon, fufufu." Venelana said to me. I raise my eyebrow like The Rock at her.

"The lovely lady is Serafall Leviathan." Sirzechs said.

I tip my hat to Serafall.

"It's a pleasure to meet my future sister-in-law." I said to the Devil King.

"So-chan has told me a bit about you. What do you prefer? Barnes-chan or Mike-chan?" Serafall asked me.

"You can call me Barn-chan."

"And last but not least, this is Lady Phenex and her daughter, Ravel."

"It's a pleasure to meet the 2 of you. I would like to say this to the both of you. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to Riser in 9 days." I said while tipping my hat at the 2 ladies.

"That is why we're here." Lady Phenex said to me.

"And now, you can introduce yourself." Sirzechs said to me.

"My name is Michael Barnes, King of the Barnes Kingdom."

"KING?" the group of 5 yelled.

"Yes. Before you ask, I'm from another world and the reason I'm here is because I have a few missions to complete."