
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 71: Talking with Rias and Kuoh Academy

After standing there for a few seconds, I shake my head and walk over to my 5 wives. I kiss them and turn towards Rias, Gabriel, Baraqiel, Akeno, and Shuri.

"Everyone, let me introduce some of my wives even though Shuri already knows them. Mary, Sara, Lydia, Kara, and Michelle. They're here to help me. The rest of my wives will be coming later when I feel that it is safe for them."

Rias, Gabriel, Baraqiel, and Akeno went to meet them. After a few minutes, I pull Rias aside.

"We need to talk soon about Riser. Meet me in the study."

I walk away towards the kitchen to check the frig.. I noticed that I have 2 refrigerators in the kitchen. Who in the hell needs 2 refrigerators in the same kitchen unless you're a Saiyan which I'm not. I open the first frig and this stocked with food and milk. So I close it and then check the second frig and my mouth is opened in shock. BUD LIGHT AND LIVEWIRE! The old man really knows me! Hells to the fuck yeah. I grab a bottle of Bud Light and then it's off to the study.

A few minutes later...

I'm standing in front of the window, watch Gabriel leave through the front gate and I hear a knock.

"Come in."

Rias walks in with Akeno. I walk to one of the couches that's in the room and the two beauties sit on the other couch.

"So, has Riser been bugging you lately?" I asked Rias.

"He was until a few days ago. I have the feeling that he went to his father to have him arrange the marriage."

"I think that Lord Phenex will be seeing your father soon. If I would to guess, it could be in the next 5-7 days. And once Riser finds out that I'm here and going to Kuoh Academy, he'll start to turn up the pressure on you. He shows up, I'll be there to challenge him in a fight. He might try to bait you into a rating game but I'll put a stop to that."

"How?" asked Akeno.

"Let's just say that I know how to piss off a fire chicken, hahaha."

The girls giggle for a little bit before I continue.

"With that being said, I've got to help you build your team up."

I take a drink from the bottle of Bud Light as I go deep in thought.

"There is a nun that was kicked from her church and is coming here next week. That is a potential target as I heard that he has a Sacred Gear focused on healing. Just keep that in mind and also that I'll be at Kuoh Academy in a few days."

Rias and Akeno look at each other and nod and then back at me. I take another drink and light up a cigarette.

"Any questions?"

"Are you going to spend time with us at the club?"

"Yes, which means I need to meet your other members."

"Are you going to leave here once you deal with Riser?"

"No. I still have other things that I have to do after that."

"Can we spend tonight with you in your room?"

"No, Akeno. You just met me and you're already wanting to tease me?"

Akeno giggled.

"Rias, you can find a guest room on the third floor if you want to spend that night here."

"I'll do that."

"I got to talk to my wives in a little bit."

Akeno gets up and walks out of the room, however I could see she was swaying her hips as to try to seduce me with her ass. Not going to happen right now. Rias shook her head and then got up as I did.

"Thank you Michael."

"No problem. It's what I do Rias."

I head over to the door and walk out to head towards my room with Rias following. As I head into my bedroom, I look back and see Rias is opening the door closest to my bedroom. So she's going to be one room away. That's fine. It's not like the walls are paper thin. And I felt that there's a sound barrier around my room.

"Lydia, you and Kara need to keep an eye out for this person. She should show up next week." I told them as I had already printed out a picture of Asia.

"Mary, you and Sara will scout out Kuoh Academy. Remember ladies, stealth is key. I don't want anyone of you to be discovered."

"Yes darling." the 4 said in unison.

"Michelle, I'm going to need your help with the training room in the basement."

"Yes, my love." Michelle said before walking over to give me kiss. Then begin a fun night for me with my wives.

On the second floor...

"Well, how did it go?" asked Shuri.

"He's very straight forward about what he knows but as for getting him to fall for me, he's being stubborn." Akeno answered.

"In due time, he'll crack." Shuri said with a smile forming.

"He seems like he's going to end up with Rias Gremory. On the plus side, he already has multiple wives and the 5 that is here happen to be beauties so I have faith in you, daughter!" Baraqiel chimed in.

"I'll get him."

The next day...

After waking up, I went down to have breakfast before checking out the training room in the basement. I had cereal for the first time in years. Lucky Charms, got to love the marshmallows. Right when I put the bowl into the dish washer with the spoon, I see Rias walk into the kitchen.

"Top of the morning, Rias."

Rias looked at me confused before realizing that I'm part Irish. She laughed a little.

"Good morning."

Soon, Akeno and Shuri walk in. I see that they didn't seem to get a lot of sleep.

"Top of the morning, Shuri and Akeno."

"Morning Michael." Shuri said with a tired tone.

"What happened?"

"Father's snoring."

I started to laugh.

"It's not funny!" yelled Akeno. Serves you right for the stunt you pulled last night. Thinking that I'm easy since I have many wives is a bad way to go. I'll have to do something though because I need Akeno well rested for training purposes. Maybe have Azazel give him 5 day work weeks while he comes here for the weekends. I made some coffee so that will have to give her the pick me up she needs. I pour a cup and put some sugar and french vanilla creamer in with the coffee and use another spoon to stir it up. I take a drink and asked Rias what she and Akeno will be doing. As I already know, they said school.

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon." I added.

"What are you going to do today?" Rias asked.

"I'm going to check out my training room after you girls go to school. I won't be there all day as I do have to drop off some papers at Kuoh Academy and I might take a tour."

"Great! We'll see you there and I'll introduce you to the rest of my rook and knight. Maybe I'll interest you in a game of chess?"

"We'll see. I've got to prepare for the brewing storm that I'll be unleashing on hostile people of this world and the Underworld."


We continue to talk before the 2 girls went to school. I look at Shuri and asked if Baraqiel is still sleeping. She told me yes and I figured it was time to wake his lazy ass up. So I grab my phone and turned the volume all the way up and head towards the room that I set aside for the family. Yep, he was snoring loudly. I play "Reveille" while holding the phone up to his ear.



He jumps out of bed and falls face first on the floor. I start to laugh my ass off and Shuri started laughing too.

"What in heaven's name is going on?"

"Wake up call. My house, my rules. Besides, your snoring kept your daughter up all night so you need to figure something out or it's not going to be a good time for you here."

With that, I leave and see my wives walking into the kitchen to have breakfast. I sit down and we start talking about random topics. After they ate, I asked Michelle to come with me and the Sara asked if she could come alone. I told her, "Sure." We head to the basement as it was time to test out the training/gravity room. I told them to stay in the control room and watch to make sure that if things go south, to shut the gravity controls off. Good thing I read the manual in the study while I was waiting for Rias and Akeno last night. I show them how to work the controls and I put the gravity at 10 meaning 10 times the gravity of Earth.

I go back into the training room to get a feel and right away, I do feel it but I could have it turned up to 15. I tell Michelle to turn it up to 15 and she does. Perfect. I start doing push ups, sit ups, and shadow boxing. The training went on for about 2 hours before I called for the time being. I take a shower back in main bathroom and of course, my girls joined me for a little bit of fun. An hour and half later, I'm walking out the front door, dressed in my usual attire. My lucky hat, a black short sleeved pocket shirt, blue jeans, and steel toed boots. I have no beard and mustache. My wives haven't seen me like this before so they were shocked at how young I looked. I have the enrollment papers I need for the academy so I left and began walking towards Kuoh Academy. However, I knew I was being followed. I guess soon, I'll be meeting some rouge fallen angel as I knew that they could sense the Boosted Gear that wasn't showing on my right hand.

15 minutes later...

I'm walking the halls of Kuoh Academy. Nice school. As I'm making my way through, students were walking through the halls. I'm getting a lot of looks from them. I feel the lust from a lot of girls and the jealousy from the some of the boys. I find the office to see Rias and another girl standing there.

"Hello Rias. Is the principle going to be in soon?"

"Hello Michael. Yes, soon."

I look over to the other girl.

"Hello. My name is Michael Barnes and I'm a foreign exchange student from the United States."

I hold out my hand to shake her hand.

"Hello, I'm Sona Sitri and I'm the president of the student council."

She takes my hand and then the hand shake.

"Firm grip you got there, Sona. You're strong."

Her eyes light up.

"You can tell that with a hand shake?" she askes.

"Yes. I also observed your body language and your tone of voice."

She blushes. Just then, the principle walks in and I hand over my papers.

"Wow, I didn't think I was going to get such a tall boy in this school."

"To tell you the truth, I've been ducking a lot of doorways but it's no biggie. I'm used to it." I said as I shook the principle's hand.

"Usually, I require students here to wear the school's uniform but seeing that I don't have your size at this moment, I'll make an exception for your first 2 weeks."

"Thanks. I'm going to walk around to get my bearings in this school. "

The principle nods and hands me a schedule. I thank the principle and said my goodbyes to all three as I walk out the door. I start to find where all my classes are when I get bumped into but Akeno. I know it's a ploy but I'll entertain her for a bit.

"Hi. Can I help you?" Akeno asked with a smile.

"Oh, so we're playing the forgetful card?"

"Fufufu, I don't know what you mean. Are you starting tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'm just getting to know my schedule and where the classes are."

"Let me see."

I show Akeno my schedule and her face brightens. I think more hijinks and shenanigans from this girl are coming my way in the future.

"We'll be together most of the day. And the President too!"

"Good, I'll just follow Rias tomorrow."


"I'm joking. I'll be following the both of you." I said with a grin and a wink towards her. She blushes. In my mind, I hear Dave Chappelle's voice saying "Gotcha Bitch!"

I walk away from her as she's still trying recover. I walk outside as I hear a bunch of girls yelling and foot steps as I figured out that some one is being chased. Sure enough, 2 boys are running away from a group of girls. I already figured out what was going on as I stand still. They all was heading towards me. I yell, "STOP!" They all stop. The 2 boys look up as they stopped right in front of me. I look down.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked the girls.

"They just took photos of us in the girls locker room while changing." said one girl.

"Is that so?" I look at the 2 boys. "Give me the photos."

They hand me the photos. Polaroid camera, a relic from my childhood! Without looking at the photos, I hand them to one of the girls.

"Destroy the photos." I said. I then look back to the 2 boys.

"Well, let me tell you 2 boys something. From where I'm from, something like that would jet you jailed. Let me introduce myself. My name is Michael Barnes. I'm going to be her for the rest of the school year. And if any of these girls tell me that you little shits peep on them or any girl on this campus in that fact, I'll put BOTH of you 6 feet under! NOW SCRAM!"

The 2 boys quickly ran away. I turned to the girls and tipped my lucky hat towards them and walked away. As I walked away, I still sensed that I was being watched. Raynare, YOU'RE NEXT!