
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 64

I head back to tell my wives that the battle is over and to escort them to Mountain City to see the culture. Tetra followed me as she wanted to get to know me and to meet the rest of my wives. I get the feeling that I'm going to add another before I take down the Dark Lord. Along the way, I sensed an injured person or at least what I thought was an injured person. I hold up my hand and signaled for my soldiers to stop. I summoned my Glock on walk over to see who's injured. It turned out to be a succubus that was bleeding from a stab wound from her gut. She was trying to walk away but had fallen to her knees. I realized the she was in danger of loosing her life due to blood loss.

"Ma'am, stop trying to crawl away. I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to help." I said to her as she was trying to crawl away from me.

"You think I believe you? I'm your enemy!" she yelled at me.

"I believe that you're not here on your own accord. Also, I know I didn't cause your injury which looks pretty bad. Let me heal you." I said back.

I begin to treat her wound. She looks at me and I see that she has a familiar look about her.

"Do you have a sister named Luna?" I asked her while treating her wound. She looks at me with her eyes wide in shock.

"YES! You know her? How is she? Is her daughter with her?" she's begins to asks 20 questions. I cover her mouth to quiet her down.

"I'll answer your questions in bit but you need to stay still, I'm almost done healing your wound."

A couple of minutes later, the wound is completely healed. I try to help her up but due to the amount of blood she lost, she couldn't stand so I princess carry her back to where my troops were. I see my troops give me a puzzled looked as well as Sienna and Tetra. As soon as Tetra got a closer look, her eyes went wide.

"That's Miss Sarah, Miss Luna's sister!" she said out loud.

"I didn't catch her name but I figured that she's Luna's sister as she looks nearly identical to her."

I answered Sarah's questions when we started marching back to where my wives were at. She was happy to hear that Luna is now one of my wives as well as Lucy, her niece. I told her what happened when I rescued Luna and the Dark Lord knew about her sister's kidnapping. It took a whole day to get back to the port town as I saw my wives helping with the relief efforts. Luna saw me carrying her sister and rushed towards me.

"SARAH!" she shouted. Sarah saw her and asked me to put her down gently which I did. She regained enough of her strength to run towards her sister. They met each other half way and hugged. I saw tears of joy running down Luna's face.

"Thank you, Michael, for finding my sister." Luna said as she kissed me.

I did have a question that was bugging me since I found her and I decided to wait until now to ask.

"Sarah, how and why are you here?" I asked her.

"I found out what my ex brother-in-law was planning here as I didn't want the non-aggression pact to be broken. I left a day before the invasion force left and I thought I had time to warn the people here on Dragon Island. Unfortunately, the invasion force had faster ships and arrived 30 minutes after I did. Soon, I was running for my life towards Mountain City and one of the 5 demons caught up to me and wounded me." she explained her story.

"And then I found you on the way back after wiping the Dark Lord's forces." I added.

"Yes. You saved me. And brought me here to be reunited with my sister." she said with tears in her eyes.

"Not just with your sister but your niece as well." I told her as I spotted Lucy out of the corner of my eye.

Lucy walked closer as she didn't know what was going on. As soon as she saw Sarah, she ran towards us.

"AUNT SARAH!" she yelled. She was crying. I started to get choked up with this reunion happening in front of me. Lucy hugged her aunt. All three ladies cried. It was a happy time. The rest of my wives gathered around to what was going on. I explained what happened with the battle and the legend of Arthur and Excalibur. I continued with how I own this island and introduced Tetra to the Sisterhood of my wives. Yuna was the first to hug Tetra and all the ladies introduced themselves. They all started to talk as I snuck off to use my phone to call God.

"Hello god, been a while."

"Yes my child. Congrats on your victory at Dragon Island. I have a few things to tell you.

"What is it?"

"The M82 Barrett is yours now. Second, I changed you into a high human so you can have immortality. Your wives also have immortality. Though the you and your wives have immortality, it's not total immortality so you and your wives could die if you or them receive a lethal wound. Last, I added a transformation for you that can only activate when your rage reaches a certain point. You won't loose your reasoning but you will be stronger and faster for a certain time."


"I know my child. I made you my champion now. Now finish what you started. Go defeat the Dark Lord. I have a surprise after the final battle."

"I will after I train my new troops now that I own Dragon Island."

"Ok my child. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye God."

I end the call a summoned the Barrett. I love this gun. I remember watching Demolition Ranch on Youtube and seeing it in action. Very powerful gun that uses the .50 caliber BMG round with a 10 round magazine. The effective range is 2'000 yards. A sniper rifle that can reach out and really leave a huge hole (If that). I go tell my wives the good news and they all mob me with kisses and hugs. Not worrying about their own mortality is good. And they can still have kids. It takes a couple of minutes to calm everyone down before I tell them that we're going to Mountain City as I want to spend some time there train the recruits to the BAA and do some sight seeing with my wives. My wives all get ready to go and my troops follow their orders. I decided to have 2,000 soldiers stay behind to help with the relief effort and to guard the port town. I also sent a ship back to Freedomville to give the message to build another seaside town on the coast.

The next day...

We arrive at the gates of Mountain City as Thomas was waiting for us. Thomas led me and my wives as well as Sarah and the battle maids to the Elder Hall to meet all the elders as well as his wife. As I walk in, I see a woman with black hair and brown eyes. She stands at 5'5" and has a nice figure. She must be Thomas's wife.

"Hello ma'am." I said.

"Hello, you must be the man that my husband Thomas, has told me about. My name is Zelda. I see Tetra has taking a liking to you too." said Zelda as she also saw her daughter, Tetra walking in behind me.

"She has. My name is Michael Barnes. I'm the Mad Dog King of the Barnes Kingdom and the lead commander of the Barnes Alliance Army. I heard about the legend of Arthur and Excalibur."

"Yes, I see that you're the current owner of Excalibur. Can I see the sword of legend?" Zelda asked.

I unsheathe Excalibur and show Zelda. She and all the elders kneel.

"HAIL TO THE TRUE DRAGON KING!" all the elders said. I tell everyone to get up. I see Eric enter the room.

"I would like to walk are the city to do some sight seeing." I said.

Eric and Tetra told me that they will be our guides for today. I walk with them and my wives and Sarah follow me. We're shown to the inns, the restaurants, the shops, etc. I was quite surprised about how clean this city looked. I then sensed trouble in the slums. I take off running until I get to a group of adults that surrounded a young child. I decide to hide my presence as I want to find out what is going on here.

"Hehe, looks like we got a new slave to work. When she grows up, she'll work out real nicely as our own personal plaything." I hear one of the men say. With that, I was quite pissed off. Then I had an idea. This is a perfect time to try out my new rage mode, which I called Mad Dog mode.

"So, you want to make this child into a slave then a plaything when she grows up? Not when I'm here, fuckers!" I said as I made my presence known.

"Who are you?" asked one of the men.

"MAD DOG BARNES!!!" I shout as I feel my rage power me up. I see all the men start to panic.

"The Mad Dog King is here!, RUN!!!!!!" another man shouts.

"WHO SAID THAT YOU CAN? I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!!" I yell as I punch the first man in the group. His head explodes into a red mist. I go to the next one and the same thing happens. In a matter of seconds, 10 headless bodies are on the streets. I calm down and walk over to the little girl.

"What's your name, little girl?"


"What a cute name. Where are your parents?"

"I have none. My mom died when she gave birth to me and my dad died yesterday when that gang beat him up. I ran away from them and thought I got away. But they found me."

"And then I found you. Say, would you like from me to take care of you as your new dad? And you'll have lots of moms. Also, you'll have lots of little brothers and sisters to play with when they grow up a little bit. So what do you say?"

She didn't say a word. She just hugged me as I picked her up. I turn around to see Eric, Tetra, Sarah, and my wives standing there. Before I could say anything, Jazmine looked at me and said, "Daddy." I see the shock faces of Eric and Tetra. I explained the situation to everyone as I set Jazmine down. What she did next shocked me. She ran up to Yuna and hugged her and called her mommy. Then she went to the rest of my wives and hugged each of them and called them mommy too. She even did it to Tetra and Sarah. Ah fuck. I knew I was going to add Tetra to my harem but I didn't know if I was going to add Sarah. Looks like I might have to now.