
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 61

I breathe in the fresh sea air. Something I remember during my previous life on Earth was when I was living in California and went to Pismo Beach to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time. It wasn't very sunny on that day but today, no clouds in the sky. I would say it's a great day to set sail but I didn't know one thing would make this trip to Dragon Island miserable. Motion sickness, AKA sea sickness. God gave me a well built body but this is the first time I've been on a both in both of my lives. I didn't know I would get sea sick. I'm hugging the railing as my wives are enjoying the weather. Jen sees me and walks over to me.

"Michael, are you alright?"

"No, I'm getting sea sick."

Jen puts her hand on my forehead and closes her eyes. I feel a warmth go through my body and I start to feel a lot better.

"Jen, what did you do?"

"I used a spell I learned from Michelle. I think it's called Cure."

"Thank you Jen. I would kiss you but I need to brush my teeth."

"It's ok Michael. I'm just glad to help."

Now that I'm feeling good enough to stop hugging the railing of the ship. I decide to head to the bathroom to brush the vomit taste out of my mouth. I come back up to enjoy the nice weather with my wives. I talk about my first time seeing the ocean on Earth and a few other stories. The sun starts to set as we have our first dinner on the ship. I made sure to have some good cooks on all the ships as well as enough food to last a couple of months though the trip would only take 10 days. We all enjoy the meals and head to our room. We have a little fun and fall asleep. Jen's head is on my chest, playing with my chest hair. I nod off soon after.

Morning came as I hear a bell rings. Jen opens her eyes and gets up. I follow her out of bed. The rest of the wives are sleeping. Jen looks over towards me.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know but I can rule out an iceberg though. Stay here, I'll go investigate the matter."

"Ok, Michael. Be careful."

We kiss and then I head up on deck. I see the captain.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

"I'm missing a crew member."

I have a feeling that I know the reason. I use my senses and find a few life forms in the water. They're all female and part fish. Mermaids.

"Captain, have you heard the tales about the sea?"

"I have but what does that have to do about this?"

"Mermaids. 3 of them circling our ship since we're the lead ship. Order the men to get a net and to stay away from the rails."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The sailors get a net from the cargo hold and tie 3 ropes to it. They throw the net into the water and hand me the end of the ropes since I'm the strongest on the ship. I feel a tug and start pulling on the ropes. I know that I caught something big. I feel more tugging and I use my senses to see if I caught more than 1 mermaid and I didn't. But the 1 i did caught was trying to get away and her friends was trying to help. I continue to pull my catch up out of the water until the net was hanging on the side of the ship. The mermaid was still struggling but my grip is still top notch. I finally get the mermaid over the railing and on the deck. The sailors start to surround her with swords drawn.

"STOP!" I yelled at the sailors.

"Why should we? She killed one of our mates." one sailor said.

"Yeah, she needs to pay!" said another sailor.

"Mother fuckers, you want to disobey an order from me?" I said with my killing intent starting to leak out towards the 2 sailors.

"No Your Majesty. We're sorry." one of the 2 sailors said.

I smell piss and sure enough, one of the 2 sailors pissed himself whemn he felt my killing intent.

"Go change yourself." I told the sailor.

As soon as he left and the sailors put their swords away, I walk over to the mermaid.

"Can you still communicate with your sisters from up here?"

"The mermaid looks around before she answers back in a shaky voice.


"Can you tell them to go back to their queen and tell her that I want to meet her. Tell them that I'm the Mad Dog King of the Barnes Kingdom, ruler of the entire Western Continent, and I'll release you when she comes."

"Y-Yes. I'll tell them now."

I use my senses and sense them circling the ship. They stop and then leave. The mermaid that I caught looks at me.

"They said that it will be 30 minutes until they get to the Queen."

"Thank you."

I wait besides the mermaid for an hour. Nothing is said between us for 15 minutes until I noticed her stomach is growling. I ask for a steak for her and I ask her how she wanted her steak prepared. She looks at me funny until she blurts out "Raw." One of the sailors goes and gets a raw steak on a plate and hands it to me. I hand her the plate with a knife and a fork. She takes the steak with her hands and bites into it. She smiles. Hospitality goes a long way to earn trust with anyone. She eats the steak and looks at me.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

5 minutes later, my wives come up on the deck and see the mermaid. I explain the situation. They all decide to talk with the mermaid as the mermaid is showing no fear towards my wives. They talk for nearly the rest of the time until I sensed 3 females circling the boat.

"She's here!" the mermaid told me and I look over the railing. A big mermaid jumps out of the water and lands on the deck. She is beautiful. Blonde hair, blue eyes, F cup chest size and she is bigger than anyone on the ship except me. The Queen of the Mermaids is a sight to behold. She looks at me.

"Release my daughter, human!" she said with a serious tone.

I look at the mermaid that I caught.

"Are you ready to return to your home?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm starting to dry out."

I pick her up and walk her to the railing. I drop her over the side and she hits the water. She then looks at me when her head comes out of the water.

"I know you're waiting for your mother, give her 15 minutes as I want to talk to her." I said loudly to the mermaid. She nods her head. I then walk back towards the Queen.

"My name is Michael Barnes, the Mad Dog King of the Barnes Kingdom. I would like to ask you to tell the other mermaids not to entice or lure anymore of my men to their deaths as I'm about to wage war against the Dark Lord for the fate of not only the land of this world but your sea as well." I said.

"So, you're the Mad Dog King. I've heard the reports from my daughters and their reports paint you in a light as a heroic but brutal king. And I didn't know any human to be as tall as you. I am sorry as my daughters have caused an inconvenience I will make sure that my daughters won't cause any more touble for your ships. And I will have to compensate the loss of one of your men somehow. Name your terms."

I think for a bit then I asked," Can you turn your fish tail into legs?"

"I can. I can also turn any of my daughters' fish tails into legs as well." she answers.

"How about this, tomorrow, come back so we can talk. I feel that I would like to know you better and the situation with you and your daughters when it comes with food. And before you ask me on how I know, let me tell you that I fed your daughter a raw steak earlier when I heard her stomach growl."

The Queen looked stunned but then smiled.

"I would love to have a conversation with you. I will be back tomorrow then."

"Ok, it's settled."

The queen looks around and then looks down. She then looks at me, her cheeks turning red.

"Could you do me a favor since you're the strongest one here. Could you drop me into the water like you did with my daughter?"

"Sure. I can do that."

I walk up to her and pick her up. She wraps her arms around my neck so she has stability. I walk over to railing and drop her over the side of the ship. She lands in the water besides her daughter. She then looks out of the water.

"I look forward to tomorrow!" She says loudly.

"We do too," my wives shout back in unison.

I use my senses to make sure that the Queen and her daughters leave. I head back to my room with my wives and get ready for bed. I lay down with Iris on my chest, playing with my chest hair. Well, looks like I'm going to have sweet dreams tonight.