
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 55

I'm back in the castle with Joe. I look at him.

"So what now, King Joe?"

"I don't know, Barn. It's a lot to take in. I know that sending the slaves that we just rescued to your kingdom is the right choice since you have the staff to take care of their needs. But what if there are more? We still got the lands of the other 2 nobles to search. And what about their families?"

"I'm already ahead of you. I sent some of the BAA soldiers to the other 2 nobles lands and told them to search the lands and to tell any family members there to come here. Are you glad to have a brother like me?"

"Somebody has a growing ego."

"I don't have an ego."

"Anyways, to answer your question. Yes, I'm glad to have a brother like you."

We fist bump each other.. I head to one of the guest rooms that I set aside for me and my group. I walk in and see Lucy, her mother, Priscilla, Sara, and Kate sitting at a table, talking and laughing.

"Such a sight to see that everyone is getting along."

They all look at me and run towards me to hug me. I feel the warmth from the hugs and it feels great.

"So what happened at the noble's house?" asked Lucy.

I told them all about what happened. The warehouse, the slaves. what I did to the 3 nobles. Their reaction went from happy to sad to anger to happy again. I look at Lucy's mother.

"Ma'am. I'm sorry it took this long to ask you this question but what's your name?" I asked her.

"My name is Luna Darkfall. Queen of the Darkfall Empire and mother of Lucy Darkfall." Luna said.

"Luna, such a lovely name for a beautiful woman."

"Fufufu, thank you young man. I wonder if you're trying to win me over by charming me with that silver tongue of yours." Luna said with a smile.

"Maybe I am." I said to her.

"Michael, you seem like you're very confident today." said Priscilla.

"Yes, I got a little bit of swagger in me." I replied. I almost forgot on what I was going to talk to Luna about.

"Luna, how are you feeling now?" I asked Luna.

"I feel like I'm ok now but I'm still dealing with some of the dreadful memories from the last 4 years. The crown prince was really cruel and abusive. The torture, the beatings, the mind games. If it wasn't for Miranda and Ariana, I would have died a long time ago. They were truly kind and saved me countless times." Luna told me before tears started to fall from her eyes. Lucy hugged Luna and started to cry with her. I hugged the both of them.

"It's over Luna. I will help you and Lucy no matter what." I told them.

Then there was a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and open it. It's Miranda.

"Hello Miranda. Nice to see you." I said.

Now that all of the action has died down and I have the time to look at the older princess, all I can say is DAMN! Miranda has long, platinum blonde hair, a big chest, beautiful face. She's a full figured woman at 5'3". Her eyes were a turquoise color.

"King Barnes?"

"Please call me Michael."

"Ok, Michael. I have a serious question to ask you."


"Can I come with you?"

"If that is what you want to do, I'm not going to say no. Just know this though. You could be in danger at anytime so I hope you know how to defend yourself."

"I know how to handle myself in battle. I'll have you know that I'm a mage." Miranda pouted. Too cute.

"Ok Miranda. I like to welcome you to my group."

Then there was another knock at the door. My my, aren't I the popular one. I walk over to the door and open it. There stands Wanda.

"Michael, I-" Wanda begins but I cut her off.

"You want to join me?"

"How did you know?" Wanda was shocked. I then looked over to Miranda.

"Princess Miranda? Are you going to join Michael too?" asked Wanda.

"Yes Wanda. I want to see how he rules and help him in his battles." replied Miranda.

"Interesting. I hope to apply my skills in battle as well." said Wanda.

Wanda then spotted Kate, Sara, and Priscilla. I saw that she spotted them.

"Let me introduce you to 3 of my wives. Wanda, meet Kate, Sara, and the queen of the Dark Elves, Priscilla."

Wanda bowed and introduced herself to my wives. They bowed too. then the girls all went to the table to talk to each other. I left the room for a bit to check on my brother. I went to the throne room and saw Joe sitting there with Ariana, Opal, and Xenia standing right beside him. He was talking to 2 ladies. Must be the other 2 nobles significate others. I walk in and the 2 ladies turned around. The look in their eyes was not what I expected. Instead of sorrow or hate, I saw a wow look and curious look. Both were beautiful and elegant with a hint of nobility to them.

"I hope I wasn't intruding on anything." I said.

"No, Barn. I was explaining to these ladies what happened earlier. I also have some news about more slave that these 2 ladies' fiancés had on their lands. I have a total count of 100 slaves that were found. These ladies didn't know about the sins that their fiancés committed. I'm sending the slaves over to your kingdom to receive treatment. However, these ladies would like to talk to you. So you came with great timing."

"Is that so? Well, what would you like to know?"

The ladies walked up to me. I saw the look in their eyes. I knew the look. Fan girls gave me that look before. Nina also gave me that look when I first met her.

"Before you ask anything, may I have your names?"

"My name is Trista." the one on the right said. She was another stunning bombshell of a woman. Strawberry blonde hair that was put up in a bun. Green eyes like emeralds. She was 5'4".

"And I'm Amber." The one on the left said. She, also was a total looker. She stood at 5'1" with black hair that was shoulder length and she had light brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Trista and Amber. You may know me as the Mad Dog King of the Barnes Kingdom but you can call me Michael." I said as I bowed.

"We were wondering if we could spar with you for a few minutes." asked Amber.

I'll admit that I totally didn't expect that. It took me a few seconds to register the request.

"Sure, I won't use my guns in this spar nor will I use Excalibur."

"We won't use any weapons either." said Trista.

"All 4 of us will watch this fight." Joe said with his 3 girls bodding with him in agreement.

"Is it alright to spar right here?" asked Amber.

"I don't care." said Joe.

I get ready and set my stance. The 2 beauties stretched out and got in their stance. Then I said, "Show me what you both got!"

The two lovely ladies charge at me at the same time and throw punches towards me. I block everyone of them. Amber tries a leg sweep but I jump up. At the same time, Trista throws a punch towards my gut but I block it. They continue to try to find an opening in my defense for a minute when I notice that they're both getting tired. I take advantage of their fatigue and push them both away and do a quick leg sweep on Trista. She goes down and then I head over towards Amber and pick her up on my shoulders and do a Samoan Drop. I quickly get up as I see Trista is about to get up on her feet. I head over to her and pick her up on my shoulders. I do a powerslam.

"Let's stop for now." I said. The two ladies nod their heads.

"You both had a good strategy to attack me at the same time. If it was anyone else, you both would have won. But you both need to understand something. You both left yourselves open to be pushed away. I'm impressed and wonder where you both learned how to fight?"

Trista replied, "We took lessons from our fathers. Both of our fathers were adventurers and quite good fighters in their prime. But they pasted away a few years ago."

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's ok." Amber said as I help her up. I then help Trista up. I look at both of them as I got an idea.

"If you both want, how about I teach the both of you some of my fighting style and train the both of you?"

They both look at each other then look at me. Trista replied, "We accept!"

I thank both ladies and they leave. I look towards my brother. "Well, that was something." I said. "Yeah, well, it's getting late. I'm going to head to my room with these three beauties. I'll see you tomorrow Barn."

"Yeah, don't have too much fun, Joe."

I head back to the guest room and everyone there was ready to head to bed. I got to meet with that poor man tomorrow. I have a feeling I'm going to get into a fight when I meet him. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Author's note.

Hey everyone. I'm sorry for the wait on this chapter but I've been busy with work and then my son tested positive for Covid. I hope to release more chapters as the end of this book is coming soon.