
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 49

(Author's Note)

Big changes happened a couple of days ago as I now have a job. Though this means that I won't be able to put out as many chapters as I used to do, I will try to put out a chapter a day. If I have the weekend off, I'll try to put out 2-3 chapters. Plus as some of you here in the U.S. know, football is around the corner which means for me, fantasy football is around the corner. I'll be trying to win my 4th championship in my own league in 5 years but I won't be taking a step back from this story that I'm working on. I greatly appreciate the ones that took the time to read my work and for those who put this work on your collections, I'm very thankful towards you. I hope that some of you might help me with power stones but that's only if you want. No pressure. If anyone has any comments, please feel free to comment and I'll try my best to answer you as soon as I can. With that being said, it's time for me to get back to work.

I said my good byes to Garth, William, and Beth as I told William to sent 500 BAA soldiers to Silverton to help reinforce the city guards there. Priscilla, Opal, and Xenia followed me back to Barnes Castle via teleportation and to my throne room.

"So this job you want me to do., what is it?" I asked.

"Well, as you know that regular elves and dark elves are different with their traditions on marriage and offspring. Regular elves can marry anyone and offspring from a human and elves parents produce half elves. Dark elves are mostly female and are very picky on their mates. Some male dark elves have managed to leave the kingdom only to hear that they have married human females. I inquired about the offspring and to my surprise, all offspring come out human but a little stronger with magic. However, some female dark elves have had human mates and only produced dark elf offspring with no change."

"And what does this have to do with me?"

"I have been doing my research on you. I have heard many interesting things and after see what you can do first hand, I'm wanting you to help me with an experiment but in the history of my race, no one has mated with a reincarnated person."

I sighed as I close my eyes and put my right index finger and thumb on the bridge of my nose. Here I thought it was a job and here it's just to have me as a sperm donor. The nerve of this woman.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to have sex with you to knock you up for an experiment to see if our baby will be stronger or have other changes? I don't fucking think so. I don't know what you have learned but I don't fuck on the first day. And as beautiful as you and your bodyguards look, looks isn't everything. I just met you and until this time to sit with you, I didn't know what kind of personality you have. This would be a bad first impression towards me. I hope you have something better to talk about or you can head back to your kingdom."

She looked shocked at my words. Her bodyguards never heard anyone talk to their queen in the way that I just did so they too was shocked.

"I'm sorry, Michael. It's just that I'm...." Priscilla said with tears starting to form in her eyes.

I interrupted her, "Look, I understand that you might have been doing what it best for your race and your people but you can't be that desperate to find the strongest mate, no matter what race that mate belongs to, and literally jump his bones. I feel there's an underlying reason for this desperation of yours."

"She looked at me and nodded.

"I got word of the Dark Lord wanting to find me and mate with me. There is a prophecy that if the queen of the Dark Elves and the Dark Lord were to mate that the offspring would end the world. I have done everything to hide from the Dark Lord but some how, he found the hidden castle that I was living in a week ago and he sent a message by a letter that he was coming for me. Michael, I don't want to be a part of this prophecy. I just want to be live in this world with worrying about that thing hovering over my head. I love this world and I want to everything to protect it."

And there it is. I am good at getting answers when people are vague on giving me details. I knew it had to do with the Dark Lord but this is pretty serious. I think I need some insight for the old man from above.

"Priscilla, let me talk to somebody about this." I said as I pull out my phone. I get God on the phone.

"Hello my child."

"Hey God, can you come here for a moment? We got to talk about something."

"I'll be there in a moment with a guest."

"A guest?"

"My child, you would know this guest very well but you will find out."

All of a sudden, a blinding light comes out of no where . I shield my eyes. Priscilla and her bodyguards does the same. The starts to to fade as I see two men standing in my throne room. I recognize both of them. One is God but the other took me by surprise.

"It's been so long, Barn!"



"JOE!" I shout. Tears start to fall from my eyes.

I see my younger brother standing in front of me. I have missed him so much. We were born 2 years and three months apart. He was my closest friend. Back in 2004, he was living with my mom when he was killed in a car accident while I was in basic training in the Army. I was in a deep depression for 6 months. I still have moments where I think about Joe and get sad since I can't see him anymore until now.

"So, how about them Browns, bro?" I said to him to try to rib him as he is a Steelers fan.

"Fuck you Barn." he quipped back with a smile.

"Michael, who are these two?"

"Priscilla, this is God and the other guy is my younger brother, Joseph Petak."

"It's nice to meet you both."

"The pleasure is all mine, my child."

"It's nice to meet such a beautiful um? Barn, help me out."

"Bro, she's a dark elf."

"Dark elf. Ha ha. Um. yeah." Joe said nervously. I chuckled.

"Ok Michael, my child. What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Priscilla just told me about a prophecy concerning her and the Dark Lord. Is it legit?"


I frowned. Joe saw my expression.

"Well, is there any way to make the prophecy to not be carried out?"

"There are 3 ways. One. Priscilla dies before mating with the Dark Lord. Two, The Dark Lord dies before Priscilla. Three, Priscilla would have to lose her virginity to you as the prophecy does state that the Queen of the Dark Elves would lose her virginity to the Dark Lord and become pregnant on the same night. Whose are the only ways to break the prophecy."

I look at Priscilla. She looks at me at the same time.

"Well, ain't that some shit!" I said.

"Well Barn, looks like you're going to get lucky." Joe jokingly said.

"God, I have another question. Why is my brother with you?"

"Oh Barn, you're going to like this one."

"My child, I'm going to put him on this world to help you out with some of your kingly dut-"

"No need but I do need him for something." I interrupted God.

"What do you need me for, Barn?"

"I want you come with me to the Southern Continent to visit the other 4 kingdoms there."

"Right now?"

"Not right now, in a month. I still got to get production started for the muskets and start making a prototype of the 1878 Winchester rifle."

"Damn Barn, you trying to make yourself busy?"

"Well. I got to protect my family. I have many wives and that means lots of kids. And now I'm about to add to my harem." I said then looked over to Priscilla. Priscilla blushed when she heard that.

"Well Barn, I'll help but I got to get the old guy to make me taller and stronger."

"Yes, my child. I'm going to give you the same wishes that your oldest brother made."

"Just don't make me as tall as him. 6'2" is fine."

"Bro, only a foot taller than you was on Earth?"

"Yes. I don't want to hit my head going into short buildings."

"I haven't hit my head yet."

"The key word is yet."

Joe begins to grow and becomes 6'2". He focuses and summons the same Glock that I have before he makes it disappear.

"Cool, I'm going to have some fun with this summoning guns thing."

"Joe, you have no idea how fun it is." I said to him.

"Well Michael, my child. I must go. Take care and look after Priscilla."

"I will."

With that, God fades away and I see Joe talking with Priscilla's 2 bodyguards. Looks like he hasn't missed a beat. He was always a lady killer. I look at Priscilla and said to her, "I now have a reason to protect you as you are now a part of my family. The Dark Lord doesn't dare try anything with me or he'll be in a one sided ass whooping."

Priscilla smiled and hug me. I look at my brother. He looks at me, We both give each other a thumbs up. What a day it has been.