
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 43

Looking for a good restaurant, the 4 of us was walking down the street. Spotting a restaurant, I signal to the 3 ladies to fallow me. I walk in with them following and ask for a table of 4 in a private room or booth. Luckily they have a private room. I tell the girls to order what they like. I have no budget. Perks of being a king. We take our seats and then the waitress hands us menus. I order a water. I wish they would have Mountain Dew. I also ask for an ashtray and I get a confused look from the waitress. I told her to never mind. She left to get drinks. I look at Kate and then at Zaya.

"I hope you two understand that even though some of the members of the Shadow Guild were friends of yours in the past, they're enemies now so I hope you both understand that you may have to kill them if they get in our way." I said.

"I have no problem with that but if they want to join our side, what do I do?" Kate asked.

"Let me handle that when we come to that bridge." I replied.

"I have some friends that were in the boat that I was in. They might join us. Kate you should know them." Zaya added.

"We'll be attacking HQ in 4 days so the next 2 days, Zaya, you need to find them and recruit them." I said.

I see the waitress coming back with our drinks. Then we ordered our food. I ordered a steak, medium well. The waitress walks away.

"Kate, is there anyone that could pose a problem at HQ?"

"The only ones that I think that would pose a problem are the 3 necromancers. I ran into them a year ago during a mission and I don't want anything to do with them. They give me the creeps!" Kate shivered when she mentioned the necromancers. I don't like necromancy. I believe the dead should stay dead. Even if one of wives died, I won't search for a way to bring them back to life because of the the balance of life and death would be upset and it's harder to bring someone back to life since the soul is already gone either to heaven or hell. That makes the undead dangerous. They have no soul so they have no reasoning except when it comes to necromancy. The reviver has control of the undead that they revive. So taking out the necromancers is top priority.

"Besides the necromancers, anyone else?"

"Guild master and the vice guild master are tough for us. But you're easily way stronger and faster." Zaya said.

"I call dibs on those two and the necromancers." I said.

Just before the girls could ask what dibs was, the waitress came with the food. The steak was cooked to perfection. We ate and I paid the bill then we left to find an inn. I asked some of the locals on the location of the best inn in the city. They told me where it was located and a little later, we were in front of an inn call The Golden Leaf.

We walk in and get the best room they have. As soon as we get to the room, I get cleaned up and ready for bed. The girls went and got cleaned up after I was done. I was already in bed when they joined me. Even Zaya was in the bed. She was to my right and Kate was to my left. Sara was on my chest, playing with my chest hair which put me to sleep quick. I was sleeping when I was awakened by movement on my right. Zaya must be having a nightmare because she was tossing and turning and saying no in her sleep. I gently wake her and she shot up in the bed.

"Zaya, are you ok?" I asked.

"I was having a nightmare about what happened to me in the Shadow Guild when I first joined." she replied in a shaky voice.

Kate and Sara woke up and I explained what happened. The bed was plenty big enough to fit at least 10 people in it. So both Kate and Sara slept side by side on my left and I embraced Zaya who was on my right still.

"Nothing bad is going to happen to you from now on, Zaya. I'm here to protect you." I whispered into her ear. She looks at me and smiles.

"I made the right choice to join you. For the first time in a long time. I feel safe. Thank you." Zaya whispered back. I kiss her on her forehead and close my eyes.

Morning is here and I open my eyes to find my bed empty but the 3 girls was getting dressed.

"What a lovely view!" I said after sitting up in the bed. I see that I'm getting looked at by the 3 and then they pounce me. A good morning indeed.

1 hour later...

I'm ready to start the day after me and the girls had a little bit of fun. Zaya and Kate went to the Shadow Guild to see if they can recruit some of the more abused members to join us. Meanwhile, Sara and I went to see the city's lord to warn him about the Shadow Guild and the Dark Lord. As we're heading to the lord's mansion, I see something out of the corner of my eyes and it pissed me off. A slave trader had a couple of tents set up and I see a few rich nobles enter one of the tents. I head over there and Sara followed.. Although she doesn't know what's going to happen, she has an idea as she felt my emotions from time to time.

My views on slavery is that it is something that shouldn't exist. It's the way I have always felt about it. Seeing this pissed me off. So I had to investigate this so I know how I going to handle this. I enter the first tent and it was filled with human men. The second had human women. The third had beast kin. Some of the potential slave was as young as 6 year old. I see the slave trader and walk up to him.

"Hi there young man. is there anyone here that catches your eye?" said the slave trader. I punch him in the jaw and then summoned my Glock. He stands up and I put my Glock up to his forehead.

"Listen to me you fucking bastard. You're going to give me ALL of these slaves and you're going to find something else to sell or I'll send you hell right now!" I told him with a serious look on my face. The nobles that was checking out the slaves saw this and hauled ass out of there.

"O-Ok. T-They're yours!" the scared slave trader said. He then hauled ass out of there. I got in to all the tents and tell everyone to follow me. We all head to the teleportation room. I counted 87 people. I'll take them to my kingdom. The guards wanted to stop me but when they saw the seriousness in my face. they backed off. We teleport back to my castle and I asked one of the servants to get Ann. A few minutes later, Ann walks up to me.

"I see you came back, Your Majesty." Ann said then she looked behind me.

"Ann, I need to help these people get houses in Austin. Any kids that have no parents can stay here for the moment." I told her.

I turned around and looked at all the former slaves.

"My name is Michael Barnes and I'm the Mad Dog King of the Barnes Kingdom. I brought you all here to free you from slavery. This woman here is Ann and she's here to help you." I told them in a loud voice. When they heard that, I saw a lot of happy faces and some were shocked. I went back and teleported back to Silverton and met up with Sara again.

We finally made it to the city lord's mansion. I stand at the gate and see a guard.

""Can you tell your lord that King Barnes of the Barnes Kingdom is here to see him?" I asked the guard.

The guard goes and a few minutes later, he comes back with an old man that has a long white beard and long white hair. That must be the city lord. Something straight out of a Chinese cultivation novel. Never thought much of those novels. Just sit and get strong without doing any work then offed somebody and their whole family including their ancestors come after you. Give me a break. Like that would ever happen in reality. Yet again, I got reincarnated here so stranger things has happened. The city lord comes up to greet me and Sara.

"Greetings, Your Majesty and young Mrs.. I'm the city lord of Silverton. You can call me Chen." Chen said with a bow.

"And you may call me Michael. This is Sara, one of my wives." I replied.

"So what brings you here to meet me?" asked Chen.

"The Shadow Guild plans to open a portal to bring the Dark Lord's forces to the Southern Continent." I said to Chen.

Chen's eyes got wide when he heard what I said.

"This is a bad situation. I must send for soldiers from the 3 beast kin kingdoms." Said a worried Chen.

"No need. I'll be attacking the HQ of the Shadow Guild in 3 days."

"Still, I need to send a report to all 5 kingdoms on the continent." Said Chen. I know he has a duty to keep all kingdoms informed about anything that would be a threat to this continent.

"I do have a question, Chen." I said.

"Ask away Michael."

"Is slavery allowed here in Silverton?"

"I tried to stop that practice for the last 35 years. That's how long I've been the city lord here. The lack of guards here make it tough and the Shadow Guild makes it tougher."

"I see. Thank you for your time. I must take my leave."

"Come visit again when you can, Michael. And nice meeting you, Sara." Chen said as we walked away. So they need more guards to patrol the streets. I might have an idea to help snuff out slavery in Silverton. A small force from the BAA will do. Around 500 soldiers should be enough. But that will have to wait until I destroy the Shadow Guild. We head back to the inn to wait for Kate and Zaya.