
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 41

It's morning and I awaken to a beautiful cat girl in my arms. Kate slowly open her eyes and looked at me smiling. I give her a kiss and smile back.

"Good morning beautiful." I said to her.

"Good morning Michael, my love." Kate answered back.

"You feel well rested?"

"Yes. How about you?"

"I feel reenergized and ready to take on the Shadow Guild."

"You know Michael, I could get used to this feeling of warmth and love."

"I know."


"Yes babe?"

"Please take good care of me from now on."

"Always! We got to get up and get ready."


We get out of bed and clean up. I got dressed and lit up a cigarette. Today is the day that the Shadow Guild will experience the Mad Dog King's wrath. I get a message from God on my phone.

"Hello my child. I see you're growing your harem. I have some news for you since I also know that you're going after the Shadow guild."

"Well, you are the one above all so I knew you would know about the Shadow Guild. But this is the first time you said anything about what I'm about to do in any form of our conversations before." I texted back.

"I know but this will have some risks so I decided to help you thru your partners."

"What do you mean? You going to gift them something?"

"Yes. I'm going to gift them a micro Uzi with the same unlimited ammo and no reload capabilities as your guns. But only the 2 that are going with you right now."

"Well, looks like I got to teach gun safety then."

"I know you can do that, my child. Text me when you're ready for them to receive their gifts."

"Will do."

I put away my phone just as Kate was done getting dressed. I told her that we got to get Sara. We head out of the room and find Sara who was in the kitchen making that awesome 'Bomb Ass' breakfast. I got a plate and so did Kate. I watch Kate take her first bite and she looked like she was in heaven. Every time. I then tell them about my texted and pull out my phone to show them what was said. I texted God to tell him that they were ready and a light flashed in their right hands. Just like that, both girls was holding a micro Uzi. They were shocked at the weapon. I now know that these 2 girls just became the most deadliest females in this world.

Uzis in general are iconic guns made in Israel for their Armed Forces but lots of other countries have used them including the U. S.. They are capable of a fire rate of 600 rounds p/m. Mini Uzis can fire 900 rounds p/m. But when it comes with the micro Uzis, we're talking 1,200 rounds p/m. Plus the size make it easy to handle.

"What is this?" asked Sara.

"A gift from God. It's called a Micro Uzi that fires a 9 mm round at 1,200 rounds p/m."

"Are you going to teach us how to use it?" asked Kate.

"Yes. I'm going to give you a crash course in gun safety and how to aim."

I'm glad that God included a stock and a front grip with this gun otherwise it would be impossible to for these girls to handle the recoil. We head out of the city to practice firing the micro Uzis. I teach them about the safety and how to aim. When they fired the gun, both was surprised by the recoil at first but after a few times they going it figured out. When they asked about my Thompson, I told them that the size of the guns, the rounds, and firing rate are different. I summon my Tommy Gun and fired it a couple of times so they could see the difference. Then I summon my Sledgehammer, my M 16. and my Glock and show them the difference between all my guns. They were impressed about those guns. The only guns I didn't summon was the M 32 and the minigun. Once I determined that they had a feel of the micro Uzis, we went back to pack supplies and I can kiss my other wives goodbye.

After everything, I ask Kate where we were teleporting to. She told that they were going to the trading city Silverton as that is the closest city to the Shadow Guild's HQ. We enter the teleportation room and teleport to Silverton's teleportation room. I notice the guards on edge as 2 of the 3 people that left the room they were guarding were someone that they didn't know. Kate told them who I and Sara was and when they heard my name, they immediately kneed. I told them to stand and to be at ease because I was here to visit the Southern Continent, telling them a half truth. Walking to the streets, I soon see many different types of beast kin as well as humans and elves and a few dark elves.

Walking thru the streets. I see a few dark hooded figures in the distance. I use 'Stealth' and directed Kate and Sara to stay back. I could sense that these members were strong and could be a hand full for Kate and Sara. I get closer to listen to them.

"Damn, if Max wasn't one step ahead of us, we would of killed him and his apprentice!" One of the hooded figures said. I could tell this one was a male.

"How did he find out about the portal? I made sure to cover my tracks and left no documentation of the plans." said a second hooded figure. This one is also a male.

"No matter, I was planning of killing Max off myself before the Dark Lord's forces came thru. The only thing that we have to worry about is the King of the Barnes Kingdom showing up here." Said a third hooded figure. Also a male.

"If that guy shows up, we're all doomed and well as anyone from the Dark Lord's forces. I heard that one human killed half of a 50,000 man strong army from the Iron Blood Empire as well as the Emperor. We have to get the operation started soon." Said the fourth hooded figure. This was a female voice.

I stick with them as they found an alley way to sneak off in. They have no idea that I'm staying on top of their location. 'Stealth" is definitely O.P.. I get close enough to chop the back of the neck the third one and before the others noticed, they too are knocked out cold. I tie their hands and feet with Sara and Kate's help and find an abandoned house and head down stairs with the unconscious Shadow Guild members. I made sure to remove the cyanide capsules in their one molars.

They start to wake up and the first thing they see is my face. All of them bite dowm on their teeth.

"Looking to use these?" I said while holding the capsules. Their faces went pale because there's nothing they could do.

"Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions. You better answer because if you don't, the pain you will feel will be the worst pain in your entire life." I said.