
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Chapter 37

The Emperor is dead along with 25,000 Imperial soldiers and a horse. I turn around and begin to walk back towards the border. No one said a sound. I walk up to the Empress. I look at her for a moment. She has platinum colored hair with green eyes. Her chest size is nice. she is slender but it looks good for her. I take a deep breath.

"I see that you want to say something.." I said

"Yes, I do. I want to apologize for my late husband's lustful and ambitious plan. And thank you for sparing me and the Iron Blood Empire." she replied.

"Well, I spared you because I found out your late husband's plan for you. However, I haven't decided to spare the Empire. I have terms for the Empire's unconditional surrender. And you need to be present to sign the document."

"I understand."

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't want it to come to this, but I need to set an example for any other kingdom or empire in the future that tries to take my kingdom from me. Don't worry though, I'm not going to raze everything within the empire to the ground and execute everyone in the empire."

"So what now?"

"You come with me to the camp on the other side of the border alone. Send these men home after they bury the dead. The body of the Emperor will be transported back in a wooden box back the your capital. I will allow you to leave after the document is signed so you can go back to the capital and bury your husband."

"I could care less for a small man that was going to kill me thinking it was my fault that I couldn't produce an heir. He can be buried here in the field for his transgressions."

Now that's ice cold.

"Ok. Come with me and we'll get this over with. I would like to return to my wives and get ready to be a father in 8 months."



We walk back to the camp and along the way, I tell her what happened from the beginning. The heart attack, the first day here, the viscount, the duke of evergreen and Kain, the battle in the Marks kingdom, and liberating the Jimmu Kingdom. I tell her about my wives, my weapons, etc. Before we know it, we get to the camp where 20,400 troops was ready to start marching. I tell them that it was over. They look relieved. We head to a building where General Wang, the commander of the BAA, and Sara was waiting for us. I walk in first then the Empress walks in.

"Where's the Emperor?" asked Wang.

"Laying in the field, looking like swiss cheese." I replied with a grin. I'm a smart ass, hahaha.

"Welcome Empress.." Sara said.

"Thank you. I owe my life to this man." The Empress replied.

"General Wang, prepare the document." I said as I walk over to the table.

General Wang grabs the document and heads to the table that has me, the commander of the BAA, Sara, and the Empress. I look at the document.

"I'm going to read the terms of unconditional surrender to you all." I said looking at everyone that is at the table.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Ok, The Iron Blood Empire has 2 options. The Empress has a choice to check one of these. Number one, The Iron Blood Empire is absorbed by the Barnes Kingdom and the Empress becomes on of the wives of the King of the Barnes Kingdom or number two, The Iron Blood must pay 100,000 gold, reduce the size of their army to 1/10 it's size, and lose some of their land to the Barnes Kingdom as well as entering into a non-aggression pact forever and become a part of the Barnes Alliance. Empress, the choice is yours."

I hand the Empress the document so she can read it over and make her choice. I see her put a check on one of the choices. Then she signs the document before handing it back to me. I look at where she put the check. Choice one. I sign the document and hand it over to General Wang to sign. 2 minutes later, everyone has signed the document.

I take the document and head out of the building. Everyone follows me out. I head over to the only battle maid present in the camp.

"Head to my castle and share this document with my wives and with the Kings of Hearth, Evergreen, and Marks." I said as I handed her the document.

"Yes my lord." she said before heading off towards the direction of my castle. I turn around and look at the now former Empress of the Iron Blood Empire who will be the newest member of my harem.

"Please take care of me from now on." She said with a bow.

"I will, babe." I said to her as I give her a small kiss on her lips. Sara smiled as she just got a new sister. I wonder how the rest of my wives will react to this news?

"So, should we head home or head to your soon to be former home so you can pack up and move your stuff to my castle?"

"I think it would only be right to head to St. Petersburg so I can pack and make the announcements of the death of the Emperor and that your kingdom has absorbed the Iron Blood Empire."

"I second that, Michael." Sara said.

"Ok, to St. Petersburg we go. How long will the trip take?"

"6 days by carriage from here." answered the Empress.

"Ok, By the way, Empress, what's your name?


"Anastasia, nice to meet you. By the way, this lovely lady is Sara. You need to try her breakfast. It's the best damn breakfast I ever had."

"Really, I can't wait."

Sara blushes.

"T-Thank you. I'll make you some tomorrow morning."

"Let's head to the carriage then you two."

We take the long walk back over to the wall. I help the two lovely ladies over the wall before stepping over the wall. The remaining Imperial soldiers was finishing burying their dead when they see us.

"Empress, what are we going to do?"

"We all are heading back to St. Petersburg. That includes these two. I have a big announcement for the Empire!" Anastasia told the soldiers.

"Yes your Imperial highness!"

I see that the body of the Emperor was packed into a wooden box as well as his horse. I don't understand why the horse but ok. I feel some of the stares from the soldiers.

"Unless you have a death wish, I suggest you stop staring at me!" I said in a loud voice.

Their faces goes pale and they stop. I look at them.

"Don't get me wrong, this wasn't what I wanted to do. I warned your Emperor not to try this but he didn't heed my warning. He chose his bed and now he's laying in it. Don't make the same mistake."

They look at each other and then back at me.

"We're sorry Your Majesty. It's won't happen again."

"I accept your apology. Carry on soldiers."

We find the carriage and it is a beautiful carriage. We get inside and when I sat down, It was the softest seat I have ever sat on. It's going to be a nice ride to St. Petersburg.