
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 30

We're on our way back to Akiha. Lydia was in high spirits. I however was sensing a small group of familiar foes that I haven't seen since day one. Goblins, around 40 of them. Lydia saw my face and then she understood that I was on edge. They are heading away from us but why? Goblins are not dumb but they're not that smart either. I look at Lydia.

"I'm going to observe the goblins. I want you to head back to Akiha to get the reports on the other areas and report back to me once you get the reports. ok?"

"Yes Michael. Understood."

I used stealth and quick stepped towards the goblins. I get up on a branch that can hold my weight and watch them. I saw a goblin that was bigger than the others. A commander if I would have to guess. I keep a close eye on this group as it looks like they're going to raid something. After a few hours of following in the trees, There's a clearing and a large farm. A farm that has at least 10 people in the field and building altogether from what I could sense. These green little fuckers was going to try their luck on food and possible human flesh here. And if there's women, well goblins are on the same list as the orc and ogre. I get ahead of the goblin group and get on the fields of the farm. I turn off stealth and warn anyone to warn others that goblins are coming. I summon my Sledgehammer and some people saw that. They looked confused until I yelled at them to go. Then I saw them. The green little fuckers ran towards me with rusty swords and wooden clubs.

"Never bring a rusty sword or a club to a gun fight, you green little bitches!" I shouted as I pulled the trigger. All you see is goblins exploding. I killed 39 goblins in seconds. Just one more and it's the commander of the group. He's smart to hide but I can still sense him. I walk towards him.

"Come out dumbass. You can't hide from someone that can sense you. Give up now and I'll see that your death is swift." I yelled.

He slowly stood up and walked towards me. When he got 3 feet away, I told him to stop and to sit with he hands behind his head. I took some rope out of storage and tied his hands behind his back as I took his weapons away. I helped him up so he could stand.

"Why did you come here goblin?"

"I wanted to raid this farm for food and resources. If there's and human females, that would be a plus."

"Too bad I sensed you and your group while I was on my way back to Akiha. You would have succeed if it wasn't for me interfering with your raid."

"I heard about you human. you're the one that has strong weapons appear out of air."

"That's right you green little shit. I'm that guy."

"Damn you human."

"I have a name. It's Mad Dog Barnes to you, jackass."

"I don't care!"

"And since you're not going live, neither do I." I said before summoning my Glock and blowing his off.

I check to see if anyone was hurt. As soon as I see that everything is ok, I head back out towards Akiha. I took me a little while but I find Lydia and the army.

"Did you miss me?"

"A little." Lydia shily answered with a blush.

I kiss Lydia and tell her what happened.

"Always the brutal hero." Lydia playfully said.

"Well, I am a hero."

"Just be careful, Michael."


We stop to rest and set up camp as night is falling. We eat and talk for a while until I start yawning.

"I think it's time for some sleep. What are you thinking, my lovely Lydia?"

"I second that. Let's head to bed."

And with that, I follow my 3 tailed fox to bed. The next morning, I wake up with Lydia in my arms. Seeing her smile is worth it. Hell, see all my girls smile is worth it. I wake her up and we get ready to go. It only took an hour and everyone was off. Sense me and Lydia are faster when it's just us 2. we went ahead. Avoiding monsters and distractions, we made it to Akiha in night time. I got a room in the inn and Lydia went on up first. Thanking the innkeeper, I start to head upstairs when I get a feeling. A bad feeling. I head up to tell Lydia to not get ready for bed yet and fallow me. I got to the city walls to see a lot of torches in the distance. Though they weren't heading this way or towards the capital, I still observed them. Lydia observed them too. We looked at each other and knew we had to scout it out.

We head out and in a few hours we caught up to the torches. I was a force of 8,000 orcs, ogres, and demons. I could see wagons that look like cages being pulled by some ogres. In the cages, women. Is the bad feeling from this? I didn't have time to think about it. I knew this was going to be tough sense there were at least 100 demons in this force. And I was looking at the biggest one in the group. I can tell he's almost as strong as me and as fast. He was still smaller but not by much. My eyes then went to one of the cages where I spotted a woman with golden blonde hair and white skin. I couldn't tell but Something told me that she was someone important. She maybe is the cause of the bad feeling. I know what I had to do. These's green fuckers and the damn demons had to die. I look at Lydia.

"Lydia, I'm going to kill them all and rescue the women. You watch my back and make sure that you don't follow me. Got it?"

"Ok Michael. I won't follow you. Please be careful."

"I will babe."

I kiss her and head towards the Dark Lord's forces. I summon my Sledgehammer.


I pull the trigger and the blood, the guts and the body parts start flying. Orcs and Ogres was being blown away left and right. The demons started coming towards me but I pull out my sword and will firing the Sledgehammer, I swung my sword around. I see a few demons try to out flank me but I turned and fired at them to knock them down then swung my sword to lob their heads off. I had killed 1/4 of the force and the body count was rising still. The orcs started to panic and run. I won't let them escape. I chase them down with quick step shot their heads off. The ogres was too slow to hit me with their clubs but I still blew them away. The demons was getting shot to knock them down before I cut them down with my sword. I got to ask god about this sword. 3/4 of this army was left when the big demon showed his ugly mug.

"I take it the you're the invasion's commanding officer?"

"Yes and you threw a wrench in my plans for the last time." said the demon.

"Well, I know you're not the Dark Lord but one of his main subordinates So you got any last words before I kill you?"

"I will eat your heart!" replied the demon.

"I knew you was going to say that." I said as I shot him in the groin. The demon went down to his knees before I swung my sword down. I split him in half and then I swing from side to side to cut him in 2 again. So now I had him in 4 pieces Then I shouted, "GO FUCK YOURSELF!" before walking on. I continue killing the orcs, ogres, and demons before they were all dead. I was over to the big demons remains and cast fireball to burn his pieces so there's no chance in him returning.

Lydia ran up to me and hugged me. I look at the cages and the woman cheered. I open the cages and in all, the numbers ere 200 women rescued. No was messed with which I found strange but after thinking about it, this was a force that was under the command of a main subordinate of the Dark Lord. I tell the women to follow me to Akiha so we started on the journey. I took twice as long but we mad it just as the sun was rising. I was whooped. The strain of staying up was getting to me and I could tell it was getting to Lydia too. Before heading to the inn, I felt a hand on my right shoulder. I turn around to see it's the woman with the golden blonde hair. Now that I can see her up close, She is around 5'6", slim but a double D chest, and she looked like she was in her mid 20's. Her eyes were blue. This may be the first time I blushed on the first face to face meeting in this world.

"Can I help you miss?"

"Yes. I want to thank you for rescuing us back there." The blonde haired woman said.

"It's what I do."

"What is your name?"

"Michael Barnes, Duke of Rommol. And yours?"


"Well Michelle, It's nice to meet you. Now if you excuse me. I'm running on fumes if you can see bags under my young eyes. I'm going to get some rest. We'll talk later." I said before going in. She followed me in as she was going to get a room too. I head to my room and saw Lydia in bed. sleeping. I laid down besides he and fall asleep.


Ok everyone. I'm only going to do this chapter today as I'm tired and in some pain. I will also take a day off from writing chapters tomorrow so I can recharge my batteries and try to put out 3 chapters the day after.