
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 25

Sleeping for a few more hours, I was able to regain all of my energy. I open my eyes and I look at Yuna who was secured in my arms, I really look this woman. However. I felt a pair of soft mounds on my back and then an arm wrap around my side. I had tuned my senses to be down sense Heart and Evergreen soldiers was guarding the Jimmu castle. I get to a position to where I can look behind me and I notice who it was and I was shocked. It was Queen Kazami! When did she get here?

"Queen Kazami, what are you doing here?" I asked quietly.

"I couldn't sleep alone last night so I went to see you and I saw you and Yuna come into this room so I followed you and took off my kimono. Then I climbed in." She said in a whisper.

Has she fallen for me? Normally this wouldn't be a problem but with her being a queen, that is a problem. Though she doesn't have a husband, I still have my responsibilities to the Rommol region. Curse my charisma.

"Kagura, we'll talk in a bit. First, I need to wake Yuna up. And then We need to get ready to clear every house in the city."

"Darling, I'm already awake. And, I know why the queen is here. It is what you suspect. She is quite taken by your good nature and sense of duty and justice. And you have a body that all women dream to hold in bed." Yuna said.

Color me surprised.

"I don't mind if she becomes part of the sisterhood. It is ultimately your decision, my love. You have shown great leadership qualities and you could be the king Jimmu needs but that part is up to her. The others don't mind her becoming a part of this sisterhood either." Yuna continued.

"Ok, I'll make decision soon. But we need to get up and get ready, we got a tough job ahead."

"Yes darling."

WE all get up and before she put on her kimono, I glanced at the queen. She has a body that rivals Yuna. My god, this is going to be a tough decision. I got dressed into some clean clothes that I have in my storage. We left and gathered the rest of the girls before getting some breakfast. While eating breakfast, I weighed my options about what I decide. As soon as I was done, I made my decision. I looked at everyone.

"Today, we head into the city. We will be taking 500 soldiers with us to clear building for any remaining orcs and ogres. If any one of you run into a demon, do not fight. Run and get me. Now with that said, before we go in there. Queen Kazami, I want to talk to you alone."

Queen Kazami and I walked to a room alone. I turned to her. She looks into my eyes as I do the same.

"Kagura Kazami, Queen of the Jimmu Kingdom. I am at a lost for words. I didn't think you would have feelings for an outsider like me. However, the choice I'm about to make will not only effect my and your life, but the life of my 6 fiancés as well. And Rommol Region as well as the Jimmu Kingdom. So this is what I decided. I want to be with you. I want to help you. I want to love you. It's up to you if you want to make me your king but if you do, I will take on the responsibilities that come with the position. However, I will continue to wear these clothes and to go forward with my mission of stomping a mudhole in the Dark Lord's ass and run it dry.

Queen Kazami continued to look at me but tears started to fall from her eyes. She was crying but the tears was of happiness. She jumped into my arms and we kissed. Then she looked into my eyes again and said," Michael Barnes, I won't ask you to take my last name, I want your last name. Your name is that I would proudly have. The Jimmu Kingdom will be the Barnes Kingdom. That is what I want to happen."

"Ok. With this, I promise to love and protect you and this kingdom with my life." I said while summoning my Glock.

We walk out holding hands and my girls clap and cheer us on. Even some of the soldiers cheered us. Then I heard a chant that surprised me.


I felt my pride swell in my chest. My Irish blood was burning. I turn to the girls and the soldiers.


500 soldiers line up and I break them in 10 groups of 50. The 11th group would be my group. We are searching the area around the city gate. I had already set up 10 lnights at the gate to make sure that no orc or ogre escape. The first 5 houses were cleared with no one inside. The sixth one was where I would take me rage out. An orc was holding a woman in her late 30s hostage. I put "Diamond Eyes" by on my phone to play in my ear buds during the sweep. I kick the door down and fired my Sledgehammer after yelling, "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!" The shot blew the orc in half but his top half was still breathing but he was in shock and stayed silent. I'm not taking chances so I took out my hunting knife and stabbed him him in his throat. He died in a few seconds. I recused the woman and my girls directed her to where the safe area is.

The next 9 houses had 3 orcs, an ogre, and 7 women. All enemies where dealt with swift and silently.. All women were rescued though 2 of them showed signs of sexual assault. Well, seeing that, I was pissed and vowed to kill every fucking green bastard I come across. The next building was a warehouse that has 2 floors. I silently open the door and peeked inside. Though I sensed 4 enemies. I also sensed 20 women. I saw an ogre guarding 4 ladies. 2 looking in rough shape as signs of sexual assault was shown. My rage went up and I used stealth and quick step to get up behind the ogre and slit his throat from ear to ear and then I pulled his tongue thru the cut for the Colombian neck tie. Only 2 of my girls recognized this and they were Yuna and Iris. This is what I did to the Duke of Evergreen. I went farther inside and found an orc and 5 ladies. All was scared but none looked like they had been messed with. so I let Lydia handle this one. It was swift and silent.

Heading up the stairs I spot an ogre with 6 women and half showed signs of being messed with. I'm going to make this fucker pay! Stealth was still on and I used quick step to get behind the motherfucker and I started to stab him in the neck with my hunting knife. I stabbed him 10 times though he was dead after the 4th stab. Then I spit on his face. One more left. and he had 5 ladies. I got to where I could see him and the ladies. All 5 showed the sings so this fucker is going down the must brutal way. I quick stepped to him and sent my knife thru the throat and then in his groin. Then I saw that I cut his 'little brother' off and I stabbed that and opened his mouth. Saying, "" Eat a dick!" I put my knife in his mouth with his 'little brother' and made sure that went in his mouth before pull my knife out of his mouth. All 20 ladies in the first warehouse was accounted for.

I made my way to the second warehouse and the warehouse was a single floor that has a window on each side of the door. I peek into the window and see an ogre that was bigger that the others and 2 ladies chained to a chair behind him, I asked Queen Kazami if she knew those 2 and she did. one was he personal maid and the other was the city lord's daughter. I promise Queen Kazami that I'll rescue the both of them. Observing the Ogre commander, he had a cleaver for a weapon. I also observed the 2 ladies to see is they had been messed with and they haven't. I open the door and I went in with Queen Kazami.

"AH, human. I must think you fore bringing the queen here to complete my collection. I will be able to have my fun now after you leave." the ogre commander said with the smile.

I looked at him and released my killing intent. The ogre commander was showing fear in his eyes. He knew he fucked up when he laid his eyes on my. He realized that I'm the one that was being warned about.

"Shit! It's you! The Duke of Rommol! Mad Dog Barnes!"

"That's right you big fucking shit stain. And you know what's going to happen, right?"

"Please don't kill me. I didn't do anything to these female humans."

"Yet if I wasn't who I am and walked away leaving the queen here, you was going to do something to them. I have a lot of rage inside wanting to come out so I'm going to let it all out on you."

I quick stepped to him and put him in a kimura and used all my strength to quickly break his right arm.

"AAAAHHHHHH, MY ARM! YOU BROKE MY ARM!" screamed the ogre commander. I kicked his left knee and shattered his knee cap which made him fall face first on the floor. He continued to scream in pain. I stomped hard on his left arm, breaking it. He was about to pass out from the pain. I kicked him over and summoned my Sledgehammer.

"Open up and say "Aww", mother fucker!"

I put the barrel of the gun in his mouth and flipped him the middle finger while pulling the trigger. His head explodes. The queen walked over to me.

"I have never seen that much brutality before."

"He deserved it. He talked about messing with you and your 2 friends."

I help free Queen Kazami's personal maid and the city lord's daughter. They were shakened up but ok. We all head to the safe zone to rest. By the time it was all said and done, over 200 orc and ogre was killed and over 700 women were rescued. Of the rescued, 400 showed signs of being mess with. The sad fact of the matter when it deals with goblins, orcs, and ogres. All of the 400 would have to be monitored for a long while to make sure they weren't pregnant, All the men of the city and castle were killed to feed the orcs, ogres, and demons that raided the city and castle. If only we arrived sooner, this wouldn't have been as bad. But somethings are out of my control. .

I looked at my girls. I was proud.

"You all did one hell of a great job these last 2 days. I'm proud and you all should be proud too. However, our job has just begun. There is still villages, towns, and cities to liberate. Plus rebuilding this city and others. Though we won't be leaving right away, we will be leaving after 4 days of rest. Let got back to the castle."

We head back to the castle and the battle maids reached their rooms and went in. Lydia nodded at me and went to her room, me and my girls went into the royal bedroom. They knew I was going to become king here. So I waited for someone to speak up.