
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 18

That night was a good night. We stay and the Evergreen Kingdom for a few more days so I can get to know the queen and both the king and queen got to know me better. I had them try my cheeseburger and they both loved it.I offered Yuna's 4 friends to come with me to Rommol and stay in my mansion so I can keep an eye on them due to the psychological stress that Kai put them thru. They decided to to take me up on my offer. Right before we left to go back, the king and queen gave me a ring to give to Yuna when the time was right. So with the returning party, I was including Yuna's 4 friend and Anita.

I get back to the mansion and Margaret runs and hugs me, Liza and Kara gave me a welcome back kiss and Ann welcomes me back. The maids were training in the courtyard and they looked better but they're still raw. Luke gave me an update on the region. Everything was peaceful so there's nothing to investigate.

Two weeks later...

I'm in the garden waiting on my 5 future wives. Today is the day I pop the question and put their rings on their fingers. I'm not nervous. I got another ring for Anita a few days after we return from the Evergreen Kingdom. By the way, I told William what happened while I was there and he was shocked to hear about the queen and Anita. The plus side is I got to William when he was in bed. I told him he looked like the afterbirth of a bastard monkey and he called me a bastard but we both laughed. I guess you can call William my best friend now. Still, I need to help him find a woman.

I see all 5 girls walking up to me. All 5 of them look so beautiful., I'm a lucky guy. When they stop, I walk to Yuna and get the ring that the king and queen of Evergreen gave me. I kneel on one knee and look up at her.

"Yuna, you was the first one I met when I came to this world. You was the first woman I save. You was the first one i healed. You was the first one to cuddle to me at night. The first to kiss. And I would like you to be the first one I propose to. Yuna Evergreen, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" she quickly said with tears of happiness coming down her eyes. I put the ring on her finger and we hugs and kiss. then I walk to Iris and kneel on one knee.

"Iris, I saved you from a cyclops when I was heading to Rommol. You're the reason I became a duke. You helped me take down the viscount and you have been by my side. You're strong, smart, and beautiful. I would like to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Iris Hearth, will you marry me?"

She says yes and the same thing happens. I walk over to Liza and kneel on one knee.

"Liza, when we met, you was injured and nearly broken. I healed and save you from the viscount's abusive clutches and you fell in love with me as I did you. Liza, you are a very beautiful and talented woman. One that I would love to be with forever. Will you marry me?"

She says yes right away and we hug and kiss. I then head Kara.

"Kara, you met me at the tea party and then you was introduced to me after I killed your husband, the former viscount. Your experience has helped me in more ways than one. I don't know what I would do without you by my side and I don't want to find out. Kara, will you marry me?"

A very quick yes and a hug a kiss followed. I finally turn to Anita and get on one kneed.

"Anita, I saved you from sleeping in eternal slumber. I did this not knowing what you would do after you found out that i killed your son and husband to put a stop to their evil plans. I made the right choice. And I will gladly do it again. Now, will you marry me so you can have eternal love and happiness?"

"Yes. yes. a thousand times yes. I love you Michael Barnes!" she said happily as she hugs and kisses me. The rest of the girls join in with a group hug. Luke, Ann, and the rest start clapping as they were watching secretly and Margaret runs in for a hug. It was a great day.

Two more weeks later...

It has been a quiet 2 weeks. The maids have became my personal guard unit now they have continued to train everyday. Ann and Anita has been teaching Margaret the basic subjects for her to learn in school. Iris, Yuna, Liza, and Kara have been training with each other. Liza has learned heal and detox as well as purify. I had learned gravity and decided to take a page out of Dragonball Z and use it on myself while exercising and shadow boxing. I'm much faster and stronger. William is still single. He came for a visit.

"Hey Michael."

"How's everything on landing a wife and rosey palm and her five sisters don't count, hahaha."

"Fuck off Michael!" he said with a smile.

I like to pick on him.

"So what brings you here William?"

"I'm here to see how you are. And I also see you added 20 guards to the city guard. Crime is down to an all time low."

"Hey, what can I say. I know I needed to get the guard count up to lower crime."

"Have you check the orphanage lately?"

"Yes, it's looking a lot better now that they have the money to maintain the building and keep the kids fed."

"So, what are you doing?"

"Watching football on my phone."

"Football? What is that?"

I explain what football is to him and he sits beside me and we watch the Browns play the Jaguars in preseason football. The girls come in and see what we're doing.

"Darling, what are you doing?" Yuna asked.

"Watching football on my phone."

"What is football?" Anita asked so like William, I explain the what football is and then the girls sit down around me and William to watch football on my phone.

For 3 hours We watch the Browns destroy the Jaguars. When the game ended, William got up off the couch and said goodbye. I then had an Idea after William left. I called God.

"Hey God, long time no hear."

"Hello Michael. It has been a while since we last talked. By the way, nice fight you had with Kain. You smacked him around good."

"Thank you and yes I did. I got a favor to ask of you."

"Ask away my child."

"Can you give me a 70 inch screen T.V. so I can watch football with my best friend and my wives?"

"I can but you can only watch football on it."

"That's fine."

"It should be there about now."

Suddenly a blinding light comes out of no where then fades. Mounted on a wall is a 70 inch screen T.V. and it looks good and there's a remote for it too.

"Don't worry about plugging it in. I runs on the same battery that is in the phone."

Thanks God."

What an Idea. Now I can watch the browns play with the girls and everyone else.

We go to the dining hall and eat with everyone else there. Margaret looks over towards me and smiles.

"Big Brother, can you teach me heal?"

I stop eating and look at her.

"I can teach you how to use heal tomorrow. Is that ok?"

"Yes Big Brother. Thank you!"

We all finish eating and I begin to train using gravity on myself then start to shadow box. I'm getting use to this. I train until it's completely dark. I head to the master bedroom to find all 5 girls in bed looking at me with hungry eyes. Let me tell yall this, They weren't hungry for food. I'm getting lucky tonight. I love my life.