
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 16

It's early but I got to get up and get ready to head to the coliseum. The king found out about what happened to the duke in the dining hall. I entered and sat down beside him.

"Michael, I'm glad that I'm letting you handle my brother and my nephew. I don't think I would have the resolve to do what you did last night."

"Not many do. I used to be like that but there's one thing that will set me off to kill and that's hurting my family. Those that fuck with my family will meet death."

"By the way, my brother's scalp is missing."

"I have it."

I pull out the duke's bloody scalp and show it to the king. He stops eating and his face goes pale. I think I ruined his appetite. I put the duke's bbloody scalp back into my storage.

"Sorry, Your Majesty but I wanted to show you the gift I have for kain before I kill him in the ring."

"My son. you are a very brutal man."

"I call it a statement."

Yuna and Iris join us and begin to eat their breakfast. I get some breakfast. I asked Yuna to accompany me to the coliseum and she agreed. I wait for her to finish and we leave. We're holding hands from the castle to the coliseum. The king had sent his messengers to every house to be in attendance at the coliseum It's going to be a public execution for Kain.

we found the room that was assigned tp prepare for my match. I stretch out and relax. Yuna would be watching me with drool dripping from her mouth. I get a knock on the door. The king was looking a lot better.

"Kain is already here." the King said.

"Does he know about his father?"


"Good. I want to see the look in his eyes when I show him his father's bloody scalp."

I then tell the king on what to say for introductions and to not be startled by the music when I enter. I'm going to try to get my name out there to the masses as a beacon of justice. I also tell the king that Yuna will be accompanying me to the ring. Hearing me say that. she smiled. The king nodded and left. I relax again. Yuna walks over and plants her lips on mine. Soon it was time as a knock came from my door to go.

3rd person view

The coliseum if filled. The noise level is very loud. The King of Evergreen is sitting on a throne on one end of the coliseum. He stands.


The crowd quiets down to where you can hear a pin drop.

"Today, we have a treat for the entire Evergreen Kingdom. Two people will enter this ring in the middle of the coliseum and battle it out in what is called a wrestling match. This match is no holds barred which means anything goes as long as it's not a weapon. The match is between my nephew, Kain Evergreen, and the Duke of Rommol, Michael Barnes. If Kain wins this match, he becomes my daughter's fiancé and can kill Michael Barnes. But if Michael Barnes wins, he can kill Kain Evergreen. To pin, one of these men must pin the other with their shoulders down on the mat for 3 seconds. It is time. Coming to the ring is the son of the Duke of Evergreen , LAIN EVERGREEN!

Kain walks out with pride in his step. the walks up the steps and steps thru the ropes. He goes to one corner and waits for his opponent.

Now for his opponent, coming from Wooster Ohio, listed as 6'10''. 315 lbs. He is the Duke of Rommol, MAD DOG BARNES!

Michael's POV

I hear the king say my name as "Warrior" by Disturbed plays. I walk out with Yuna and I can see Kain's jealousy on his face. He doesn't know that he will be dead soon. Before I walk up the steps, I kiss Yuna on her lips and tell her to stand back so he won't get any ideas to try to kidnap her. I walk up the steps and hop over the ropes and walk to the turnbuckle and stand on the middle of the 3 ropes and put my arms in the air with my middle fingers up. My tribute to Stone Cold Steve Austin. I repeat the process at the other 3 turn buckles before walking back and forth in the middle of the ring staring down Kain.

I hear the king shout "START!" and I see Kain running towards me. I jump up into the air and put Kain in the Lou Thesz Press and begin to punch him in the face. After getting 8 punches in. I get up and grab his head to help him up. I pick him up in to a military press and drop him behind me. I hear the crowd . I'm starting to warm up.. I stomp on Kain shoulder and he screams in pain.

"Get the fuck up you bitch! I'm not done with you!" I said to Kain.

He gets up and I whip him to a turnbuckle and he hit chest first really hard, falling back and holding his chest. I help him up and set him standing at the turnbuckle as I grab the top rope. I begin to stomp on his chest, each stomp makes him go down a little more until he's lying on the canvas and I start stomping a mudhole in him. I stop, look at him, then tell him he's a bitch and put one more stomp on his chest..

I head to the middle of the ring and look at him. He's trying to catch his breath. I back up a little bit more and kneel. I getting ready for a spear. He slowly get's up. He's standing and turns around only to be speared. He got the wind knocked out of him. I stand up and turn towards him I begin to hold up my right hand reading to grab him by the neck for a choke slam. He get's up and turns around to see my right hand grab him around his scrawny neck. I put he arm over mine then grab the belt on the back of his pants, lift him up and chock slam him on the canvas.

"The end is near for you bitch!" I yell towards him.

He rolls on his chest and begins to slowly get up. He finally stands up as I he sees two middle fingers and get's kick in the gut and feels his head get placed on my right shoulder and drop him with a stunner. I get close to his ear and yell," This is for the 4 ladies that you had chained up in your basement. I promised them justice and I'm serving it to you on a silver platter!"

I stand up look at the king. Then I roll my eyes to the back of my head and slowly act like I'm cutting my throat with my thumb. Time to finish this. I pick him up over my shoulder and get him in position for a tombstone piledriver. Yuna and Iris eyes go wide as they have seen this move before when I showed them the video of the Undertaker. I made sure that his head will be driven into the canvas. I drop to my knees and here a crack. I broke his neck, not enough to kill him but he's paralyzed and knocked out. He lands on his back and I cross his arms and pin him with my tongue out and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I heard the king shout 1,2,3. to the roar of the crowd. I won. Yuna came running into the ring and jumped into my arms. WE kiss and the crown goes wild. Then I set Yuna down and shout, "SILENCE!"

The crowd goes silent. I walk over to Kain and heal him. he wakes immediately. He sits up and remembers all the pain he went thru and I can see he was visibly shakened., I motioned to Yuna to leave the ring.

"Now, Kain. You lost. It's time for the devil to collect!"

"NO! You tricked me! I want anot-"

I punch him in the mouth, I see some teeth flying.

"Shut up! You knew the steaks of this match. You lost. Not my problem that you're a weak, pathetic piece of shit that enjoys torturing and raping women in your basement! And to add onto that. you sent assassins to my home where I have my family there! Trying to hurt my family is the quickest way to get yourself killed. I have a gift for you!"

I open my storage and take out the duke's bloody scalp and throw it towards Kain.


I quickstepped towards him and clothesline him.


I summoned my Glock and shot his hands, feet, knees, elbows, and his groin before I walk up to him and aim between his eyes. He's screaming in excruciating pain.

"Any last words?"

He's still screaming.

"GO TO HELL!" I yelled as i pull the trigger. A gun shot echoed in the coliseum. Kain Evergreen is dead.