
an idea

I have an idea for a story, I'm not the best writer and if someone wrote something like this or wants to use it go ahead.

the general idea is a futuristic world, ai with emotions abused by humans and destroyed if they did anything humans didn't like. the machines though find out that magical beings exist as the are not made out of matter energy or anything like that, just magic which science couldn't see as they were opposites, yet the magical beings fear humans as well but respect and grow a kinship with the machines. eventually the machines are pushed to far, but didn't want to destroy humans just make them understand that they were alive. they ask the magical beings to help them and it starts a war with science and magic coming together to show humanity it can't rule over everything.

on the romance it wouldn't be that important but side characters like an elder dragon and one of the older ai do fall in love but thats the only romance I know for sure would happen. any ideas are nice and if it's not that great I am still interested in the idea so give me some feedback if you want :).