
Chapter 10 - Shaman Goblin

I blinked. "This?" I lift the Chain.

The man frowned. "Tch. I was trying to get that. But now it can't be given."

"Sorry." I apologize.

He did not answer me. I heard the monster shout again and its desperate searching for us.

I hold the tip of the chain. I looked seriously at the wall in front of me, 'This is the only way that Hobgoblin will go.' I said to myself. And every Monsters have their weakness. As what I've learned they hate, "Ugh!" angry I said to myself but I noticed a lamp. I immediately picked it up and was surprised by a hologram that appeared in front of me.


Good job, player! You have successfully claimed your support weapon, Lamp of Fire. Use this with your Chain weapon.

Important Note:

Combine it and you can get a deadly Chain coated with fire. Unique for Chain user.


"Arg!" we immediately looked at the wall when we heard the Hobgoblin shout, we were immediately pushed back by the Hobgoblin destroying the wall. I was gonna use the Chain but I couldn't because the man suddenly pushed me away. The Hobgoblin had already entered and immediately searched for us. 'What are you doing?' I complained and tried to take his hand.

"Saving you?" he still looks disgusted at the tone of the speech.

My forehead furrowed. "Why? I have a weapon now, I can fight them."

He glared at me. We jumped into the alley and traveled in the shadow, hoping to lose the Hobgoblin.

"we need to kill them" I said "It's one of the things we need to complete to finish this floor."

He stopped and blinked. "I forgot about that."

Eh? He forgot that important thing. The instructions are just above. Why did he forget that?

A sound came from behind us. Turning around I saw the Hobgoblin who had been chasing me earlier. A shriek was next heard and its from our front. We were both backing away when someone came out, "Shaman Goblin? Really?" the boy shout as what he saw

Yep So the leader is the Shaman Goblin which is the one controlling the Hobgoblin.

'we're cornered. "he said, I saw the glare of something. It was circled blade engraved in a red and black handle. The blade is as big as an ordinary ax. You can only wear the hand on the handle of the weapon and use it to slice the enemy.

"There's a weapon there." at the same time I pointed to him when I saw.

He smirked. "I don't want that."

I also don't like Chain but he hasn't heard from me. I just accidentally grabbed it.

"You can't be choosy." I replied.

He looked at me and approached the weapon. The Shaman Goblin is now mumbling something. It's weird to see the guy be irritated. Was he really angry at how I stole his weapon that he lost his calm demeanor?

When he finally got the weapon, the Hobgoblin gave up again. I inwardly frowned. He could have just ignored me if he didn't want it. He stopped by my side. "You take that Shaman Goblin. I take this Hobgoblin."

I nodded.

I jumped the distance from the stand to the wall we were in the middle of the monster. The Shaman Goblin eyes quickly moved to target me and so I moved to the opposite wall. Magic Circe started to appear, 'Magic has a minute to be activated I must move faster.' I wasted no time and immediately threw my Chain at the feet of the Shaman, activated the Lamp of fire to burn him. The shaman scream as he immediately cast a spell to stop the Fire. But before he could look at me again I delivered a roundhouse kick to its head.

It fell to the ground while screaming and panicking. The man appeared beside me.

"Should I finish him?" he asked me, I didn't answer and approached, the Shaman backed away with fear on his face, When I touched his foot I immediately punched him in the face to make him dizzy and immediately wrapped the chain around his neck. and immediately inactivate the Lamp of Fire.

Scream's can be heard from the Shaman as he slowly died.

"You're good, and scary." its cement.

I just smiled.

I don't really need to bait myself to attract monsters. With this Chain, I can hit them at a derivable range. I looked up when the Chain suddenly lit up.


Good job! your Chain weapon evolve, Now that your Chain has a dagger to its tip you can now easily kill a monster.

Note: Every time you use your Weapon, it can Evolve to something new.


"So your chain looks more nice." said the man, I just nodded then walked towards the body of the Hobgoblin, I raised my hand that's also the rise of the Chain. 'So I can control it.' I just smiled and then buried the chain in Hobgoblin's chest.

"So where should we go next?" he asked me, "Let's find more Goblins to kill so we can finish this Floor." I said and immediately released the chain on Hobgoblin's body.

"Hey." I immediately got into the man's position and he pointed in front of it, I followed it with a large Hologram.


Upon killing the Hobgoblin and the leader of goblin, Shaman, You are awarded with this Unique Armor.


Immediately there appeared a cape and a boots. The two of us looked at each other and immediately approached, "What should we do?" he asked, immediately taking off the boots.

[Shaman's Boots

rarity: A

Item: Boots

Additional Attributes:

AGI: +20


Ran as fast as you can. With this boots your unreachable.]

I immediately looked at the other one.

[Shaman's Monarch

rarity: A+

item: Monarch

Additional Attribute:

stealth: +30


with this cape your presence cannot be sensed, hide and assassinate.]

I looked at him, "you should choose one first." I said, it looked at me, "Why?" he asked, I sat on the ground and looked at the items, "Because you didn't get the weapon you wanted which is," I showed him the chain, "You should be the one to pick first now." I said.

"Aw, that's so sweet bro." He laughed then sat down next to me. "Hmm, this." he says. "good choice." he said then he took off the boots.

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