
MAAH E ROO - His little Queen

Hasaan is a successful business tycoon, stone man for all the girls except one. he falls in love with a little girl but can't admit it. He wants to get away from her spell but fate makes him get close to her, care for her and confess his love for her. He is helpless before a little girl. Maah e roo is a 18 year old beautiful girl like a fairy but rude to everyone. She is held hostage by her stepmother and has been suffering from the cruelty of her step mother and step sister. She is a patient, careless about her life and lost in her dream world where she considers herself queen of fairies. Maah e roo is Hassan's cousin. His mom asked him to bring maah e roo out of that hell in which she had been living for 18 years. He loves his mom and could do everything for her. He approached maah e roo but she behaved rudely with him. He had to tolerate it and took her to his mom. Mom then ordered him to marry her as she was afraid maah e roo's father would take her away. It was necessary to keep maah e roo with her legally. Hassan wanted to stay away from her, got furious at her, who entered his life unexpectedly. He started hating her to overwhelm his feelings for her but Will he be able to hate her forever.

Dua_Fatima123 · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 13

" Zarib  Mah e Roo's condition is getting worse" She cried.

"What happened to her?" He got up from the bed asking anxiously. 

"I don't know. You should call a doctor right now. Mah e Roo needs immediate treatment." Sarah replied. Zarib Shah hung up the call anxiously and called a doctor.

After ten minutes, the doctor arrived at Shah palace and examined Mah e Roo.  Zarib and Sarah were standing near Mah e Roo worriedly. The doctor injected an IV Medicine which gave Mah e Roo immediate relief.

"Patient's condition is critical. Her pulse is very slow. She is facing difficulty in breathing. I have injected to treat her temporarily but you should contact a heart specialist. I think she is suffering from a heart disease." The Doctor explained her condition professionally. Zarib Shah felt as if someone pulled his soul out of his body. He decided to find the best heart specialist for her. 

Mah e Roo's condition improved till morning . She regained consciousness.  Sarah was sitting beside her. Seeing her opening her eyes, she thanked God in her heart. 

"How is my daughter?" Sarah asked lovingly, brushing her hair with her fingers. 

"I'm fine. Why are you looking upset?" She asked in wonder.

"You suddenly got a fever last night." Sarah told her.

"Did you take me to a doctor?" Mah e Roo asked suspiciously.

"No, I called the doctor here," 

"Auntie, how many times have I told you I feel bad when a doctor sees me? Why didn't you listen to me." Mah e Roo got angry.

"But Mah e Roo, Doctor gives the treatment to cure the disease." Sarah tried to explicate her politely.

"I have no disease. I am totally fine." Mah e Roo said quickly.

"But the doctor says you have a heart disease. Have you ever felt a heartache?" Sarah asked worriedly. Mah e Roo remained silent for a moment.

"Tell me, Maha." Sarah forced her to tell.

"No."  She lied.

"All right. I'm taking you should go to the hospital today. We will know what disease you have." Sarah said.

"I don't want to go. I'm not sick. I will not go. Understand?" She screamed.

"Maha please." Sarah pleaded.

"No," she said rudely.  Sarah became disappointed and came to Zarib Shah's room.

" As expected, Mah e Roo refused to go to the hospital." Sarah told him about Mah e Roo's reaction.

"I will talk to her myself." He replied.

"No. You don't . She will not listen to you and will behave rudely. I will ask Sufyan to convince her. She listens to him." Sarah said.

"Then hurry up. I cannot take risks for her health anymore. If I have to force her, I will definitely do it," Zarib Shah said firmly. At that moment, he remembered Urwa. His heart filled with sorrow. Now, he could no longer stay away from his daughter just because he hated Urwa. He had realized that Mah e Roo needed him.

… ..

Hasaan had hired two persons who were following Zarib shah and Hadiya. He himself was trying to meet Mah e Roo. But it was difficult because of high Security at Shah Palace. Now he was staring at the main gate of the Shah Palace sitting in a car on the road a short distance away from it. After a while, a small door of the gate opened , a young boy dressed in a white shirt with his hands in the pockets of blue jeans came out and began to cross the road with carelessness.

Hassan looked at him observably. Suddenly he saw a motorbike coming fast from the right  side of the boy . Hasaan became anxious for the young boy who was walking still careless. Hasaan quickly opened the car door and got out. But it was too late. The motorbike had hit him. He fell over and his head started bleeding.  The motorcyclist did not try to stop and check his condition. Hasaan rushed towards him. 

"hey boy. Come to your senses." Hasaan said, batting his cheek. The boy barely opened his eyes and looked at him.

"I am taking you to the hospital. Hold on by then." Hasaan put his handkerchief on his head trying to stop the blood flow. The gatekeeper of Shah Palace and some other people had also come there. One of them grabbed the arm of the boy for support while Hasaan grabbed him from the other side and brought him near the car, sat him on the passenger seat and tie the seatbelt.

"Hey. Please try to stay conscious." Hasaan shook him.  The boy  nodded his head in affirmation, opening his eyes halfly Hasaan took a deep breath, sat on the driving seat and rushed the car to the hospital within ten minutes. The doctors gave him immediate treatment. An hour later he regained consciousness. Hasaan came to his room after talking to the doctors and paying the fee. Seeing the boy awake, he breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Thank you for helping me." The boy said in a grateful tone. Hasaan stared at him for some moments then shook his head angrily.

"Don't you care about your life or did you intend to commit suicide?" He scolded him. The boy remained silent. What would he tell Hasaan that he had faced even bigger accidents.  Adventures were an important part of his life.  He had fallen several times and suffered injuries while racing motorbikes. This was a minor injury for him. If there was someone else in his place, he would not have been able to bear the pain and would have fainted. But he was conscious when brought to hospital. Doctors later anesthetized him to suture his wound.

"You don't know how to cross the road? You were walking without looking around. Where was your attention?"  Hasaan was still angry at him while he was listening quietly.

"Why are you not answering now? I think you are really tired of your life" Hasaan gazed at him. 

"Don't worry. I'm fine," He said in a soft tone. Hasaan controlled his anger. 

" Where else do you get injured except your head?" He asked. 

"Nowhere," he replied.  His elbow was also scratched And there was a little pain in the knee also but he didn't tell him. Doctors had treated it. He didn't want to bother him anymore. 

"Call your family." Hasaan said 

"I don't need it. I will go home by myself." He said, getting up.

" Are you mad? How can you go home yourself in this situation?" Hasaan asked in surprise. The boy was about to say something when his phone rang.  He put the mobile phone to his ear and answered the call quickly . 

"Saifi. I told you to bring me a pizza. An hour had passed but you didn't come. Did you go to buy pizza or make it?" Hassan could also gear Mah e Roo's angry voice  Hasaan recognized her. 

"Wait a little more. I will be there in a few minutes." He said politely without any offense at her tone. Hassan was surprised at his behavior. This boy was definitely close to Mah e Roo.  He thought.

"Come quickly. Otherwise I will kill you." She hung up warning him. Sufyan smiled slightly .

"Sorry. I had a call from home. I have to go now." Sufyan spoke in an embarrassed tone, looking at him.

"Let me drop you at your home." Hasaan offered.

"No thank you." He said but Hasaan didn't listen to him. On the way, Sufyan bought Pizza.

" How much was the hospital bill?" Sufyan asked before getting out of the car.

"I paid for you. Don't worry." Hasaan replied.

"No,  tell me. I had already bothered you a lot…." Sufyan was embarrassed.

"Don't worry. It was my duty as a good citizen."  Hasaan said . Sufyan was convinced he was a good citizen .

"You're a gentleman . May I know your name?" Sufyan asked him.

"My name is Hasaan . What's your good name?" Hasaan replied.

"Sufyan." He said smiling , shook his hand with him and left. Hasaan  recalled a childhood memory looking at him.


"Maha, please listen to me." Sufyan said in a pleading tone. Mah e Roo was eating pizza as if she was not hearing his voice. 

"We are saying this for your sake." 

"Don't do anything for my sake. I'm not begging you and anyone else. You guys have been annoying me since morning. I have already said I don't want to go to the hospital because I  have no disease. You all have gone mad." She spoke rudely. Sufyan did not mind.

"I know you have no disease But if you don't get treatment now, you will get sick. Then you won't enjoy anything in sickness." Sufyan tried to appease her 

"I can enjoy even when I'm sick." She said in a low voice. Sufyan stared at her. 

"Why?" he asked. The answer was hidden somewhere in Mah e Roo's subconscious, but she couldn't answer.

"I don't know. Why do you ask me so many questions like a police officer?" Mah e Roo glared at him. 

"I am your friend. Everything should be shared with friends." he said softly. Mah e Roo remembered that night when she met Hasaan.