
She could

A swift pull from file to file, and Huxley had a small hope that maybe this year, somebody healthy and knowledgeable would of signed up for his class.

Alphabetical order, M column, Machel, Maddis, Mallory! He cradled the file in his hands, and felt more weight in it than he did in all his years there. His heart dropper when he saw all the candidates were pale, thin, flimsy and fragile children. Huxley flattened his palm on the desk, along with the file, and sighed.

A voice from the office door sweetly reverberated in the room, in which Huxley didn't immediately turn to at first. The voice continued with or without his eyes notice,"Mr. Mallory, why do you worry so much?"

Tapping his fingers on the desk, no answer. The room to him seemed cold. The woman matched his previous sigh," Look, the head of magical sciences won't keep waiting for a perfect student to show. Your purpose here would become moot, and the world would know even less about how magic works without your help adding to that knowledge. You know you're a born rarity, but we can't wait for a star to be born, you have to make one."

What did she expect but silence? Typical. For a man that's supposed to be a professor, he acts like a moody child to her at times. The woman decided to give the man a little hope, instead of reminding him of the pressure that he was carrying.

" You know, tomorrow there will be touring future students who haven't picked a study yet. Do you think you'd like to see if you'd like one?"

The somber man finally spoke up,"Yes, actually. I need a STRONG one. This study isn't exactly the safest. Thank you Rona. I'll try not to be as picky as I usually am."

Principle Keen practically glowed, and smiled,"I'm sure luck will be at your side. Those born with magic are born with huge karmic destiny right? I'm sure it means you're destined to train someone really powerful."

Huxley smiled back,"Maybe so."

They said she couldn't do it. They said she couldn't climb the university wall, and she proved her fellow touring students wrong.

They said she couldn't get down. They were wrong, but she tried her best to hide her limp. Why couldn't Millie ever say no to a challenge? It wasn't the challenge though, it was the implication she COULD'T do it. Could that be why the school accepted her? Yes. Did she know what she wanted to do when she got there? No.

Soon, principle Keen entered the fray. "I'm assuming that stunt won't happen again. We don't want more paperwork for future students agreeing not to climb walls because somebody fell. I do admit, that was pretty cool. Now fallow me.

They started to trail Ms.Keen very devotedly, and some classes seemed interesting. Director sounded amazing, and medicine did peek Millie's interest, but whispers from the others around her made her curious.

"What's that room?" A girl pointed to a door.

"Isn't it a storage closet?" Replied a boy.

"No, it says classroom 38, but you're right, it does look like a storage closet." Chimed in another.

"I dare you to look inside it."

"Never. It's so gross looking, I bet nobody could do it."

Millie could.

She bolted to the door, grasped the handle, and proudly pulled the door ajar. Inside, was a small corridor, with a counter top to the right, a sink at the very end of the long counter top, cabinets above the counter tops, and two stools, one more dusty than the other. It seemed like the smallest science lab ever.

"How'd you get into here, young student? Did I leave it unlocked? Oh, I knew I forgot something. Oh well, what class are you going to? I'll write them a note." A tall man with short tidy white hair, a pink polo shirt, and big black glasses that complimented his baked brown eyes.

Millie answered confidently,"I'm Millie Marvel, from the touring students. I opened the door. Everybody else are just wusses. What class is this?"

The man raised an eyebrow. "I didn't ask for an introduction, but I guess it's only polite. I'm Huxley Mallory, and this class is the study of Magic And Magic Histories. You know what magic is?"

Millie laughed, as if it was a stupid question,"Of course. That's the stuff George Washington, and Shakespeare had. You know, the boring grandpa stuff that nobody uses. What of it?"

Huxley nervously rubbed the back of his neck,"Well, I teach it. I myself have magic. The government issued me some money so I could teach others how to use magic. Magic existed for a long time, but it doesn't pop up enough for it to be studied thoroughly, so this is the best opportunity for the world to know it."

Millie was still curious, so she asked again," Why is the classroom so small?" In which Huxley immediately responded with, "Well, this class doesn't have much indoor work aside from history. What the meat of this class really is, is the travel, as the students who join would have too meet many magical people and see many magical places. This class can't have too many members in it. At most, we're accepting four. This class isn't really the safest. Not many can do it."

" I can." Claimed Millie.

"You can?"

"I can."

"I don't know... I don't think you can. You do look fairly scrawny, and you walked in here with a limp. How often do you hurt yourself like that?"

" Is that a challenge?"


"Fine. This is the class for me. How do I sign up?"