

A Fanfiction story of the pirate Lysander Northstar who wishes to conqueror the seas 50 years after the death of the straw hats.

Zauna · Action
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15 Chs

Mariner's Bay

After Lysander's departure from Astrea Isle, he continued to sail for the next neighboring ship port. Lysander had been traveling for about 3 days now in search of the port, he found out about the port from his father who told him, that Mariner's Bay would be a great choice to start his journey.

(Mariner's Bay, Is a port in the East Blue that is a pit stop for ships.)

"You should stop off at Mariner's Bay. The port is known for its thriving trade and lively atmosphere, Mariner's Bay would attract a diverse array of people, including merchants, sailors, pirates, and adventurers, even sometimes marines. Due to this, a lot of new talent, and opportunity will be there for you, who knows you might even meet a future crewmate." Northstar Orion said to Lysander before he left.

Lysander now, was only a few moments away from Mariner's bay, he was not alone though. Traffic filled the seas as several ships and small boats were to and from the port. Lysander had never seen these many ships before on his own, he had always heard stories from his father about bustling seaports and the different types of people and ships that he would see. But to finally see it in person was something else entirely.

Ship horns and the clanking of metal filled the skies as they could be heard from afar, Lysander's face would light up with joy, this was his first taste of the outside world on his own and nothing made him happier than now. "This is amazing," Lysander thought to himself, steering his ship closer and closer to the port.

"Cargo to the left, travelers to the right," said an employee who was working the docks. Lysander quickly shifted course to the right hoping to snag a good parking spot. As older ships would leave new spots would open up, but the other sailors were like vultures, trying to snag a spot closest to the port land entrance. He would see sailors yelling at each other from across their ships, hurling insults at one another. "Fuck off, I saw this spot first," one sailor would say, "Yeah right asshole, I was here first, move aside," the other would remark. Fights would even break out, and people threatening each other's lives.

Lysander didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble with anyone so he would sail to the furthest parking spot available on the pier. After docking Lysander would exit his ship and pay a port employee to keep good care of it, and began to walk toward the port land entrance. Walking the pier was a unique experience, he would take his time being careful to soak in his surroundings. The white colored stone was beautifully carved and complemented the same colored stone rails that protruded all the way down toward the entrance gate. He passed by fellow travelers and sailors, smiling and nodding at everyone who seemed friendly, as the stone road was packed with people entering and leaving the port.

"Wow this place sure is busy," he said closing in on the gate entrance. Soon a line would form that stretched a good distance. "Ugh, a line." Lysander hated lines more than anything, but this was something he couldn't avoid.

Hours went by as the guards at the land gate checked everyone's belongings. Finally, Lysander reached the front of the line. "Arms out to your side kid," the guard said as he patted him down. The other guard who was working the gate confiscated his sword and flintlock. "Hey that's my stuff," Lysander said reaching for his gear, within a split second the guards quickly pointed their rifles they were carrying in the direction of Lysander.

"Relax pal, before you get those hands blown off! You seem like you've lost your damn mind, so let me remind you, there are no weapons, fighting, or any deadly conflicts allowed in the port. Keep all that shit outside the gates got it?! You can get your stuff back when you leave."

Lysander looked at the guards and stuck his tongue out at the guards while walking through the gates. Walking through the massive iron gates, was a small town. filled with mini shops and bars spreading across the entire port. Smashing of hammers against metal iron bars clanked, Vendors, shouting from customer to customer, and cheering coming from inside the bars. On top of that the port was packed with people front to back, it was very hard to maneuver as they were all practically shoulder to shoulder.

"Hmm? Where to start first, Father said I would be able to find a couple of crewmates in this port, but where should I look." Lysander hovered through the crowd in search of another crew mate. "A bar," he thought, "This would be a good place to start, I am quite hungry." So he entered the Mariner Way bar. It was packed front to back, and loud as ever. Lysander was able to squeeze into a spot at the bar counter and take a drink...

"Oh, come on," a young man's voice echoed through the bar. "Let me join your crew," he pleaded. The young man seemed to be bothering an older gentleman with a large body and large, long legs with an even longer and thicker beard. The older man turned to the young man. "Sorry kid." the old man said, "I can't let a young kid like yourself travel the treacherous seas; you'll probably die within a day!" He shouted with a teasing voice, and the young man seemed annoyed at this: "Come on, it's my dream to become a pirate; look, I'll even pay you." The young man then pulled out a couple of coins and slammed them on the counter. The man let out a laugh. "Ha! Money isn't going to change my mind." The man signaled to the bartender, paid his tab, and left the bar before the young man could even get a word in.

"Hmm Monsieur joining a crew may make you a pirate but it does not make you a good pirate." A well dressed man states as he approaches the young man that is still begging to join a crew. "What do you mean by that?" The young man asks in return to the sudden riddle of sorts that was just stated. "Well just simply being a pirate doesn't ensure that you make your name out to be a pirate, for being a pirate is to be known across the seas and not of one just playing pirate." As this is being stated he finally stands face to face with the young man who dreams of being a pirate. "So do you dream of just being a pirate or do you dream of being the best pirate that has ever set foot onto the seas?"

"You should only dream of becoming a great pirate, there is no room for the weak and meek in the seas, especially the Grand Line", Lysander said as his ears perched up at the news of someone wanting to join a pirate crew. He turned toward the two gentlemen discussing piracy. "Today is your lucky day, my name is Northstar Lysander, and I'm looking for a righthand for my pirate crew. Come and turn the world upside down with me," he said toasting his drink. The bar started to laugh at Lysander, "Do you hear that, those are the same words of the old pirate king Rodger. You'll never amount to anything he achieved, let alone come even remotely close to Straw Hat." Said a red-headed woman, "You are fodder compared to the lowest-ranking pirates ha ha!"

"Lysander's expression had changed from a joyful cheery face to a face filled with disgust and rage. "Who are you to judge someone's dreams?" He scoffed as he got up from his bar stool. "Ha, you brat, do you really think you can step to me?" She said, also getting up from her seat. The woman towered over Lysander as she stood 6'10ft to his 6'0ft.

"You trying to go young pup, I'll show you how dangerous these seas can get!" Lysander said nothing to the woman, only silence was expressed. "Hey there is no fighting in this establishment, if you wish to settle your differences do it elsewhere," the bartender said yelling over the countertop.

"Really!" The young man shouted with a face of joy and excitement as he ran past the well-dressed man and large woman, nearly bumping the drinks out of everyone he ran into, "You're really going to let me join your crew?" He said with a large smile on his face, completely ignoring the large woman behind him, "My name is Wallace E. Howell; what's yours?" He asked with a voice full of enthusiasm.

"Well I was just going to get my daily tea packets, but I don't suppose I could join this crew of yours if you will allow me the pleasure?" The well-dressed man proclaims to Lysander as he also answers the young man's questions. "Also he stated earlier that his name is Northstar Lysander I believe, although I wonder Monsieur Northstar perchance how many others are a part of your crew?"


Lysander looked away from the large woman and turned toward the two gentlemen from before, "I have no crew yet, I came to this port in search of some. What can you guys do?" He said completely ignoring the woman.

"Hey don't you dare disrespect me, you mutt," the woman said as she raised her fist towards the sky. She then threw a punch that was aimed at Lysander. He quickly noticed this and jumped into the air dodging the attack very quickly. The others had fallen backward because the woman's punch had broken through the floorboards. While leaping in the air Lysander did a pistol kick to the woman's face sending her flying through the bar wall. The bar had gone silent as Lysander landed back onto the floor gracefully like a feather falling from the sky.

An eruption of anger filled the bar as the pirates, merchants, and sailors, armed themselves ready to fight Lysander and the others. Seeing he was outgunned and outmanned, he the only smart decision... He ran, with Howell and the well-dressed man following right behind him. They darted through the port shoving and pushing every person they happened to run into.

"Don't let those brats escape! Yelled the woman, as she got up from the rubble that buried her. It turned out that the woman was "Bay Anne Mary" The pirate who owned the port. As soon as they knew it the whole port was after them, chasing them like a horde of zombies.

"This is a good first impression you're giving us captain, however I don't suppose you know that we're going in the wrong directions of the ports do ya?" The well dressed man states as they keep running away for a long time till his statement brings up a problem within the group. "I can stall them with my fruit abilities from here but we better think of something to get out of here quickly or we might get stuck here longer than needed."

As he finishes talking he looks back over his shoulder and holds out his hand in the shape of an L with his thumb and index finger with what appears to be some liquid dripping off it. Once they get in range however, the dripping liquid gets shot out rapidly from the finger, almost like bullets hitting everybody but a few people. However, none are too severely wounded but are more disoriented from the surprise attack.

The men just got up from the attack and began chasing them at full speed as the group ran. Howell suddenly came up with a plan. He shouted out to the others, "I've got an idea!" before abruptly stopping in his tracks, turning around, and reaching down towards the ground. With a swift motion, he lifted a section of the cobbled road and folded it forward, almost like he was rolling out a carpet. To everyone's amazement, the road stopped mid-air, creating a formidable stone wall between the group and their pursuers. Several men slammed into the wall, breaking noses and bones in the process. For a moment, the group stopped, taking in the sight of the wall that had just been created. Before they could even catch their breath, however, they heard the unmistakable sound of massive footsteps bearing down on them at full speed. Without warning, Marry Anne suddenly burst through the wall like a cannonball, sending pieces of debris flying in all directions and crashing into nearby buildings.

Lysander was in shock at Howell's fruit abilities, "what kind of fruit is that?" he wondered as they continued to evade Bay Anne. "I'm going to kill you brat," she said, in pursuit of them. They headed for the port exit, but first, they all had to get their gear back from the guards, who confiscated all weapons and dangerous items at the gate.

"We have to make a detour, I need my things. Knowing these guys, we're probably going to have to fight our way to it, or sneak in and do a little snatch and grab." Lysander said, leading the group, ducking into an ally way, trying to avoid Mary Anne. However she was relentless, she quickly cut into a different ally way. The trio figured that the coast was clear, after seeing the angry mob of sailors, pirates, and merchants run past.

"Before we go, let me check our corners to see if we're actually in the clear here." As the well dressed man finishes his statement, he brings his left hand up to his eye and has it swirl into a disk-like shape, almost looking like a monocle of sorts. After doing that he runs and stands near the end of the alley, bringing up his elbow to about parallel with the ground, and his arm starts to shift into a sort of brown liquid that gets made into a telescope that he then uses to scope around. However, after continuous use of it and seeing no sign of anybody else, he signals to the others and reforms his arm back to normal before running ahead.

The rest of the group followed closely behind the well dressed man as they tried to avoid the many groups of bloodthirsty men patrolling the entire area. It wasn't long before the group reached the main gate, but the only thing stopping them from leaving was the familiar red-headed woman known by the many people of this town as the Cannon Ball, Bay Anne Mary. Anne was standing in front of the gate like a vulture, waiting for the group to approach. She was determined to end their pirate career before it even had a chance to get started. The group watched the gate from behind a nearby house, as Howell put his fingers to his chin, ready to conjure up a plan. After a few seconds, Howell ran towards the wall surrounding the town, with the group following closely behind. He then grabbed the bottom of the wall and lifted it, creating a small hole with his fruit's powers.


Lysander told the two to go on ahead of him while he makes a quick detour for their things, "You guys go on ahead, I've got a plan. Go on ahead and sneak back through the front gate, go to my ship, it's a caravel ship with has a compass rose on the sail, the hull is black and brown. Dock it then drive it around the front gate, stay close though, I'll give you guys a signal to come," he instructed them, as they went their separate ways.

Lysander had quickly slithered his way around the front gate to a nearby cabin where he saw guards coming to and from. "That has to be it," he thought to himself as he lay low trying to take cover from anyone that might see him. Eventually, he was able to get close enough to the cabin to scale the back way and check what was inside through a nearby window. Peering through the glass he could see all the gear from the people at the port, guns, swords, knives they were all there, and a massive collection at that. Searching through the glass Lysander located his crew's gear. "Ah Ha!" He said picking up a nearby rock and smashing the window.


The sound of the glass shattering was loud and he knew that acting fast was the only option. Diving through the window he quickly located all the gear and stuffed it into a shoulder bag that held some explosives among other things.

"Who in the world would carry this kind of explosives in a cabin, they should know that it's not safe. He then dipped back out the window. Lysander then tried to slip away from the cabin, but unfortunately, he was spotted by a small boy who happened to work the port.

"HEY!" The pale boy said, pointing towards Lysander carrying the gear. "Thief, Thief there is a Thief here in the port!" he yelled. Lysander tried to shush the boy by covering his mouth, but the guards at the front gate were alarmed, alongside Mary Anne.

"There HE is! Do you think you can disrespect me like that on my home turf, and get away with it? Come little pirate, come play in the lion's den." She said, informing the guards to surround Lysander.

"Damn, you punk kid! Snitches get stitches!" Lysander shouted as he booted the young port boy right in the face sending him flying into a wall. "Damn, devil child!" The boy was wearing a straw hat with a black ribbon, it lay beside the boy, "Might as well take a souvenir for my troubles. Look kid, I'm the new straw hat," he said mocking the boy sticking his tongue out at his unconscious body.


A bullet had whisked past Lysander's head, Mary Anne had shot a flintlock at him, but her shot missed. Lysander began to run but everywhere he went to turn there were now armed guards and angry port men. "Shit looks like I'm really in the den, huh? I mean I'm not opposed to a little scrap, but be warned, I won't pull my punches," he said dropping the bag of gear, and grabbing his sword "Stella Marauder" and his flintlock "Starfire".


Still running they find the port with the ship and the well dressed man starts untying the boat and brings up the anchor as well up. After finishing he starts driving it around slowly like Lysander said to while also taking note of how clean the boat is considering they are at an island of pirates. However, he has no other things to do than talk with his crew mate of sorts. "So you're Howell, right? Mind telling me about yourself so we can get settled in, I must've forgotten to introduce myself a while ago, my name is Wellington Steven, a sniper and a lover of tea."

Howell reached for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Steven. My name is Howell, and I'm a swordsman." Howell spoke with a voice full of excitement. Before Howell could get another word in, sounds of bullets getting shot were heard near the gate. "Sounds like he's in trouble. We should hurry towards the port." Howell said as he jumped towards the front of the ship.


A battle ensued as Lysander fought the entire port, or so it seemed. Punching, cutting, kicking, and shooting his way to freedom, in the distance he saw his ship. "Howell and Tea Man must've gotten to the ship, thank god. Now it's time for an escape plan.

"Come on you lousy sons of bitches, he is just a kid, kill his ass." Mary Anne said pushing some men toward Lysander.

Lysander was quick and swift, with every swing of his blade the steel of his Stella rang deep in his enemies. However, he was not invincible, Lysander may have been a skilled fighter the odds were 50-1 and he was outmatched. Mary Anne was visually upset at her port workers for not being able to apprehend a small-time rookie. While Lysander was distracted she leaped toward him kicking his back, sending him flying into 3 market stands. "Damn, this bitch is strong," Lysander stated wiping the blood from his mouth, as he tried to get up, Mary Anne jumped in the air and went for a head kick, but he slipped her attack grabbing her leg and swinging her into the wall next to them. He then followed up by swinging his sword at her neck, but she blocked it and punched him in the face launching him into the crowd. The crowd began to turn onto him and attack him but Mary Anne ordered them to stop as she believed that she could defeat him all on her own.

Lysander stood back up dusting himself off. She then called unto him,

"What's your name boy?"

"Then name is Northstar Lysander!"

"Well, I hope you understand that your days of piracy are now over. Kiss whatever dreams of yours you had goodbye brat,"

Lysander began to hysterically laugh, throwing his hand on his face covering his eyes, and tilting his head back.

"Ending! HAHAHA! My age of piracy has only begun. What kind of pirate would I be if I couldn't beat the likes of fodder like you."

Mary Anne laughed.

"You got Moxy kid!"

The air seemed to shift as the two pirates looked into each other's souls on the battlefield. Mary Anne had a look of disgust written on her face staring into the young pirate. Lysander's hysterical laughing had faded into the wind, as a face of a much more serious man stood in for it. A few moments passed and they didn't move a muscle until a sudden clash. Mary Anne and Lysander had connected fists creating a small shockwave, some of the workers from the port along with some mercenaries and pirates, started to say that they felt lightheaded as the wave passed by them.

They clashed again and again, tirelessly like animals. Both parties neither wavering in strikes showing no signs of slowing down. The audience of the port was amazed at the prowess that Lysander possessed. "He is keeping up with Mary?" they muttered as more whispers spread through the crowd. "You getting tired you old hag?" Lysander shouted as they clashed once more. They both backed away from each other for a brief moment, huffing and puffing for breath.

"Tired? You asshole I can do this all day" she said getting ready into another fighting stance. "Well, the sad thing is...I can't you old bitch," Lysander then quickly drew his gun and shot a few rounds at Mary to distract her, he then darted for the bag of gear that carried Howell's sword and the explosives. He took Howell's blade out of the bag and tossed it as far as he could toward his incoming ship. The sword would land on the deck of the ship.

"It was nice knowing you mutt, but I've got some pirating to do," he said as he began to make a run for the entrance as it was his chance to escape. They tried to stop him but he was too fast, he managed to escape the port and began to run toward his ship. Mary Anne continued to chase him down the dock. "Come back here you little shit!" She said shooting shots toward Lysander, as he zigged and zagged his way toward the ship. With the bag of explosives, Lysander the bag at Mary Anne who stood just outside the entrance of the port. "Kaboom!" He said as he shot Starfire at the bag

BOOM! The explosion had blown up half of the port dock entrance and injured and killed many, including, 5 port employees, 4 Pirates, 6 Sailors, 5 Merchants, and 1 Bay Anne Mary.

"HAHAHA, Take that you assholes!" Lysander yelled as he finally reached his ship, which was closing in. He leaped onto the deck from the port edge, wearing a smile on his face, looking at his new crew members.

Howell leaped forward and caught his sword, nearly dropping it. He then swiftly shaped it into a large umbrella that protected the crew from the flying debris of the explosion. "You know how to make an exit!" Howell told Lysander with a huge smile on his face.

"I don't know about you guys but I'd rather get out of here before this ship gets damaged." Steven hurriedly starts steering the boat away from the dock as he tries to remember the closest island that is nearby. Debris keeps flying everywhere, hitting the water close by and barely scraping the ship but after steering it away for a while, the shore becomes barely visible now. "Well that was close there Captain, you aren't injured anywhere right? Because I ain't sure how many medical supplies we have here."

"Don't worry Tea Man! Nothing but a few bumps and bruises. I've been in worse scenarios before," Lysander said pointing at the huge scar along his right eye.

"What's your name, Tea Man?"

"The name is Wellington Steven captain."

"Steven san huh...I like Tea Man more!"

They both exchanged a laugh together. "Come on I'll show you guys around the ship," Lysander said gesturing his new crew mates to follow him. He began the tour by showing them their living quarters, which weren't the biggest but they would do the job, then he showed them the kitchen, bathrooms, etc. The crew seemed to enjoy it. Lysander smiled and thought of Theo, "Ah Theo would be proud" he thought to himself as he chuckled a little bit.

"Let me do something in return for letting me into this crew Captain." After Steven finishes saying that he brings his hand out and starts using his fruit to shoot out tea that wraps around Lysander. "Before you say anything, it's cinnamon tea. I found out it helps with muscle pain so do tell me if it's working, oh and Howell if you want I can do the same for you."

Lysander's arms and legs felt a little tingle and burning sensation at first but then his body felt soothed. "Wow that's some fruit you have," Lysander said as he rubbed his arm in amazement. He then walked over to the ledge and took off his straw hat. "Ugh does anyone know how to cook here? I've been eating only jerky and beans that I packed, I was hoping to grab some food from the port but I'm getting sick of eating this stuff."

Howell was surprised by Steven's fruit ability but responded to Lysander's remarks, "We might be able to get some food at our next stop; just don't blow up the port next time, captain." Howell said with a chuckle, "So what're you guys' dreams?" Howell asked the rest of the group.

"Well it seems counterintuitive but I wanna make the greatest tea out of all the tea in the world," Steven answered Howell.

Lysander smiled at Steven, he was a funny dude with a weird accent. "HAHA greatest tea, that sure sounds pretty good, my mother used to make me tea all the time back home." Lysander stated his dream, "My dream...My dream is to become truly free and make a name for myself in the world of piracy, although there is a certain treasure I want to find. How about you Howell?"

"Me?" Howell rubs his chin, "Well you see I still don't have a dream, that's why I became a pirate, to hopefully find that dream." Howell said with a smile on his face.


A few days have passed since their exploits at Mariner's Bay. The crew was gathered around the deck of the ship, discussing their next destination, when suddenly the flutter of a flock of News Coos was heard overhead. Suddenly, a paper fell on Howell's head with a thwack! "Hey, what was that for?" Howell screamed at the flock before grabbing the paper. "Hey, this is about you, captain," Howell told Lysander.

"The town of Mariner's Bay went under attack by a group of pirates that have destroyed the port and killed many innocent victims; the pirates responsible for the attack still haven't been identified." Howell read the paper with a hint of excitement: "Look, they have a picture of our ship. The pirates responsible were last seen on this ship; if you've seen this ship, please contact the local Marines." Hmm, it seems they couldn't give you a bounty, probably because they still haven't identified you." Howell folded the paper and handed it to Lysander.

Lysander began to laugh, "Ya ha haha! Amazing! This is only the beginning, for us." Lysander then walked to the front of the boat and stood tall. "A few more stops until we reach Paradise, I say we head to Conomi Island, I heard of a rumor over there on that Island." He said holding his new straw hat.

"You said a rumor of sorts? What can be happening in the Conomi Islands for there to be a rumor going around?" Steven asks as he sends a coin flying at the news coo seagull. "Also the hat kinda suits you, Captain, when'd you get the time to grab that?"

"Thanks Tea Man, I stole from this punk kid at the port to teach that brat a lesson about snitching. But it looks way better on me then it does on him, I do need to add a string or something to it though, just incase it falls off in the wind."

Lysander then threw his arm around both Howell and Steven, "In regards to that rumor, I heard there is a certain Devil Fruit, somewhere on the Island. I heard this rumor from some guys at a bar back home, they traveled all over the East blue so I've heard about all kinds of stories."

Howell let out a laugh. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's set a course towards the Conomi Islands!" Howell shouted as he put his arms around the rest of the crew.

"TO CONOMI ISLANDS!!!" Everyone shouts as they all get set on to a new adventure with the start of a new crew and the beginning of a sail across dreams for those onboard and the ones to come in the onset future.