
Lycan System

After a long day, a young man called Lex found himself barely awake on top of his bed. 'What is this place?' Puzzled Lex starts to believe someone kidnapped him, but what really happened? --- I hope that you enjoy the chapters as I am rewriting them anyways! Discord Link - https://discord.gg/VK49j3Dk9m

Bpcb · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Big Boss

'I think a steak would be nice, maybe some ice cream if it exists in this world.' Lex thought as he slashed open the skull of yet another Skeleton.

He had just finished clearing most if not all the mobs of the Dungeon within less than five minutes.

'I would like to go fight the boss now but my transformation is about to run out.' Lex thought as he let out a deep sigh.


After an hour Lex's cooldown on his transformation skill had ended. He found himself a place to sit and wait outside the Boss' room.

'I'll be greeting you soon.' Lex thought as he remembered the depictions of the battle between Bones and the Dungeons boss.

'If only I could summon you so that you could fight again and get your revenge.' Lex thought whilst he stretched out his arms and then legs.

He once again activated his skills.

'Eyes Of The Lycan'

'Legs Of The Lycan'

'Arms Of The Lycan'

'Yeah, it's definitely a weird feeling.' Lex thought as he felt himself transform, the transformation felt similar to hitting your funny bone except the feeling ran across his arms, legs and even eyes.

Lex opened the door to the Boss room and there it stood. The Giant Skeleton.

Giant Skeleton Level 18

A smirk appeared on Lex's face, 'If I had the actual strength of a level eleven I would have definitely ran away from this situation.' He thought as he looked at the large ape in front of him.

Giant Skeletons didn't have to take human form, their most common forms were animals, it was possible to face a giant human-like Skeleton although they usually took the form of a cyclops as to not cause confusion against Demi-Skeleton players.

In World Of The Chosen, Demi's had a large range to choose from, it was pretty hard to find an exception to this rule. However, not all Demi's were good. Players had the freedom to do almost as they pleased in the world.

This caused many players to run bandit camps or build their own cities or start their own religions with them as the god. Monsters weren't the only obstacle that you had to overcome in the game.

Every continent could be brought by a powerful Guild or ruled by a player, the possibilities were endless, this was only possible because the developers of the game wanted to create a second life type of experience for people that were tire of their everyday lives in the real world.

The giant ape resembled a Gigantopithecus in form except instead of thick fur covering it was covered in what looked like horribly deformed bones with a jaw that could easily bite off one of Lex's limbs in one bite.

It stood at three meters tall, or almost ten feet, and looked to be around two hundred and fifty kilograms in size.

'It's a giant, but that means it's slow.' Lex thought as he dashed towards it at an incredible speed.

Lex's claws connected with the ape's hand, this made him look like an ant compared to the Giant Skeleton, the ape's hand managed to get a couple of scratches, this was visibly much less damage than all of the other Skeletons.

'No wonder Bones' massive sword didn't do much to you.' Lex thought as he jumped back.

The ape was now angry at this puny intruder who came into his territory to attack him and slammed its fist in an attempt to crush Lex.

Lex kept jumping back a few meters each time until he was against the wall, the barrage of slams coming from the ape was pretty unexpected and almost caught him off guard.

Lex felt that he was against the wall and knew he had to run around the ape if he wanted to stop being on the defensive, Lex jumped behind the ape slashing away at its back leaving large claw marks on the apes bony back.

Skeletons felt a pain similar to other monsters and people, but their pain tolerances were a lot higher, or at least in the game that was, the large ape didn't seem to feel almost any pain from the attacks Lex was throwing out.

Lex jumped back as the ape swiped its arm behind its back in an attempt to attack Lex.

Lex looked at the fist that was barreling towards him with an intense amount of force, he was completely caught off guard.

'Damn I was too busy think-'

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I also hope you had/have a good day!

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