

In a world where humans and lycans inhabit the same realm, Alina, a young woman with an unquenchable curiosity, finds herself drawn into a forbidden love that defies the boundaries of their societies. Elias, a lycan with a deep sense of loyalty to his pack, becomes her confidant in an enchanted forest where their love blossoms under the moonlit nights. As their bond strengthens, so does the tension between their worlds. Alina's quest for understanding the mystical lycan way of life deepens, even as the prejudices and conflicts of their societies threaten to tear them apart. When a newcomer named Preston arrives, his intentions spark a series of events that lead to unexpected revelations and a dangerous love triangle. As Alina's world unravels, she discovers the true extent of her own latent magical abilities. The clash of love and loyalty, combined with hidden secrets, sets the stage for a battle that transcends the physical realm. As Alina grapples with her feelings for both Elias and Preston, she's faced with a choice that could forever alter the course of their intertwined destinies. The ensuing conflicts, heartbreaks, and unanticipated alliances lead to a climactic confrontation that uncovers the dark secrets lurking beneath the surface. In the end, Alina's journey is one of self-discovery, empowerment, and the ultimate choice between love and freedom. "LYCAN WILD AT HEART" is a riveting tale of love, magic, and the enduring quest for understanding in a world where boundaries are meant to be broken.

Mrs_Snow_5340 · Urban
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12 Chs

Unveiling Truths

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the forest. It was a night that felt heavy with secrets, a night that would unravel truths hidden in the shadows.

Elias and I stood at the edge of the clearing, our hands entwined as we gazed up at the stars. The tension between us was palpable, the weight of recent events hanging over our heads like a storm cloud.

"Alina," Elias's voice was a mixture of concern and determination. "There's something I need to tell you."

My heart raced at the seriousness in his tone. "What is it?"

He took a deep breath, his grip on my hand tightening. "Catherine... she's not who you think she is."

Confusion knitted my brows together. "What do you mean?"

Elias's gaze met mine, his eyes reflecting a mixture of guilt and frustration. "Catherine's involvement in our lives—it's not a coincidence. She's been manipulating things from the beginning."

My mind raced to process his words. "Manipulating? But why?"

He sighed, his voice heavy with regret. "Catherine's family has a long history with the werewolf elders. They believe that our pack's unity has weakened over the years, and they want to strengthen it by any means necessary."

A chill ran down my spine as the pieces began to fall into place. "You mean... she married you to gain influence over the pack?"

Elias nodded, his expression pained. "Yes. She wanted to be in a position of power, to control the decisions and the direction of the pack."

Anger bubbled up within me, a mix of betrayal and frustration. "And what about us? What about your feelings for me?"

Elias's eyes held mine, his voice earnest. "Alina, I never stopped caring about you. But Catherine threatened to expose our relationship, to manipulate the situation even further. I had no choice but to go along with it to protect both of us."

A surge of emotions washed over me—anger, sadness, and a sense of helplessness. "So, everything we had... it was all a lie?"

Elias stepped closer, his hands cupping my face. "No, Alina, our feelings are real. But the circumstances... they were beyond our control."

As his thumb brushed away a tear that had escaped my eye, I felt a mixture of longing and frustration. "So, what now? What do we do?"

Elias's gaze held a newfound determination. "We expose Catherine's intentions to the pack. We make them see the truth, and we work together to restore our pack's unity."

The prospect of facing the pack, of revealing the deceit that had tainted our lives, filled me with a mix of anxiety and determination. "And if they don't believe us?"

Elias's smile was determined, his eyes holding mine. "Then we fight for our love, for the truth. We won't let her tear us apart."


Catherine's intentions were far from noble. She masked her true intentions with a façade of loyalty to the pack she had married into. Her real goal was to seize control, to manipulate the pack's dynamics to her advantage. Unbeknownst to her, Elias had caught wind of her sinister plans, though he pretended to be oblivious.

Elias's voice was laced with concern. "Catherine, I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with those old family history books lately. What's your interest?"

Catherine's eyes gleamed with a calculated innocence. "Oh, just trying to learn more about the pack's rich history. It's fascinating, don't you think?"

Elias's expression remained neutral, though his mind raced with suspicion. "It is indeed. But be careful not to unearth things that should stay buried."

Catherine's laughter held an edge of mockery. "Don't worry, Elias. I have no intentions of digging up skeletons. Just looking for ways to contribute."

Elias's gaze never wavered as he replied, his voice steady. "I appreciate your dedication to the pack's well-being."

Little did Catherine know, Elias had discovered her true intentions. He had seen the notes she made in the margins of those ancient texts, the subtle changes she suggested that would ultimately grant her the control she craved. He had been gathering evidence, preparing for the confrontation that he knew was inevitable.

As the moon cast its silvery glow on the clearing, Catherine approached Elias with an air of false camaraderie. "Elias, dear, have you seen the records from fifty years ago? I think they might hold some valuable insights."

Elias's response was measured, masking his knowledge with a polite tone. "Interesting, Catherine. But you must remember that the past is best left untouched."

Catherine's smile was chillingly sweet. "Of course, dear. But sometimes, the past can hold the key to our future."

Elias's eyes narrowed slightly, his voice tinged with warning. "It's important to tread carefully. Our pack's unity is our greatest strength."

Catherine's gaze held a hidden agenda as she nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely right, Elias. Unity is paramount."

Elias observed Catherine's actions with a watchful eye. She was slyly planting seeds of discord among the pack members, exploiting their insecurities and grievances. She was weaving a web of manipulation, all while maintaining the façade of a devoted pack member.

Elias decided it was time to confront Catherine. He found her alone in the clearing, her gaze fixed on the horizon. He approached her, his voice a mix of sternness and resolve. "Catherine, we need to talk."

Catherine turned to him, her expression a mask of innocence. "Elias, what's on your mind do you want me? I need you Elias, please kiss me"

Elias's voice was steady, his eyes locked onto hers. "I know what you're doing, Catherine."

A flicker of surprise crossed her features before she quickly regained her composure. "I'm not sure what you mean, Elias."

Elias's voice held a note of warning. "Don't play games with me. I've seen your plans, your attempts to manipulate the pack for your own gain."

Catherine's laughter was cold and calculated. "You're mistaken, Elias. I'm merely trying to contribute, to help the pack thrive."

Elias's voice hardened, his gaze unwavering. "Your actions speak louder than your words, Catherine. You're tearing the pack apart, exploiting their weaknesses for your own agenda."

Catherine's façade finally cracked, revealing a glimpse of her true nature. "And what if I am, Elias? This pack is a means to an end, a stepping stone for me to gain the power I deserve. And you need to start showing me some love, I am your wife after all" as she walked closer to him while unbuttoning her blouse...

Elias's voice was laced with disappointment. "You're willing to sacrifice the unity of the pack for your own ambitions? and please, cover yourself up, I have no intention to be intimate with you"

Catherine's smile was malicious, her eyes gleaming with arrogance. "Power is what matters in the end and you in my bed, Elias. And I'll do whatever it takes to achieve it."

Elias's voice was firm, his resolve unshaken. "You're wrong, Catherine. True power comes from the unity and strength of the pack. Manipulation and deceit will only lead to your downfall and I will never be intimate with you"

Catherine's gaze held a mixture of defiance and desperation. "You can't stop me, Elias. I have the upper hand."

Elias's voice was filled with determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect this pack from your machinations."

Catherine's laughter was chilling as she turned away, her true nature laid bare. "Good luck trying, Elias. But remember, the pack's loyalty can be fickle."

As Catherine walked away, Elias's heart was heavy with the weight of the situation. He knew that the battle against her manipulations would be a difficult one, but he was prepared to fight for the unity and strength of the pack, no matter the cost. The moon continued to cast its glow over the clearing, a silent witness to the turmoil that had infiltrated their once harmonious world.

She pulled out her phone and dialed a number, her fingers trembling slightly as she held the device to her ear.

"Hello?" a voice on the other end of the line answered.

"Catherine here," she replied, her tone hushed but urgent. "We have a problem."

The voice on the other end was calm, yet carried an undercurrent of concern. "What happened?"

"My cover's blown," Catherine confessed, her voice tinged with a mixture of anxiety and frustration. "Elias knows about my plans."

There was a moment of silence on the line, followed by a deep sigh. "I told you to be cautious, Catherine. This wasn't part of the plan."

Catherine's grip on the phone tightened, her frustration boiling over. "Well, it's too late for caution now. Elias is onto me, and he won't back down."

The voice on the other end remained calm, though the concern was evident. "We can't afford any loose ends. Handle this situation discreetly."

Catherine's eyes gleamed with a hint of determination. "Don't worry. I have a contingency plan. Elias won't see it coming."

"Make sure of that," the voice warned. "Our interests must be protected at all costs."

Catherine ended the call, her mind racing with a newfound sense of urgency.