
The Mating Ceremony

The night of the full moon. Just as Aaron said, tonight is where we both run together... I asked the woman who has done my markings in a cyan greenish blue color. I wasn't allowed to see what I looked like, for the "alpha female must have confidence in whatever she wears especially in her own skin" says that woman.

Whatever the reason for that I do not know. I exit the wardrobe clothed in bear fur that Aaron's hunted for my outfit supposedly. To be honest I loved it and it is mildly comfortable and warm.

"Luna, it's time. We must make haste to the ceremonial grounds where he is waiting for you. Do you remember what I told you that you must do?" She said. I nodded.

My immediate fear of being center of attention was definitely trying its best in bribing me to get it over with fast. Which is making everything I was told to remember, forgetful.

She heads towards the door motion for me to follow her. She escorted me to the woods where we come to a clearing. A large opening of grassy space between the thick woods. A few Indian paintbrush flowers around with other floral plants.

"This is as far as I go. Just follow a stoned path and it'll take you where you need to be." Her tone serious as her expression showed. I nodded and looked down at the floor where I spotted the stoned path she mentioned.

I began walking, taking slow strides as it was night slightly heard to see. A few seconds and my night vision kicked in. I took longer strides trusting my sight.

The further I gotten, I could see three torched lights up ahead. A tall figure standing there in the middle of the torches. The closer I gotten the more figures I could see surrounding the lit torches and the crowd departed a path for me.

Gulping I walk between them and there I see Aaron in the middle, the three torches lighting his handsome face. I look to the ground and spotted the purple butterfly painted on the rock.

My signal to begin the mating ritual. Aaron took the first few steps of the mating dance, as did I. We kept it going until I started to let go and it all came to me freely.

As if I knew what I was doing and and having a joyous time about it. I smile and laugh in unison with Aaron. It felt as if we were the only two there. The finally leap I take into Aaron's arms and he lifts me into the air where I lift my legs and raise my hands above my head where I try my best making a shape of the moon with my body. The crowd of his pack members voice a loud awe.

That is where I feel a sense of power coarse my body. Aaron lowers me to the ground and I stare into his eyes, memerized how the moon light hits his eyes. Giving off his redded colored wolf eyes that held a longing unconditional love.

"Breathtaking. I can't believe it." His voice in deep awe.

"Can't believe what?" I asked.

"Mine." Was all he said. I realized what he meant and he held me close and gave a loud growl as a signal to tell the pack to leave.

He took my hand and we ran into the woods where a small house that took on a shape of what a wolf's den looked like. I wasn't sure how they pulled it off, but it walls absolutely beautiful. I smiled and noticed a change in my temperature.

I felt on fire and we both fell to the ground as I heard grunts, screams, bones cracked, flesh shifting. Unsure, of what is even happening I bleached out until my vision was clear as if I could see in the night clear as day. My hands, now paws? Fur on my leg? Is that a snout in front of my eyes? I looked at Aaron, his wolf 2 times the size of me.

2 legged creatures in the forest, here in the makeshift den. His fingers paws race all over my body. Mine done the same. Both of us breathing heavy, he licked my face and his tail wagging so fast. He lowered to me the ground and continued licking down my body.

Small little animalistic moans escape. I never thought I'd experience something like this especially as a supernatural creature. The intense feeling of how right this is in absolute ecstacy was a true drug.

And with that said I didn't want it to end.