
The Call Of The Wild

There I was, running in the evergreen forest. A little valley coming into view. I heard four thumps from below me as I ran. The cool crisp breeze whisks around me. I enter the valley, stopping in my tracks to take in the natural beauty of Mother Earth. All the wild flowers below me, I look down and I spot white paws.

I looked lower, seeing a long snout before my eyes. Some sort of sound of confusion was heard. Did that come from me? I spot a small creek flowing nearby and I trot my way to it, listening to the flow of the water. I look at my reflection, a white violet eyed with a shade of silver in her eyes of a wolf looking right back at me. The eyes hold such power, emanating a deep sense of wander and conflicted, confusion.

I look up above my eyes and I could see a crescent silver moon in between the middle. It aligned with the white fluffy fur quite nicely. The long lines coming from the middle of the moon, making it look like it had a soft glow to it. Was this beautiful beast me? I am this beast?

All of a sudden in the reflection of the water, I could see a black form of a tall wolf looming from behind looking back at me. I turned my head around and there was tall, muscular black wolf with such deep blood red glowing eyes gazing at me. They held such a strong emotion of love and admiration. I took a moment and looked him over, taking in the features. Tips of his fluffy ears had a dark red fur.

His snout barely showed a line of dark red. His paws, a tint of a bright red until it clashed with the black. His tail was the fluffiest, The end of it had a visible color of dark red. From the top of his head following down to his lower back, looked to be an extra fluffy fur spot as if it was meant to be hair held a dark red contrast color to it.

He protruded a strong since of alpha male power as if he could take on a bear or mountain lion with no help, but that didn't scare me. A sudden realization of a familiarity about him became of me. He approach me as it was the most natural thing, his tail almost laying over mine as he sat in front of me. I scanned over my tail, taking in the silver fluff that cascaded the end of my tail.

His paw rested onto of mine, I gazed into his dark red orbs. He gazed back into mine and nuzzle his snout with mine. His muzzle moved as English human words came from him. "My mate, wake up." His voice ever so familiar, soft, and a low, deep rumble. My body felt so overcome of warm fuzzies from the sound.

"Wake up, my righteous half." His words sounded more real, as if he was speaking in reality. My mind was becoming more aware. "Wake up, my half soul." His voice brought me into reality and out of my dream state, as I slowly open my eyes. His scent intoxicated my nose.

My face was pressed against his chest. Being this close, I could hear his slow steady heartbeat as he breathed. I took the advantage to listen, as it had an affect of calmness become of me. His chest rumbled softly, His arm over my waist, his chin above my hair. "Are you awake yet, my love?" I could feel his chest softly rumble, as the vibration tickles my skin while ge speaks.

"Yes." I said softly. Nodding my head, I pull away a little to get a better sight at his face. "I had a good sleep, but I'm awfully hungry." My stomach growled on cue as I said the word hungry. He chuckled and lifts himself on one arm, looming over me a little.

"Well, there's breakfast behind you on the nightstand." A cheeky smile formed over his lips. I giggle at the sight and I was about to turn over, but his grip tightened around my waist with his other free hand. "But, if you really want it. You have to convince me." His expression evident of daring. He was challenging me over breakfast, if there's a game you're inviting me into.

I'm accepting that invitation, bring it on! I mischievously smile back at him. He lifts an eyebrow in wander, still a cheeky smile on his lips. I graps for his collar and pull his face close to mine slowly. I felt his grip loosen on my waist and I took that advantage to turn around quickly and stuff a waffle in my mouth.

"Wow, you really caught me off guard there for a moment, but not to worry. That's a mistake worth learning from." I could hear the surprise and detected sarcasm in his voice. I giggled, continued stuffing my face with the waffle.

"Tonight's the full moon. You'll experience your first change." He said. Why must you bring that up while I'm eating? I don't know what comes with that and just thinking about it made me lost my appetite. It scares me of thought that I might not be able to change because of the fact that it may be painful and my body will act on instinct to fight it.

"Yeah... right." My mood wasn't in a good one. I put the half eaten waffle on the plate. No longer feeling hungry, I get out of the bed and i spot s silver dress on the trunk in front of the bed. I grabbed it and held it up giving it a once over as I take in the details.

The middle area of where the breasts go has a crescent moon with 4 lines coming out of it. Looked as if the moon was a star that shined bright. The dress covered in laced details of wolves and the moon. "Is this for me? What do these details mean?" I ask. Aaron getting off the bed and approaches me.

"Yes, it's for your first transformation as a Lycan and of course the mating ritual." The last part of the sentence he spoke had his cheeks evident of a red tint indicating he was blushing.

"So, you're saying this beautiful dress is going to be ripped and shredded once I turn, or torn by your hands?" I wasn't sure what he meant for this dress, but I was hoping it'd be by him and not my transformation.

"Well, I get to tear it off you... for the mating ritual." His features were evident of blushing. I found it cute to see his nervous side.

"When do I put this on?" I ask.

"Now, you've been asleep for most of the day. It's almost dark out anyway and my pack are looking forward to meet you. Don't let yesterday's events cloud your thoughts, alright?" He said. I've been asleep for almost the whole day? I guess yesterday really had me in shock. No, no. Can't think about that now. Oh, shoot! My mother still doesn't know about any of this?

She acted so distant the day she dropped me off at school. Com to think of it, she did seem shady. Was there something she was hiding? I'll have to ask her later. I slip on the dress and the bedroom door suddenly slammed open. "Who the hell do you think you are? You little witch! You're nothing, but an underling of a Lycanthrope. Aaron's mine! I'll be the packs and his Luna!" Her sudden demands only angered me.

"That dress doesn't belong to you! It's mine!" She went to snatch it off me, but I grabbed her wrists. I twisted her arm and brought towards her back, pushing her until her front hit the wall.

"I don't know who, or what you think you are, but I don't take orders from you. Let alone, its disrespectful of you to treat Aaron's mate this way!" She turned her head, glaring at me. She pushed her body off the wall, shoving me back. Who the hell does she think she is?

I let out an alpha like primitive growl. My stance hostile and ready to pounce. Claws extended from my fingers. I could feel my Lycan within me. "Wow, for a Lycan who hasn't changed yet. You sure as hell know your ways." A malicious smile forms on her lips. She transforms herself into her Lycanthrope. A 2 legged tall beast stands before me as her dress shreds along with her body growing rapidly.

"I may not be able to change now, but that don't mean I can't work with what I've got now. I sure as hell ain't going to get this dress ruined in the process." I let out a howl hoping to signal whoever is nearby to stop us. The power I've felt thriving within me definitely told me I wouldn't hold back in killing her. She threatened me, and she obviously has a thing for someone who belongs with me.

She claws at me, barely missed my arm. I jump and swing myself around to her back. My K9s extend and I bite into her neck. Gouging deep within her flesh. The taste of her blood had my primitive side going crazy. I pull away, ripping apart of her neck out as blood gushed out. Her neck was healing, but not fast enough. She cried a howl. I heard footsteps coming from the hallway.

Aaron running into the room, his eyes widened for the scene before him. He gazed at me then back at the She Lycan. "Get out, Sheila! You're not the Luna nor my bride to be." He spat in her face. She coward in his presence and whimpered at his words. Her name's Sheila, huh? Now I know who to look out for. My primitive side still on the surface, I felt the need to run. To let the wild take over and feel free.

I snarled at her as she ran out of the room. "Natalia, your eyes!" I had no clue what he was talking about. My claws descend allowing them to be fingers. I run to the bathroom and he's right. My eyes, they're a violet purple with a silver shade. They were beautiful. My primitive instincts over take me.

Aaron takes me into his arms. Wrapping them around my abdomen. "Baby, calm down. The full moon is about to rise. You'll run free with me soon." His scent, his voice, his presence. It all calmed me. He kissed hair and laid his chin on the top of my head. "It's almost time. I'll send some up to do your markings from the color I've picked for you."