
Seeking Truth

My body was changing painfully. What was I becoming? Why is this Happening to me? All these questions and no answers.

I felt my ears extend from the side of my head moving above. My skin allowing a flow of fur to grow and an extended part of my tailbone growing faster and longer.

Once the change was over I looked up at the stranger unable to speak, but then she spoke to me as if she was in my thoughts. That was trippy and really not something I've expected.

[Here we can speak when you're in your wolf form. It's what lycans and werewolves call 'mind links,' they use this to communicate faster.] she spoke.

[Who are you? What have you done to me?] I asked snarling at her.

[I am the Moon Goddess, your Luna. I see for you are confused dear child. You're the long awaited daughter to become something much more than any other female wolf has ever achieved.] She answered. I tilted my head in more confusion trying to understand what shes talking about.

[What do you mean by 'more' exactly?] I asked.

[That question for the answer you seek shall be of your discovery to learn. Tis' not my place to say, thus no one else, but his to share. Once you find him all answers will be revealed.] She specified. I have so many more questions. [Dear child, I'm afraid our time has come. We'll meet again soon, but with better circumstances.] She bid me a farewell as darkness began to surround me and soon I was woken up in the nurse's office of the school.

I spot the guy sitting standing at the door who was watching me. "What happened?" I asked and he took his index finger and pointed at me.

"You ma'am took a real nasty fall, are you okay?" He said. I shake my head as a bit of drowsiness began to creep up on my conciousness. The nurse came and grabbed my chin and held up a light o my eyes asking me to watch the light.

"Well, it's a good thing you don't have a concussion, but you look drained. I suggest you can have a small nap here, I'll let your teachers know the new student will have to be known till tomorrow." She informed me.

She was right I did feel drained. Heck after whatever that just happened to me really did take my energy away.

Hopefully it was all a dream, but it felt so real.

I took that thought and ran with it hoping it was all a dream. Not wanting to go through such pain ever again.

"I'll cya new girl, tomorrow then." He smiled and turned to exit out of the room. I smiled back and soon my eyes closed in on me allowing the darkness to envelop my vision as I drifted off to sleep.

Soon, I was woken up by the nurse shaking my arm. I realized it was time for me to go and I got up grabbed my stuff and thanked her. She smiled thoughtfully and I exited the room and out of the building.

I seen my mother's car and getting ready to prepare myself knowing she may have heard of what happened today. I entered the vehicle and she hugged me hello as I did her.

"So, how was school?" She asked. Apparently she knew nothing of the incident. Good I prefer her not knowing, due to some occurrences that has happened today.

"It went well mom. I guess this school wasn't so bad." And the funny thing is I was telling the truth, but not the whole truth. The guy that caught me before I've made impact on the concrete really did me a solid and the school nurse was as kind as well.

Then I remembered of what happened in my dream like state. A woman in a robe with such beautiful big purple hue eyes has spoken to me. Her aura was such an astounding intimidation.

She felt other worldly and then she done something to me. Causing me to become something by breaking my bones and shifting my anatomy to an animal of some kind. I'm guessing I was some kind of Canine due to the giant paws I've seen. She something like Lycanthropes I believe.

An idea popped in my head. I decided to do research on the woman.

"Mom could you take me to the library please?" I asked very eager to understand.

She smiled and nodded looking to be pleased of maybe thinking I wanted to do some more learning.

I hated school though I know it's for my best. Education is important but why teach it if you'll never use it.


I exited the vehicle thanking my mother for taking me here. "I'll be waiting out here for you. Just come back out with the books I'm sure you can read them at home." I nodded in a agreement.

I entered the librarian building and asked the the librarian where I could search up something that has to do with the word 'Luna' and 'Lycanthropes.'