
Found Him

Bang! Another loud thud hammered onto my table from him. "Answer me!" He demanded. I went to grab his hand and cupping it in my small ones lifted it off my desk. I grabbed for his collar of his black jacket and pulled him close to my face.

"Allow me to make myself clear here. I don't appreciate how you're treating me, especially when you assume such accusations against." Ok, all a lie. I was drooling over him a minute ago, but that doesn't mean he has to know. "I certainly don't have to explain myself, but however you can start explaining why you were chasing me down the hall?"

"Hmph." Was all that came out of his mouth. I've realized that each time when he speaks there's this growl that comes out almost sounded animalistic. I found it interesting especially when it had something to do with my current case. Not to mention this unwanted infatuation I'm starting to realize about him.

Some kind of magnetic pull was overtaking me. I couldn't understand it, but I tried my best not to allow it. He grabbed my arm that had uncovered sleeves over my skin and the moment he made contact. My body felt unimaginable warm tingles. What the fuck is this? It's alien to me, but somehow it felt unremarkably familiar. He seemed familiar...

"Let. Go. Of. My. Arm." I made sure to make each word sound important as if his life depended on my warning. He didn't do so, but I'm glad he didn't. God, he's really working his magic on me right now. What mystery is this? I'm definitely going to have to read up on this situation some time.

"After school, you are to meet me at the tree line off the campus of the woods. Understood?" Pfft, like I'd listen to you. What makes you think you're my alpha?

"Allow me to make myself clear again, I don't like the way you're speaking towards me. It's rude and disrespectful. You speak to me as if I'm lower than you, yet I only see two strangers having a chit-chat who doesn't know a thing about one another enough to judge." Was this me speaking? I've never spoken like this to anyone before. I was never the type to be this bold or brave.

"I don't appreciate your attitude. I'll have to adjust it for you." Now that sounded seductive for some reason. Something was telling me to back down this time, but I wasn't going to. I've been known to be stubborn, but not stupid.

"I don't remember asking you to be my coach on how to respect others." Then it hit me, the realization of maybe he's another wolf-like me? he sounds like an alpha, talks like one, and especially the growl. This could be my chance to learn more about the experience I've gone through. Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible at this rate.

He glared at me, for a second I could've sworn his eyes turned to a dark red glow, but once I blinked they were normal again. He turned and left for the classroom once the bell rang. The entirety of school I haven't seen him around anywhere. Thank Irene, or at this point, thank Luna.

I was exiting the back doors of the school only because it was closest to the exit of the school parking lot. I didn't feel like exiting through the front door where there were stairs. Because of that incident of that one time. Before I could get around the corner of the school building I was being picked up and thrown on someone's shoulders. His scent though, wow. Focus Natalia! "Who in the hell are you? Put me down, now!" There was no answer, but I've tried my best in thrashing my body hoping to loosen his grip.

Boy that was a fail. This guy's got quite the grip and the strength. I had to stop thrashing my body because he's only crushing me closer to his shoulder. We've reached the tree line of the woods and walked a few yards. Finally, he sat me down and I was able to get a good look at his face. "You! What the fuck do you want with me?"

"I told you to meet me out here, but you didn't listen to me. I know who you are and why you're here, but it seems to me that you're unaware of it all." I was studying his face looking for any identifications of lies. Fortunately, I found none.

"Okay, first I don't even know your name. Second, I haven't even said a thing about to you!" He laughed at me. 'Cause this is somehow funny to him? "What's so funny?" I asked.

"It's either your stupid or has no clue what's going on at all between us. Especially how I never heard, seen, or smelled you around my territory. You even speak to me as if you're an alpha." Now he seems serious, "Do you not realize who I am? Do you not realize what we are? How blind are you?" All these questions he kept asking felt like an interrogation, but he wasn't wrong. I don't understand what he's talking about.

I looked down at my feet embarrassed by the lack of knowledge I had by whatever he was talking about. "You're right, I am blind. I don't understand anything that's been happening to me lately. I keep experiencing all these new yet unfamiliar and weird senses, I tried looking up in the books of the time I've met a presence that has a strong aura like a Goddess could posses. I believe her name was Luna." I spilled my guts out about everything that I've been trying to understand to him. Every crucial detail I could say, except the parts about him.

"Well, I didn't want to say anything at all today, but you are the woman who I've been waiting for a long time. I couldn't tell if it was you or not because personally I was never told what she may look like, but only that she'll meet our luna in person." Wait... he means to tell me that he is the guy that Luna spoke of? So, he is supposed to be the one to tell me everything?

"So, you're the one who's supposed to tell me everything?" I asked.

"Yes, love... I'm yours as you are mine rightfully. I am your mate and you are mine, it's my job to inform you on everything until your wolf senses have come into full completion by the full moon." He answered.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hey guys! Author here, how do ya'll like the story so far? Do let me know in the comments. I wanna hear your thoughts, plus I now have a job and I'm trying my current best to keep up with this book and my other book 'Werewolf's Mate' and plus I love to sketch digitally and it's important and feels healthy for me to draw out my inspiration. More chapters shall be here soon! Sorry, I couldn't figure out the current time or schedule yet to have a weekly update for this chapter :)

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