
Discovering Nothings and Beautiful Somethings

I've spent so much time for 2 nights in searching what "experience" I've been through and yet nothing. So, far I've found what a Luna is and Lycanthropes. Though nothing of the sort has to do with the experience.

With frustration, I got up out of my chair and swiped my desk clean off while holding back a scream. I hated how much I wasn't able to figure out why.

All I wanted was to understand why me? Why was this "Luna" telling me this? What have I done to deserves this? Who the fucks this man she's spoken about?

With that kept in mind. I took that moment to get ready for school. My mother, giving me a ride to school kept giving me looks of concern or worrisome. "Mom, why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. She turned away and continued driving.

"I'm sorry sweety, I didn't mean to weird you out," She stated, "I'm just noticing a change in your features. Your bodies shaped more like an hourglass and your face... it's like your cheekbones were raised." She drove in silence as I was trying to progress what she was talking about. What does she mean my features changed? Do I look different? Did I go throw a large, but fast amount of a second puberty? Wait... is there a second puberty?

"Mom?" I asked, "what do you me-" before I could finish my thought. She hit the brakes and kissed my forehead as she shoved me out of the car.

"You're going to be late! Now, get to class! I love you, sweety, see you after school." With that said, she sped off out of the school parking lot. Great chat mom... great chat. I grabbed the strap of my bag and ran the handle over my shoulder letting it rest there as I walked to class.

Once I've entered, all the students looked at me and the teacher greeted me while asking me to introduce myself in front of the classroom. No way buddy, not in hell and not here. Instead, I walked to one of the empty desks in the back of the classroom knowing nobody would bother me. Maybe a bad spot to be when learning, but at least I can focus better.

As I walk past all the unfamiliar faces of my classmates, one of the girls stuck their foot out in front of me, and before I took that step where she can make me trip. I stopped and I looked at her, "I don't appreciate what you're trying to achieve here, plus of the matter, I never have done a single thing to you. So could you please move your feet out of my way?" I guess what I said didn't sit well for her as she glared at me as her look could kill.

Do I care though? Nah. I got to my seat and pulled out my books ready to begin the lesson. The entirety of class I caught that chick glancing back at me with a stink eye. Sheesh, I'm not your priority chica. Pay your undivided attention to the lesson.

After that harsh moment in class. the five-minute break bell rung. I got up out of my seat quicker than anybody else could and I fastened my pace into speed walk to my locker. gathered my things for the next class and got out of there. Within my quickened pace, I walked up the stairs to my second class, and all of a sudden I caught a whiff of something the smelled so delicious my stomach growled.

I stopped in my tracks and checked my surroundings trying to identify where it was coming from. Then, I saw him. His eyes were as blue as the ocean, maybe bluer. He had a perfect jawline that looked razor-sharp and the best part is their's no facial hair. His hair looked so thick I could run my fingers through it. Though, he's gotta buzzcut just below the ridge of the thickness on top of his head. Oh, how I wish I could run my hand through his hair.

His body was definitely built. Looked as if you can see his muscles flex just under his dark leather jacket and a black T-shirt. All of a sudden, he looks right into my eyes and it felt like he held me there for an eternity. He began to take big strides in my direction, but within that moment I forced myself to move before he could catch me. I swiftly turned the opposite direction of the second floor and sped walk to class.

During that time, I looked back a few times only to see him coming after me. Every time I do he gets closer and moves faster. Just in the nick of time I got to my classroom and took my usual seat in the back. Once I got comfortable, I pulled my books out of my bag and set them on my desk. 'WHAP!' i jumped at the sound of a hand slamming down on my desk.

"Who the fuck are you? What gave you the idea to stare at me while drooling?" I looked up at him and he made eye contact while I was trying my best to avoid that. His eyes are so damn blue up close. He's so beautiful. I kept my composure and lifted my chin up high letting him know he doesn't terrify me, yet everything about him screamed dangerous yet beautiful.