
Dinner And Almost Dessert

After placing the hoodie over me, "Okay, I'm not sure if you count hear me, but I dont know where the dining room may be?" I shout. I hear loud thundering steps down the hall as if someone was running. My haze shifts to the door as I hear a knock.

My wolf senses weren't kicked in at that moment so I couldn't know if it were him or not. Instead, once when my door opened. I was met with a difficult pair of eyes. His was more grey, they held hunger and rage. He stood there hostility in his stance, his eyes raped over my body and I begun to feel sick.

"Mmh..." He moaned. My bodies skin felt like it wanted to recoil back into a whole. I cringed so hard I was sure disgust was evident on my face.

He swiftly made his way to me, enveloping my body into his as he buried his nose into my neck. He was taking into my scent, my body felt so wrong in his arms. I needed to get out, so I thrashed my body. Trying desperately to get out of his hold, but to no avail he was strong.

All of a sudden I heard a dog like whimper. Did that come from me? He smiled to himself successful, showing his yellow rotted teeth. I gagged at the sight and he pushed to my bed.

I cried and shouted for him to stay away. My wolf senses were becoming haywire and I wasn't able to control myself so that caused me to feel weak. Tears ran down face as he crawled atop of me.

Grasping for my wrists he held them there over my head as he lifted the hoodie, exposing my stomach. I shouted a cry, trying to escape out of his hold. He smiled, list evident in his features. My body felt disgusting, I never felt like I really needed a shower.

He grabbed for my shorts, tearing them off me as my panties were exposed. Before he could tear my panties off, he flew off me and I saw the man who pulled him off.

It was Aaron. He saved me. His eyes were on the man, looking ready to kill. He gazed back at me as may body laid there limp and unmoving.

He focused back onto the cowering man and he threw the guy out my window. My body filled with adrenaline, I got up and ran out of that room. I entered the hallway and all around ms was chaos.

I saw every person fighting. All these people I never knew about, but I assumed they were Aaron's pack mates and the others must've been enemies. I ran down the hall, somehow managing to dodge every encounter of each fight I've passed. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I needed to get out and away from that unforgiving sight of a room.

A bad memory became my worst scar that I can never heal. I felt a large hand wrap around my waist and a force knocking me down into the ground in my mid run. I turn my head around and I see Aaron hazing at me. He looked hurt, apologetic and angry. He gets off me and I stand back up as more tears fell.

I rushed into his arms, needing to feel comfort in the midst of all this. I took the advantage of his warmth and my wolf senses kicked back in. Why would they kick back in now? After all this time, why now?

I sobbed, cried, and sniffled into his chest. Inhaling his scent, he patted my hair as he tried calming me down with promised words. I felt a sensation of calmness wave over me as his scent and his voice, hell his whole presence made me feel safe.

"Don't think twice I'd ever find a man do such a thing to you like that ever again. I'm going to find that ba***rd someday and I'm going to make him suffer slow." His voice sounded with absolute rage and I just pressed my face into his chest harder, after the long cry and running.

My knees buckled and my body leaned on Aaron's for support and my vision became blurry. Suddenly everything blacked out, and the last thing i heard was Aaron's voice sounding ever so worried.

I woken up in a different room, I've never seen this room before. Though, the interior looked nice, but could use a woman's touch. I hear a doorknob jangle and I lay there unmoving. "Thank Irene. You're awake!" I heard thankfulness in Aaron's voice. I felt a sudden shame in my gut, I turned over in the bed. I couldn't look at him, I must look pathetic and weak to him. I couldn't properly defend myself because of that man.

How dare he think as if I was some kind of meal? A damn dinner, no dessert. Ugh, how disgusting! I thought to myself. My body has never felt so gross, I wanted to shed my skin off until I felt raw. I could feel Aaron crawling in the covers behind me. He played his arm over my side, pulling him close to my back.

"Natalia, you're safe now. Please look at me." His tone sounded sincere, but I defected sadness in it too. I guess that's because I wasn't looking at him. I shook my head, I couldn't face him. "Why won't you look at me?" His tone sounded pleasing. My heart ached, I just couldn't look at him.

"I can't look at you, I'm ashamed of myself..." Tears were forming in my eyes, threatening to spill because of my admittance. I can only imagine the look on his face from my words. I felt his arm move off me and grab my chin. He forced my face straight upward looking at the ceiling.

He moved into my view, blocking the ceiling. He studied my face, my tears were evident, "My mate, know this. You may think you're weak or whatever, but to me. I see a strong spirited alpha female." I couldn't help, but laugh. It sounded so ironic to me. His thumb brushed my lips, his eyes gazing at my lips then back to my eyes. His expression looked as if he was asking.

I recalled what happened earlier and I couldn't bring myself to... not yet anyway. l didn't feel like I wanted any physical sexual contact. I put my hands up to his lips, I shook my head. He nodded, respecting my answer. I felt bad so all I could do was kiss my fingers and put them on his lips.

I laid my hand back down to my side, a small smile forms on his lips and I smile back. Sleep began to overtake me again, and I was able to sleep so much better knowing he was there by my side. I felt safe, secure, and comforted as I leaned my forehead into his chest.