
Lycan's deformed mate.

DaoistwrcXhI · Fantasy
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4 Chs


This was the most terrible and brutal experience I had ever faced. It was worse than what my father did to me too.

After what seemed like eternity, I opened my eyes painfully. They were gone.

I looked around, everywhere was deserted.

Thankfully, no one was around to witness this terrible incident.

My clothes were tattered and I was left bleeding seriously by the roadside. I struggled and crawled to a little tent away from the roadside. Blood from the dead bodies around filled the whole place with a dreadful stench.

Why did they spare me? They should have killed me too. What's the point of living after this terrible ordeal? Terrible pain emanated from in between my thighs and I felt I was going to die too.

Unexpectedly, I heard heavy footsteps approaching. They were finally coming back to finish the evil work they had started and kill me. I thought fearfully.

My heart was beating furiously hard.

Unknowingly, I found myself using the last strength in me to crawl to a safe place. A part of me still wanted to live.

I looked back to check who they were. They are the Alpha's soldiers. Wow, thank heavens I wasn't seen. I don't know which would have been worse.

I was finally starting school today and I couldn't be more happier. I hadn't moved on from that previous incidence but I couldn't let it tie me down.

I wanted to experience what being educated felt like and perhaps become somebody useful to myself.

I hurriedly dressed up in one of my prettiest clothes. It was not so beautiful, but it was what I could afford and I had spent a long time saving up for it.

I moved closer to the mirror to take a closer look at myself. My eyes were swollen. I rushed to pick up and apply a face concealer to hide my disfigured look. It is my first day of school, and I must look good right?

My thoughts were going wild as I dressed up. Would they like me in my new school? Will I get new friends? Will the teachers like me?

I finally arrived at the edge of the stream I must cross before getting to the town in another pack where the only school in the whole city was located. It was a taboo for an Omega to attend a school. They are meant to be slaves all their lives. So I must not be caught.

I looked right, left and right again and then jumped into the closest boat to the shore and off I went. Everywhere was gravely silent. No approaching ships or boats. I felt my heart fly and burst into singing.

Finally one of my dreams was coming into reality. I was going to be educated.

I suddenly felt cold chills creeping up my spine and my left eye twitching at the same time. Bad omen sign. I normally have this feeling whenever something bad is about to happen. I remember I was told I inherited this attribute from my late mother.

I waved it off and continued my singing. It might just be the cold weather conditions in this part of the river.

A loud sharp sound pierced my ears. Where is this coming from..

I look up and see a huge ship approaching me fiercely. It was getting closer and closer...

Had I been found out or who are those approaching my direction..

People rarely took this route.

Without thinking, I forcefully paddled the boat to the opposite direction but the ship didn't seem to give up, it diverted to the direction I took.

I closed my eyes tightly and screamed at the top of my voice as the big ship rammed into me.

I felt my world shut out.

I felt my head being pounded by something hard. Slowly, I opened my eyes but everything was dark. Where am I..

" Is she awake now " a cold somewhat familiar voice called.

" Yes, my Lord " Another voice responded.

I struggled to sit up straight to open my eyes to have a glimpse of who owned the voice but something dragged me down. Seems like I was tied up and blindfolded.

What is going on..

I gave up and lay back down slowly.

Slowly, all my memories came crashing back. Yes, I was on my way to school, a ship accosted me and crashed into me..I passed out.

How long had I been here then..

" Untie her " the first voice I heard earlier commanded.

" Your wish is my command".

I felt someone came closer to where I was and cut something. Instantly, my hands and legs broke free painfully.

" Remove the blindfold "

" Yes my Lord. "

The blindfold felt off my face. Almost immediately, I looked up to see the face of my captors, but a bright light hit my face instead and forced me to close my eyes shut immediately.

" Not so fast baby girl". A voice chuckled coldly.

I recognized the voice immediately. It was the voice of the Alpha, my father.

I resisted the urge to run out and punch him at the same time. I so much hated him.

What does he wants to do to me this time..

" Are you surprised? Did you miss Daddy"? He asked tauntingly.

I remembered this voice. He used it while I was younger to remind me of how helpless I was.

I scoffed. It wouldn't work this time.

" Seems like you have grown more wings this time, makes things more interesting". He chuckled.

I listened as he whispered something to the people present around us and the light dimmed a bit and they all left the room one by one.

I felt a sudden sense of dread. I mustn't let him see this.

" Look at me ". He ordered.

Slowly, I looked up at him. His eyes shone with hatred and victory.

I refused to back down in staring at him.

Finally, his eyes left mine.

I turned to glance around the room where I was. This was my father's inner room. Everything was the unchanged from the way it had been years back. This place held several horrible memories for me.

" Hmmph.." he cleared his throat loudly.

I turned my face to look at him.

" Many years ago when you came into this world.." he started.

" The moment you came into this world as a girl and wife lost her life, I felt nothing but hatred for you and it worsened when I discovered you were deformed and wouldn't be able to experience your shifting period. Of what use would a wolf be without experiencing her shifting period.."

" I still feel so much hatred for you and I'm wondering why I still spared you till this period. But anyway the main reason why I brought you here now is that you might finally be useful to me for once in your life...".

He paused expecting a reaction from me. I waited for him to finish whatever he got to say so I could leave here as soon as possible.

" Years after I banished you, I had been on the lookout for a single mistake you would make again that would give me an opportunity to set my eyes on you again, but it never came. I sent my guards to watch after you until one day....".

I felt my heart stopped. Did they see me that day? The day I was abused by the enemy invaders...

I was sure doomed if they did.

" ...the day a message was sent across to me that they had caught you leaving the pack through that hidden illegal river and it seemed like you were headed to school and you know it was one of the biggest crime an Omega as low as you could commit".

I heaved a little sigh of relief in my heart. They hadn't seen me after all. The punishment would be more terrible.

" I sent them immediately after you to capture you and here you are now" he finished beaming.

" Well, and so?" I decided to push.

" Wait till you find out ". He responded with an evil smirk.

" First of all, I missed how you taste and would like to ...." he stopped.

He didn't need to finish the statement. I understood what he meant.

What I dreaded most was going to happen. I just hope this was a joke.

" But-t-t you said you weren't going to do this to me again years ago ". I stammered half pleadingly.

He bursted into a wild laughter.

" Didn't know you would still remember that incident. Well, sorry to say this baby girl. I was very drunk that day and that was surely a wild hallucination. There was no fire in your eyes". He mocked.

" Besides, I am no longer your father. I am free to do whatever I want to do with you".

I hated the way he called me baby girl.

He turned to face me hungrily as if he was staring at a prey.