
Lyalia Chronicles: Mao, Hero and Prophet

The protagonist is a looser. He has achieved nothing in his life. One day he pathetically dies. Due to some problems, at that moment he can not be sent to Hell. To not waste space in Godly Realm, he is temporarily reincarnated in another world. Sadly for him, Goddess handling his case is a stupid loafer that overloads him with her own work and messes up his character. How long can he survive with being an INTP-T as his greatest weapon and weakness? The story is set in a medieval high fantasy world with guns, swords, and magic. A continent inhabited by 4 races: Humen, Ancients, Beastfolk and Demon. It’s a subtle proxy war between three outsiders: Mao, Hero, and Prophet. MC (Mao) receives a trustworthy companion, who will stay with him till the world’s end and goes on a journey through the darkest places of the Lyalia. He forges alliances with the continent’s strongest, or beats them into submission, and makes his children and allies the winners of this war and rulers of the continent just to have his ordinary life in an idyllic village. This is the "Default route" of an interactive book managed by artificial intelligence. As such, it might differ greatly from what a good classical novel is like. Known chapter list: CH0: Goddess' monologue (Prologue) CH1: Preparations CH2: New World CH3: New Day CH4: New Task CH5: New Enemy CH6: New Life CH7: New War ... Twitter: https://twitter.com/gakuenthegame Cover art by: https://twitter.com/goblinmajo

LatgolAI · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CH2 New World #2.

Walking through long, thick grass with Strength 1 and Agility 1 is a heroic feat on itself, especially for a total beginner like me. When we just began our journey through the vast grassland, Shea would constantly run ahead of me. I could barely keep up with her, falling and tripping at every chance. But then, I felt how someone's eyes turned to me and her pace slowed down, perfectly matching with mine.


After walking for a while in silence, Shea starts up an unexpected conversation - I think you were sent by the Gods. Maybe one of them.

To which I respond in a very stupid and improper way - If I am a god, you must be a goddess! What makes you even think so?

- I don't know. I want you to be. I will be a goddess, a slave, a sacrifice, whatever be there need for. - The tone of her response makes me immediately regret I had treated this topic so frivolously. I think I haven't yet fully grasped that while this is a different world, it's the reality, not fiction. What's more, she had many good reasons to suspect that I might be a god: the Godly Realm, the collar, the book, the presents. I am the closest to a god in this world, especially with the one cheat I received most likely by accident.

- If I need to sacrifice you in the process, I will never accept becoming a god. - I respond with the seriousness and sincerity this topic and the partner deserve.

- I do not hold a wish to become a sacrifice, but there are some things I do not want even more, in contrast to living in a world where they prevail, sacrificing myself sounds like true happiness. - a dip in princess' pace is a hint to how deep in her mind now she is lost, recounting all the repulsive things, that feel even more terrifying than becoming a sacrifice.

- We can deal with those things, when the time comes. You do not need to become a sacrifice, even if I suddenly decide to become a god. I will see to it. - I try to reassure her, but it comes out sounding more like a promise. A promise on a scale I am uncomfortable to make. Shea immediately sees right through it, but gratefully accepts my effort.

- I am glad to hear that, even if it turns out differently.

I'm unsure how to follow up to this doomsday prophecy and we walk in silence again, but it doesn't feel wrong in any way. When with her, it is so easy to talk, or be silent. If there are real gods, not like that useless Goddess, I am deeply beholden to them for this perfect combination. Is this what they call a match made in Heaven.

- Tell me about the Elfen? - I try to do my bidding at keeping the words flowing.

- Elfen... We are one of the Ancients. Scriptures tell we descended from one of the 13 gods. That is something that Elfen are very prideful about. We were a peaceful nation, but lately, it has changed for the worse. Some of the priests are saying that as descendants from the Gods, Elfen should have more power in the worldly affairs. There are now many who share that opinion.

- What about you? - It is a simple follow up question and her use of "we" and "Elfen" a clear giveaway, but the response I received was outside of what I could have expected.

- I want for each and every one to live in peace, even if it means a war is needed to get there - she insecurely, but firmly replies.

- I don't like wars, but peace is always nice to have - I reluctantly respond. War wasn't something I would consider a suitable means for achieving anything, especially peace.

- Peace built on suffering is a war with no end in sight - Shea painfully hit at my pacifism, with no intention to back off.

- You are right, but that doesn't justify starting a war, with all that comes with it. Someone who suffers can fight for the cause in other ways. If you die in that war, it's an end to the fight. - our views collide at full power, but it's so peaceful. It's a beautiful exchange of opinions, without the ill will, screaming and manipulation I once was so used to.

- Some would rather die, than see others suffer. - Shea puts forward the next argument, more an emotional statement than a discutable fact. It might be ridiculed in a debate, but in a battle of true and false she had won. I do not see any more room for further argumentation - a tactical retreat is all that is left. Disagreeing with her words would equal lying to myself. Agreeing, at this point, would only strengthen her belief that war is the solution to suffering. She is holding some very deep beliefs that I have no right to judge. Not before I have firmly proved that they are wrong, or that there is a better way.


The rest of the path was just dreary walking, walking and then more. At one point I even took out the book and tailed off to gather some more Ls, but got mercilessly scolded by the princess for being so careless.

We finally arrived at the big old oak when the sun was already starting to descend. Its branches were stretching far and wide to all sides, creating a dimly lit space with no grass beneath. It all felt so familiar, even though I had never been here. I sensed bitter aftertaste just from looking at it.

-This is it. This tree should be a good place to overnight - With a contented smile Shea reports. These drastic tone swings of her is something I am not used to seeing others do.

I sit down in the shade. My legs are hurting. I sometimes took longer walks when visiting the parents' house, but they never topped mere 10 kilometers. We have walked easily twice that distance today.

- You should take a sip. - Shea hands me a flask. "Water flask (small)" states the name. "A flask that contains 1 liter of clean, drinkable water. Water fully restores within two hours."

I take a cup and pour water in, then drink. Then pour some more and drink again. I drink like a horse, with big gulps. I am really thirsty from all the walking under the hot sun.

When I am done, I reach the hand holding the flask towards Shea, to give it back, but she shakes her head in denial - No, you can keep it. I had a spare.

My disappointment makes her let out a quick giggle, which in turn makes me internally pout at her: "You know, I was being considerate." After a deep sigh, I stash away the flask into the Inventory.

A round pastry appears in girl's hand. She accurately splits it into two equal pieces and gives one to me - This is the only food I managed to grab when the summoning circle appeared. At first, I was planning to keep it as something that could remind me of my sister, but my memories are by my side.

"Citric bread [custom] [damaged] [53g]"

- Thanks! I am in your debt - I push back at the rising teariness, getting noticeably angry at its origin, the limbic system. I dedicate it a long and fervid monologue, while snacking on the small piece of the pastry: "I can process this situation without your troublesome interference! I am very much aware of how important this gesture is, without your exaggeration! I chose the most suitable action - gratefully accepted the offer. I even didn't scold her for such uncalled action. All that, long before you decided to give your opinion, so, shut up!"

When we had completed our pieces - they were heavenly good - Shea asked me what's to come next. I explained my plan as well as I possibly could, but Shea was doubtful or surprised about most of it. My idea involved setting up a platform made out of sleeping nets high in the tree's branches. It took me ages to explain what a sleeping net even is. I ended up showing one to her instead: a 2 by 1.5 meter cord mesh with 2 centimeter wide eyes from a strong, elastic material.

All of the needed goods - 3 sleeping nets, ropes and a rope ladder - come from the Shop. It all costs me quite a bit.

The only problem now is to get that all up there, in suitable height. I can tie something heavier to one end of the thinnest of the ropes and throw it up, using it we can then pull up the ladder, so that I can climb up there with the rest in the Inventory, but for all that to actually work someone needs to get... A series of loud hits interrupts me laying out the plan in my head - tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck.

- I'll check for a suitable spot to set up those nets - Shea cheerfully informs me. She is already climbing up when I glance at her, using one row of metal arrows sticking out from the tree's trunk as footing, and holding with hands onto another one and thinner branches. I can only watch her jump from one place to another in silent terror. Be it branches or arrows her bare feet step on, she is moving up fast and with confidence.

- Could you... - Shea stops on a branch and asks me while pointing to another one, growing in a distance too wide to get to just by stepping over. I take out a bow, a copy of hers, and run the eyes through the skills - Metal Arrow - this should be it. Swoosh. Dank. Pieces of wood fly around.

- Are you trying to kill it? - Shea remarks while brushing wood chunks off of her armor.

- I am sorry, I really have no idea what I am doing... - I apologize. It was pure luck that I hit only that far from where I had intended. The power with what the arrow hit the tree was many many times greater than I had expected from pulling the string just so slightly. This mishap was making me quite nervous about the future.

Nonetheless, that was it. The best spot had been reached. Completing the rest of the plan took time, but went smoothly. Shea too put hands to every task, making things so much easier for me. Using the rope I weaved a sturdy mesh between the two massive branches. I then laid sleeping nets over this experimental base. Their ends we secured to the branches, sides together, all for a bit of extra sturdiness. This construction looked like a mess, but believe me, it was robust. After covering it all with a thick cloth, I was able to stand up in full height, to which Shea enthusiastically clapped hands. I know I will hate myself tomorrow, when I'll need to take this monstrosity apart, but it's all worth it.


I spend the rest of the day walking around with the book, looking for new specimens and thoroughly inspecting the surroundings. I go as far as Shea would let me. I had left her guarding me from the heights of the tree camp, admonishing to not go further than a few tens of meters from it. Just a glance at the book had made her unwillingly agree.

I find only a few new plants, but it is worth the effort. I get a few hundred additional Ls. That covers at least the expenses for building the tree camp.

When the sun starts nearing the horizon and daylight is getting dimmer and dimmer, I return back to the camp. Shea awaits me with discontent expression.

- Sorry, it's for our own good. I did not go past the arrows you shot at me. - From the Shop, I buy two large pears and give one to Shea. It is my try at repenting and softening her mood.

- It's an edible fruit called 'pear'. It's very sweet and juicy. - I explained while pointing at the green object in her hand.

Shea carefully inspects the fruit with her eyes and fingers, rolling it around in different directions and pressing on it, then puts closer to the nose and takes a few short, mistrustful breaths, then a long, deep one.

- Smells so nice. Can I keep it as is? - Shea asks while holding the fruit in palms like a treasure.

- It will spoil. I can give you another one whenever you want. Eat it, it tastes even better. - I bite a large chunk off of mine. The juiciness, the sweetness, the firmness, the softness, the texture, the perfect balance. It is the real deal, even better than anything I had ever tasted. Following my lead, Shea brings the fruit to her lips and nibbles off a tiny bite.

- It's so good! - she exclaims as sweetness overwhelms her taste buds. A smile sneaks on her face.

- Didn't I say! - I announce my victory.

Soon nothing is left of our pears. I finish mine only a tiny little bit faster than Shea hers. She looks tired, but happy. And, she looks at me, with large, questioning eyes.

- It was very tasty. It's the first time I ate such a wonderful fruit. We had the best of the best chefs preparing food for us, but this is by far the best thing ever! Being your slave is so much better than living behind the castle walls. You are weird! I mean it! Tch... let me say it... this feels weird... hahaha... you are so nice... you know... I am a slave...

- What's wrong? - I'm concerned about the sudden change in Shea's talking pattern. She is acting slightly weird.

- Nothing is wrong! Sitting here, outside of the castle, it is so fun... This feels so good! - her expression changes from happiness to sadness. She lowers gaze and after stopping twice, finally pushes it out - Can I get closer?

- You probably should rest, it was a long and tiring day for both of us. - I am wary of what consequences this last question might imply.

- No, I'm good... Sorry, you do not want to talk to me. I was wrong to think that you would like to talk to me. I forgot I'm just a slave. - There is no anger in her voice, just deep sadness.

- I love talking to you! Sorry, I... - What do I even say? I know nothing that wouldn't be a lie. Situations like these, I've always overcome them with lies.

It is clear that Shea is in some other state of mind and I am in big trouble, because it involves something I'm very bad at dealing with. Since she ate that pear, she is acting very weird and chaotic. Two events in a succession do not imply causality, but this is the only explanation I can come up with.

- Can I get closer then? - Shea reiterates her question assertively pointing to a place in front of me.

- Yes, sure! Come here… - I raise the white flag. Shea crawls closer and sits in a comfier position. I'm pleasantly surprised that I feel no usual urge to move back and maintain the distance. It must be one of those rare exceptions. Could have been dangerous so high above the ground.

- I miss my sis... We would talk like this in the evenings. She would tell me different things about the outside world. She would always brush my hair before going to bed. I will never be able to talk to her now. - Shea's shoulders droop. I wouldn't be surprised if a tear or two are hidden in her dimly lit eyes.

- Illumination! - I whisper silently. A tiny, white orb appears above our heads shedding everywhere soft daylight. Shea looks up and smiles, even if for a bit. Moments like this is what I want, but there isn't a magical skill that can make everything right.

I feel like a jerk in need of punishment for having even suspected her. Nonetheless, I have no intention to let this golden opportunity to go to waste - Do you want me to brush your hair? I'm not good at talking, but I can do at least that.

- Would you do that for me? - Shea is taken aback and invigorated by my sudden suggestion, but then loses her spirit again - But... I don't have my hairbrush with me.

- I have one. Sit with your back to me. - I guide her, securing both: my safety and entertainment. If it is something that will let her forget about the sadness, that's even better. I had prepared a brush for a lucky chance just like this, the most fancy I saw in the Menu.

- Really? Okay! - Shea turns around bestowing to me her gorgeous hair.

This brush has an incision filled with some blue mineral on its back; the moment its tooth touch the hair, it starts glowing with vivid blue light. That is accompanied with a weird, tingling sensation in the hand. This sensation is quite to my liking, but I would have loved doing this even without this pleasant bonus. Doing this reminds me of the time I spent with someone dear.

- You have very beautiful hair. - I state the obvious. Be she a heroine in one of my stories, she would have been very popular with my readers. Sorry, guys, your stories have ended forever. This story is for me only.

- Elders say length of hair shows warrior's strength. You are really good at it! Not as good as my sis though...

- I would do this to my niece. She too had long, beautiful hair like yours, but she would not take care of it, unless I forced her to. I got really angry at her. - Yes, this reminds me of my niece, the only person I met in real life more often than a few times a month.

- I can't imagine you angry - Shea tilts her head, like if seriously thinking about it.

- Let's keep it that way. Turn this way. - I order.

Shea follows my guidance and I can continue with brushing the front bangs. When I lower the brush before her eyes, she suddenly stops going from one side to other - Wow, no wonder it felt so good and nostalgic, you are using a mana transfer brush.

- Is that bad? - I pull my hand away to cause no more harm.

- If I get addicted to this, I expect you to take the responsibility. - Shea makes a lighthearted joke.

- If that's all there is to it then I will. - I reply letting the brush slide through her side bangs.

- I meant it as a joke. - Shea is confused by my reaction and tries to explain herself.

- I was serious. - I don't let her get off the hook.

Shea starts yawning. Her eyelids are getting heavier. I let the brush slide through her hair a few more times, then put it away - You seem sleepy, you can go to sleep.

- What about you? - I hear too much determination in her voice.

- Same. - I reassure her letting out a yawn myself. I am feeling more and more tired by the


I give Shea a simple, fluffy pajama with a hoodie. After doubtful inspection, she changes into it and lies on her side of the platform. I still haven't gotten used to how in this world, it is a magical thing.

- Good night! - I wish her, covering with a blanket.

- Good night! I hope it doesn't rain… - she replies clothing eyes.

- Sleep, it won't - I reassure.

- How can you know? - Shea opens her eyes and looks at me, but I don't respond and she goes back to sleep.

- I wish I didn't knew. - I whisper to myself, but she already isn't listening.

Before getting to bed I do one more thing in my to-do list. I will give it to her in the morning.

"Do you really want to restore item C..."

Thank you for reading! The next chapter will come when I'll give up on editing it. Sorry for my poor English.

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