
LWS: Liye's Legacy

When the famous Master Liye is about to reincarnate, he meets a badly wounded former slave on the brink of death and offers him his legacy and a name. That legacy changes the fate of the former slave, opening a way for him to take revenge on his former owners, but revenge isn’t the only thing on his mind. He wishes to increase his power so that he can help Master Liye the day he returns to thank him for everything. This story follows the adventures of Master Liye’s legacy disciple, Shiba. ______________________________________________ This novel is a prequel to Last Wish System occurring approximately 32 thousand years before Last Wish System, but both can be read independently. Both can spoil some details of the other due to shared characters. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Alemillach · Fantasy
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233 Chs

This Is Our Revenge!

Shiba didn't have enough by killing the weakest of the three Rank 8 experts.

However, he knew that the other two would be harder to deal with since they were already wary of him, and they were stronger than the other one.

Meanwhile, the two remaining Rank 8 experts stared at Shiba with a hint of fear.

They knew that Shiba was the academy's deputy principal, but they didn't even fear the principal, a mere deputy principal at Rank 7 didn't mean anything for those Rank 8 experts.

However, Shiba's attack hadn't been something that a Rank 7 expert could do, so they needed to reevaluate their opinion of Shiba.

They wondered why someone at Rank 7 was together with Shire and Eini since he would be useless, but it was obvious that Shiba wasn't a mere Rank 7 expert.

Of course, they still didn't know that the Annihilation Flame Tornado needed both Shiba and Eini.