



Dracula gently rubbs Alicia's breasts with a smile while she looks at him in silence. She was still not happy with the way he rough handled her, trying to choke her to death but she has got no choice or dare tell him that. She has to play along with her superior.

" You feel like having me right ? "Alicia breaks the silence with a smile.

" Ofcorse and that's why I'm touching you " he said to her

" Then what are you waiting for ? " Alicia said to him and winked her eye romantically

" I'm waiting for you to take off your clothes " Dracula said

" But you should have just commanded me to do that since you are the Dracula " she said and scoffed

" Well that's what I just did.  Take of your clothes now ! " Dracula commanded in a really harsh way and she gently began to take of her clothes and glaring into his eyes.     " You don't have to be so harsh with everything " she said as she was completely standing unclad with her boobs standing firm

" Hmmmm so nice to see " Dracula said as he stares at her beautiful nipples which were already enticing him

" You know what to do when I don't take the lead. C'mon give me what I want baby " he said and rubbed her check with his palm. Alicia some slowly knelt in front of him and looked at his eyes like she has got something running in her mind. 

" What are you waiting for. Get under my dress and suck that thing between my legs " Dracula said and Alicia slowly got under his royal dress, took of his underwear and began to suck his erect cock so hard

 " Hmmmm oh Yeah" Dracula moans rubbing her hair with his hand while she kept on sucking hard.



It was already 9pm and Natasha and her crew members were already dressed up on a black trousers, shirt and a mask ruggedly while they hold their guns firm as they form a round circle, getting ready for a hit.

"Thank you guys all for being here. "  Natasha said, standing in the middle of  the circle the girls formed.   " We have succeeded in getting guns from the street Lord, thanks to Wendy here and now it's time for us to use it for what it's meant for. As we going on this operation now, I will like girl to be smart. The people we are dealing with are smart and corny especially one of them, but there's no how he is gonna escape this . Is that right ? " She asked the girls

" Yessss ! " They all responded uniformly in a high and prepared spirit to attack

" Good " she said with a smile

" So how are we gonna attack them now ? " One of the girls asked

" Good question. I and Wendy have plotted how it would go successfully by thoroughly spying on them to know their ways and we succeeded. David do go to a bar to drink after work and comes back home late at night while Eric do smoke with his gang outside at night. These two cocky boys don't miss any of these things I mentioned for a single day so this is what we are gonna be attacking them with, and we are starting with Eric " Natasha said holding her gun up and smiled when she called Eric's name

" Yeahhhhhh that's it we are on this" the girls hailed excitedly, dancing around with their guns in their hand.

" That's ok please she still got something more to say ". Wendy said and the girls calmed down to listen to Natasha.

" Now from the information I have got, Eric is currently outside now in his compound smoking with his guys. There's is a tall building next to his and that's where we are gonna stay and take the shot. Let's all stay at alert please. So we move " Natasha said and they all got into a car and Wendy drove them to the operation while they were all loading their guns in the car and smoking with a loud music on.

 After few minutes, they arrived and parked their car far away from the building and then came down with their guns.

" Hey that's the building over there let's go" Natasha said to them and they all ran into the tall building and they sited Eric smoking and playing draft with his gang at night.   " Yes I was right. i knew he is gonna be outside. I've studied him alot " she said excited at her plan.

" Now you guys should hold your positions. We have a job to do and we have to do it without messing up. Is that understood ? " Wendy said to the girl and they all replied affirmatively.



Eric sat outside with 7 of his gang, smoking and drinking while they play games and mess around 

" Hey bro you ain't gonna win me again. I have learnt all your shit and will use them against you" Mark, the guy playing draft with Eric said to him.

" Nah... You ain't learn nothing bro. I will still beat you mercilessly " Eric replied him

" Bro you haven't got any chicks around. This weed has got me so fucking hard and I need a girl right now for real " one of the guys said to eric .

" Nah bro. ghat no girl here. If you want a babe now., You better go to the brothel and go get one for real you cocky ass mf " Eric said and they all laughed at the guy

" That isn't funny bro. How come you don't have a girl around mehn. The Eric I know is always having babes by his side " the guy said again

" Yeah maybe he has chose to repent and give his life to christ " another guy said 

" Nah, I haven't repented a shit bro, I don't think Jah even want my soul, it's isn't gonna be useful him " Eric said

" Yeah because you would plan on going to heaven to smoke pot while you entice all the female angels. You are gonna be a whole lot of  trouble to him bro. I assure you that " the first guy said and they all laughed at eric

" Staying around without a woman isn't easy and that's was why I had to get myself a girlfriend for real. The beautiful girl of my dreams I met in the street" a guy said and got a reply from another

" Nah... Now when I mean a gir,l I meant real b*tches and not your little ass flat baby you got in your room who looks like a man " a guy responded pissing the nigga off and they began querelling............

" Why the hell would you say that about my babe bro, are you insane ? " the guy got up from his chair in anger with a smoke in his hand.

" No man I didn't mean to insult your babe bra it was just cruise and nothing else. No hard feelings bro " he apologized to the angry guy

" You better keep your fucking mouth outta my babe you good for nothing nigga " he said trying to attack the guy and they held him and separated them from fighting.

" Hey you guys wanna go about fighting in my crib ? You shouldn't do that men, you guys had a little misunderstanding and it's fine. Just let it go away mehn no hard feelings " Eric said to them as he reached out for another weed, light it up and began smoking.

" C'mon bro let's get on with our game " mark said to Eric and they continued playing their game 



They all positioned their guns well, getting ready to shoot. " Yes.. I have gotten Eric under my control now. I think it's time for me to end this " one of the girls said as she position her gun on Eric chest from the building and getting ready to pull the trigger 

" No don't do that " natasha said and they all turned to look at her in surprise

" Why natasha, is that not what you wanted or have you suddenly changed your mind ? " Wendy asked her.

" Don't be silly Wendy, why would I change my mind ? I still want Eric dead but under my own shot. He caused me pain with his hands and it would be fair if I do same to him with my own hands ". Natasha said

" Yes y'all listen up. She knows what she has gone through in the hands of Eric and David and it would be right if she kills them with her own hand. We are just only here to support incase things goes out of hand. Understood ? " Wendy said to the girls

" Yes understood " they replied uniformly

" Good " she said and turned to Natasha.  " Now is the time. Take the shot " Wendy said and Natasha noodded her head affirmatively. She targeted Eric on his chest, so she can hit the bullet in his heart where he would not be able to survive it at all.

" Give me a count of three " she said to Wendy as her hand tremblems while she holds the trigger

" Ok then don't be nervous, you can do this. 1- 2- 3 ..... Fire ! " Wendy said and Natasha quickly pulled the trigger which went so fast and hits one of Eric's men on his arm .

" Was it Eric you hit ? " The girls asked as they spyed from the tall building to know if she got the shot.     " Oh godammit, it wasn't Eric. Shit " Wendy said in frustration.

" Wait lemme take another shot " Natasha said as she positioned her gun for another shot but wendy stopped her.    " Wait Natasha, this one is on me. I would not like you to miss again please " Wendy said and positioned to shoot when of a sudden, they saw Eric and his men pull up their guns and begins to shoot the building they were sporadically.

" Hey we need to get out if here now" Wendy said and they all quickly ran down the tall building heading to their car when Eric and his gang came out and sighted them runnig from afar to the car, Eric pulled the trigger and it hit one of the girls on her leg but Natasha and Wendy were sharp enough to help the girl into the car quickly and they drove away escaping Eric and his gangs who was running towards them with guns angrily.....


"Please someone help. mark is bleeding " a guy cried from inside and Eric and his guys ran into the compound to go and help the guy that was shot 

" Oh damiit, Mark you are gonna be alright just stay with us. Someone should go get my car so we can take him to the hospital now ! ".  Eric cried out and threw his car  keys on the ground and someone picked it and immediately brought the car out of the parking lodge.

" Let's get him in now " Eric said and they helped mark into the car and they all entered and drove to the hospital leaving the gate open." ......


" Oh shit those guys got away. Eric do you know who pulled the trigger on us. ? " A guy asked in the car angrily

" No bro I don't know. I can't even think straight right now.  Let's get mark to the hospital and be sure he is safe first before we think about that " Eric Said

" Whoever did this is gonna pay with his life I swear to God " one of the guy said angrily as they drove to the hospital .

After few minutes, they arrived the hospital and they quickly brought out mark out of the car and rushed him into the hospital. They got the attention of the nurses quickly who helped them took him and got him admitted while the doctor treats him

" Sir please is the arm gonna be ok ? " A guy asked as they were all present in the hospital room as the doctor was fixing drip on him

" I will tell you that later please I need to concentrate " the doctor responded to them

" What do you mean by that doctor, we want to know now " Eric said to the doctor curiously

" I know how to guys feel but please I would like it if you all leave me and the nurses alone to handle this situation. It's our work and we are gonna give you feedback later but for now, your friend is fine. We just have to do a surgery and take the bullet off his arm, that's all " the doctor said to them and they agreed with him and left the doctor alone with Mark.....

" So Eric can you tell us now who you think must have done this shit. We are eager to know men. Who did this shit must pay " his guys asked

" I can't think of anybody for now but whoever ever that person is, I think his target was me " Eric said to them as they walk out of the hospital .

"What do you mean by you Eric " someone asked him confused

" The initial plan of the person was to shoot me but unfortunately, mark quickly got up from his chair to take a smoke next to me and that was when the bullet Immedietely hit him. If they wanted him death, the bullet would have hit him separately while he was sitting. That bullet was meant for me " Eric said angrily

" Ok if you say so. Who do you think would have planned this, do you have a problem with someone who threatened your life before ? " One of his guy asked

" I'm not sure but that is what I'm about to go find out. I want to quickly go home and do some thorough checking to see if I can get a clue, most especially from the building the bullet came down from " Eric said to his gang

" Ok bro but we will be here with Mark this night just to make sure they don't trace him to the hospital if he was actually the one they came for " a guy said

" Ok man that's a really nice idea bro I ghat you. Lemme go now " Eric said as he took the car keys from the guy who drove them to the hospital

" Watch your back and be safe bro" they said to him as he got into the car.

" I will bro. One love "  he replied before he quickly started the engine and zoomed off.


Eric drove home quickly and parked his car outside hi gate and quickly came down with a gun in his hand as he walked into the building the shots came from the observe and see what clue he could get.

He puts on his torch light so he could have a clear view of where he was going as he moves carefully with his gun.

He looks around pointing his gun to be sure no one was in the building watching him when suddenly he saw a clue on the ground of the too floor where the shit was taken. He saw a female watch on the ground and he bent to to pick it up. When he did, he discovered the watch was familiar to him and he smiled dangerously in anger.
