


Yes, the lady was sarah " David sad with a smile of frustration as he let out smoke from his mouth while Natasha stood looking at him

" When I first met her. I had the intentions of trying to hide my addiction so she wouldn't find out because she's a very decent girl who doesn't like wayward life but I couldn't, I couldn't because the addiction kept hitting me and giving me the urge to keep on smoking. At times she do come to my house and stay for almost the whole day and instead of me to be happy, I will wish she  leaves so I could get to opportunity to take at least one wrap because I thought I might stand the risk of loosing a rare gem like her if I smoke but no. When she found out that I was an addict to smoking, she held both of my hands tightly looking in it my eyes with love and asked how it started and I explained everything thing to her because I see her as a lady who doesn't deserves to be lied to. 

After explaining everything to her, including how I caused the death of my parents because of my reckless lifestyle, I thought she would look me in the eye and call me a bad person or even, break up with me which was my biggest fear but no. Do you Know what she said ? " David asked looking at Natasha who responded and nodded her head

" No I don't " she replied

" She place both of her hands on my cheek and Said ", DON'T WORRY BABY. WE CAN FIGHT THIS " yes that was what she said and this gave me a feeling that someone has finally come to get me to a better life which I was lacking since the demise of my parents. She asked me if I was ready and told me it would be kinda difficult in the beginning but I will get use to it and I told her yes. That was how we started and she really did a good job in making me stop this " he said squeezing the smoke and putting it back in his mouth again angrily

" She watched so many videos and read so many books on how she could help me stop it which resulted into her having sleepless nights. She even spent so much time with me alone just too watch me and make sure I don't go back to the bad habit. At first, I taught it was gonna be really impossible as the urge kept getting stronger but two months went by I was already doing away with cigarettes. Not because of anything but because I got addicted into something new which cleared my former addiction and that person was Sarah. 

I loved and cared for her while I do all what she tells me to do until I was able to completely forget about cigarettes but currently now I am already going back into it because the person I am addicted too is no longer with me so the urge for my old love has to come back and each time it does, it becomes more stronger. Now can you see the reason why I need sarah now ? " He asked glaring at Natasha in frustration while she withdrew from him in the bed s little but in fear

" I'm so sorry David I had no idea. Please I was ignorant of everything. If I had known, I wouldn't have done what I did" Natasha pleaded to him with a really sincere heart as tears rolled down her eyes from the story he shared to her.

" I Know you were I

Ignorant Natasha. And not just that, you were foolishly jealous of our relationship without knowing what we faced to be where we are but I'm gonna give you one chance to make things right for me before I finally loosed it " he said and squeezed the cigarette again and this time, he made sure he destroyed it and pouring it like dust on the floor while Natasha stared 

" Please tell me what to do, I will try my best to do it " Natasha said eagerly which made David and Eric to look at each other and laughed so hard

" Did you see the way I crushed the cigarette right now with my hand ? " David asked Natasha

" Yes I did

" Good. That's what I will do to you if you fail to succeed in what am about to tell you now " David said to her

" I will do it. I promise " she replied in fear

" That's the spirit. Now since you were the one who scattered the relationship going on with me and Sarah. I will want you to personally go and convince her to get back to me. Make sure you tell her how I miss her everyday and how I have gone back to my old habit of smoking. Tell get that I can't conquer this addiction all by myself and I need her so much in my life right now " he said ok tapped get shoulder.  " Now let thus sound as a warning to you. If by any way she doesn't listen to you then just know you are dead " he said and he got up from the bed while Eric stood up and continued from where he stopped

" Now listen to my own word Natasha " he said pointing her.  " The only reason you are still alive now is as a result of me not tell my boys that you are the one who pulled the trigger in mike, and you know why ? " He asked and she shaked her head. " It's because of my friend here david. I believe he still have an unfinished business with you which is what he just told you now. If you don't do it, I swear to God I will make your miserable life more of hell than it use to be " Eric threatened, as he points at her angrily.   " Is that understood ! ?" He said to her

" Yes. Understood " she replied in fear as her feat trembles severely on the floor while she sweats on her forehead

" Good ! Now have a nice day " David said to her and they both walked out if the house leaving her in fear.



It's been a while James didn't hear from Sarah and the feeling has been really eating him up. He knew he made a very big mistake of keeping something implicating in nature in his room and now he's left with the consequences of loosing Sarah.

He picked up his phone and dialled sarahs number and she picked up after giving her severally missed calls

" Hello " Sarah spoke on the phon

" Hi Sarah how are you doing ? " He asked

" fine " she gave a weak reply

" Why did it take you time to pick my calls " James asked

" What do you want james " 

" I want you sarah. I want to see you today so we can talk " he Said

" I don't think that is gonna be possible, am sorry " she replied

" But I said I just want us to talk Sarah and that's all 

" talk about what, How you have been lying to me all these while ? I told you before that I like truthful people " she responded sternly

" It's not what you think Sarah "

" Oh then it's what James ? " She asked

" Can you just come so we could discuss about it *

" No way James, am not. And if you would excuse me, I have got work to do " sarah said and ended the call


Sarah hanging up on James made him really angry and he went out if his chamber to go meet Alicia.

He met Alicia sitting with some of her vampire girls outside and playing dirty but he never left her alone. When Alicia saw him.walking close to her, she told the girls to leave for a private discussion

" Look who we have here. James, it been long you know. What made you to come pay me a visit " she asked him not minding the fact that he was really angry

" Have I not told you before to stay away from Sarah ? " He asked, glaring at her

" From sarah ? And who said I have had anything to do with her since then ? " Alicia asked and James quickly attacked her by holding her neck aggressively and pinning her to the wall while she chokes

" Hey .. James let me go. You are really choking me to death " Alicia said to him as sh starts to cough

" Yes Alicia, that's what I wanna do. I wanna choke you till you die and I will never get to see your annoying face again. Now tell me, what do you really want from sarah, hmmmm ? " He akskeyher angrily

" I can't talk while you hold my neck like this, just let me be so I can explain " she said to him and James released her while she fell so hard on the ground and touching her neck which was already aching her.     

" Now I have released you. Say something, am listening " James said glaring and her and Alicia got up slowly like she got no single strength in her again. When she finally stood up, she looked at him and said

" Hahahaa, you think you can force me, No ! " She said and disappeard in a speed of light, leaving him there.

" Hey come back here. So you think you can run right ? Well you won't run forever you coword " he said and angrily left for his chamber.....



He got his chamber sat on his royal chair while he kept fuming. He started getting strange thoughts on going to do something really bad to Alicia but he was just trying to calm himself down because there are protocols guiding their sect which means that, you can't hurt a fellow superior, it was against the rules.. he was really angry when seun walked into his chamber

" Hello master " seun said to him but he was silent.   " You don't look happy. Tell me, what's the problem" seun asked and to a seat opposite him

" It's Sarah. She hasn't been giving me a good reply for a while now " James said in frustration.

" Why ? What happened " he asked

" I brought her into my room and she saw the ancient sign engraved in Mr crosses body on a necklace in my room " James said

" Then what did she say. Did you get a chance to explain to her what I told you before by telling her it was the Dracula who took the hit and not you ? ". Seun asked

" Nope. She didn't even give me the opportunity to explain myself and that's the most painful part " James said

" But why ? She is supposed to at least hear your own side of the story. It's not fair you Know, you have to call her and tell her that " seun said

" No seun, it's not her fault. She is just confused and that's all " James replied as he got up to get a drink to calm him down

" Confused, but what is she confused for ? " Seun asked curiously

" She has been noticing somethings that's aren't straight with me. Ok lemme tell you a thing about sarah " she said as he took the drink and walked back to his seat.   " She's a free and friendly type of girl but you know what she hates ? Liess. Not matter what you do, always make sure your ways is straight with her and you both would be cool. She asked me before if I know anything about the sign when she first discovered it but I today her I  knew nothing about it and was able to convince her that I was right, just for her to get to my room and saw the sign boldly designed on a bracelet, it's really suspicious men " he said and gulped down his alcohol

" Yeah true. But why would you keep such kind of a thing where she could probably see it. You shouldn't have done that, or better still, if you had known that's it was in at that time, you wouldn't have took her into the room " seen questioned

" Yeah seun I know but I was devastated at the moment I was taking her to my room so that didn't come to me " James replied and seun asked.    " Devastated about what James ? "

" She was ambush seun, and I went to go help her " he replied

" What, ambushed by who ? " Seun asked

" It's alicia. She invited Sarah to a so called party and convinced get to come. Sarah got there and thought it was a normal party not knowing that alicia organized a group of vampires and everything there wasn't ordinary, including her drink. I got to know that she was in trouble when the necklace I gave to her began giving me signals while I was with the Dracula and I immediately left to go help her " James briefly summarized what happened, to seun who sat looking in surprise

" What, why would Alicia plan such a thing. Is there something she's having with Sarah, do you have an idea why she did that ? " Seun asked James

" Well what I can think of now is her being jealous of me and Sarah together and decided to take sarah out so she could be with me" James replied

" Have you gone to challenge the hell outta her " seun asked and James gave a dangerous laugh

" Hahahaha. Trust me, I have done that. But she ran away " he replied

" Damn that girl has really turned into something else. Have you told the Dracula about this ? " Seun asked

" No I haven't, I didn't see it like it was necessary since he won't do anything positive because of his hatred for me " James responded while seun bow down his head and began thinking critically like her was trynna figure something out.  " What are you thinking about seun ? " James asked him

" Wait a sec. I think we have to rewind this conversation. You told me that you were with Dracula when all these were happening right ? " Seen asked

" Yes I was " 

" Doing what ? "

" Nothing seriously. Dracula just asked her to call me to his chamber and when she did, he told me that I was grounded for the rest of the day so we could discuss about the money the president would pay for the hit I took on cross and then other things, which I told him it wasn't my choice to make but he insisted I stay then some minutes later,I began t get the sign " James explained

" Hmmm. The Dracula grounded you and some minutes later touching got the sign. This means that there's more to this story than the way we are seeing it " seun said

" What do you mean by that ? " James curiously asked and seun replied.

" I think the Dracula is also after Sarah ! " He said and James mood immediately changed
