


" Or what are you gonna do, you are gonna fight me or what " James asked Mrs peters who is so angry

" You wouldn't like what am about to do so am only gonna ask you this just once. What the hell did you do to my daughter " mrs Peter asked; already tightening her wrist

" I don't know, c'mon do what you wanna do, I dare you because I know you can't do it. You have suddenly become soft and I blame your late husband for that " James dared

" How dare you ! " She stretched her hands towards him in anger and a really strong wind hit James till he falls on the ground .   " I warned you but you pushed me to do that "she said breathing heavily

" Hahaha, I did that shit on purpose. Wanted to know if you still have that fire in you and am so glad to see it again after centuries . Isn't it amazing " James said and stood up to his feet and the Stargate opened again for Mrs peter to leave angril y

" I also wanted to you that Sarah has got wings beautiful ones at that hahahah " James said as Mrs Peters walked into the Stargate and disappeared to thin air.

" Wow, did everything went well ? I heard some unpleasant sounds while he was standing at the door " seun said as he walks into the Chamber 

" Yeah I guess, just had a rough get together " James replied

" It's like she put your back on the ground right ? " Seun asked 

" Yes and I pushed her to do it. I wanted to see the real woman I Know and not the one that has been molded by humans and now acts soft. She looks so hot each time she acts hard x James Said

" Ok so what's your plan with her now ? " Seun asked and James turns to look at him

" I don't have any plans with her for now, or maybe I just haven't discovered it yet. The only problem an gonna be facing is me agreeing to her idea of leaving Sarah alone because it's really gonna so hard for me. Not now that I need her the most " 

" Sarahs needs to know the truth of you and her mom, I don't think she would take it lightly when she gets to find out about it herself or what do you think ? " Seun asked

" I think you are right, she definitely need to know that aspect of the truth but not now though, there are still some things I need to make happened before that " James said with a mischievous smile

" I trust you man, I understand what is on your mind " seun said



Sarah went upstairs after her mom left the room in a haste. She lay in her bed crying with her door locked (didn't want any disturbance) it was like her biggest fear just occurred and she could tell that her heart was already failing. She lay down weeping when all of a sudden the atmosphere changed (something that doesn't happens casually) and she fell into a trance and  found herself in the room with red lights again sitting on a chair

" Oh so what is it this time ? " I stood up from the chair and asked herself

" It's about you celebrating partially Sarah, that's what it is all about this time " ZUGA said; walking out of the room he does stay to her

" Celebrating my broken heart right ? Yeah you are right. I can't believe I gave been heartbroken for the second time again and it seems this one is even worst than the first " she said and fell on the chair

" I know how it's hurts but what I meant was you celebrating your self awareness Sarah " ZUGA pat her shoulder with a smile and she looks up to him confused

" Self aware of what ? " Sarah asked

" You just discovered your part of your powers which means you are already some step close to what you have been destined to do in life " ZUGA explained

" Yeah and about that, how was I able to get wings I mean, it's so surprising and unbelievable " she said and he smiled

" That's what has been inside of you for long Sarah I and all thanks to the heartbreak which was a medium you used in discovering it " 

" Hmmm, so are saying he heartbreak was meant to be or you are pulling my legs because not really in the mood for such kind of talk " Sarah said angrily and one of the picture frame fell to the ground and broke into pieces. " OMG, what was that ? " She reacted in shock and ZUGA smile

" That was all you Sarah, you caused that " ZUGA said

" How ? I didn't even get close to it and even though I was close I would never have hit it down " Sarah replied innocently

" Yes you might not have done it physical but you let your emotions do that ( with your anger ) "

" My anger did that ? " She asked; pointing to the picture frame on the floor

" Yes sarah, this is the spiritual realm and you are supposed to be in control of your emotions, how you feel and react because anything you feel inside would definitely manifest itself in the outward looks " ZUGA said

" Oh am sorry, I never knew" she pleaded in guilt

" There's no problem sarah, now back to what you we were discussing,I wasn't trying pull your legs or mad you remember the bad memories but simply telling you the truth. Your power was able to manifest itself when you were held bound by alicia and wanted to be sacrificed "

" Wait, hold on a minute.... I never told you that, how were you able to know ? " Sarah asked him with a suspicious looks 

" Smiles**I know what you are thinking, you are being suspicious that I was part of that plan right ? " ZUGA said

" Maybe ??? What do you expect me to think, things happening are making me crazy. After all you were the one who advised me not to truth anyone the last time we met so can you please start explaining yourself ? " Sarah said to him seriously and he smirked and replied calmly

" See sarah I'm your guardian spirit Which mean, I am to see everything that happens to you. I was watching all that went down at the exact time it was happening and that was how I knew. It's my work and that's what I'm doing. I know I told you not to trust anyone but when it comes to me you have got no choice on that because am part of you sarah, I was assigned to you the very day you were created to watch over you and am gonna do that till death " ZUGA said

" Wow that explaination just freed my mind " Sarah said

" I know sarah, I understand you as much as you understand yourself cause am part of you " he winks at her

" Ok but that doesn't mean you are free yet. You were watching when I was about to be killed and you did absolutely nothing to come help me out ? What If my so called powers never showed up, I would have been dead by now and you wouldn't have done anything ? Wow how thoughtful of you " sarah said

" Don't see it that way sarah, I knew nothing was gonna happen to you "

" What, you do ? "

" Yes Sarah, I know that kind of powers you possess in you and it would be really difficult for you to be killed with it (that's if it's even possibly)"

" Wow great, you just succeeded in making me more confused " sarah said

" Don't worry Sarah, you would get to understand soo enough but for now let's talk about your powers " he said and sat down while she looks at him in surprise

" Wow, this is the first time I have seen you sat down, it seems we have really got alot to talk about  ? " Sarah said in surprise

" Yes Sarah, so much to talk because this is literally the most important journey of your life now which you have just began " he replied

" Ok a about the powers, is there anything I need to know about it " Sarah asked

" Yes, first of all you need to know how to control it because currently now it seems you have absolutely no idea on how you can even go about it " ZUGA said

" You are right, I don't think I can make those wings spread out like the way it happened, and oh I forgot to ask. What was that light that came out of my eye and melted the sword alicia wanted to slit my throat with ? " She asked him curiously

" That was an ancient light that is only gifted to the choosen once..it's used for protection and not everyone is lucky to have it "

" How special is it ? " Sarah asked

" So special that no one has been born with it for a century now except you " he replied

" Wow, that's .......I don't even know what to say "

" Yeah, so we are gonna start by figuring out how you can bring your powers into manifestation, learn how to control it. That's what is really important now " he said

" Ok so how are we gonna do that ? " Sarah asked

" You just have to put yourself in the mood you were when Alicia was about to sacrifice you. Make sure you feel everything you felt and think everything that was on your mind at that instance, make sure you leave nothing behind, let's see if it would help bring out your wings ?. Close start by closing your eyes " he said.

" Ok then " Sarah sat down with her eyes closed and trying to put herself in the mood she was but she couldn't control it. The bad thoughts of how she got heartbroken by what James confessed, came in and fight her each time she was close to getting in that position 

" Ahhhhhhhh.... I can't do this ? " She said sweating profusely

" Why did you quit, you were almost there " ZUGA asked

" Yes I was, several times but got distracted " she Sadi feeling sad 

" What is that thing fighting your mind Sarah, is it still about James ? " ZUGA asked her calmly and she stammered; hating to admit that it was him

" I...I think it about him even though I hate to admit it. The memories keep reoccurring in my head and gets worst when I try to fight it. Can I really do think ? Or maybe I don't deserve the powers afterall " she asked feeling down 

" Ofcorse you can Sarah, why would you say that ? The gods are wise and they can't possibly give you something you can't handle. They what is inside of you and that's why you have all these powers " 

" If so then why do I keep struggling with it ? Am I not supposed to be able to control it in a default way ? " Sarah asked

" No Sarah that's where you are getting it wrong. Just because you are made for a particular purpose doesn't guarantee you doing it right without putting in work. You need to work for it sarah, that's how the universe is. It's guided by so many laws and one of them is working so well for things to be right "

" So what am I gonna do in the case of me being haunted by the bad memories that won't let me concentrate and gets worst each time I try to fight it " Sarah asked

" You don't have to fight it then "

" What ? " 

" Yes you don't have to fight it, our thoughts are reflections of our selves the more you fight it the more you are fighting yourself which wouldn't give you peace of mind so what I will want you to do is to let the bad thoughts in your mind to.oass freely without you fighting it, that way, you would have a really better mindset. Now I know it would be hard but this is how you can be any to control your powers " he said to her

" Okay I will try, so should I do it now ? " Sarah asked as she gets ready

" Yes Sarah. Take a deep breath and begin " he said 

" Ok " Sarah took a deep breath 3 times and closed her eyes; trying to out herself in the mood.the thoughts came in again and this time set just allowed it to pass without fighting it and after a few minutes of doing that on and on again her wings immedietely spranged up beautifully and she opened her eyes as she felt it

" Wowwww awesome " sarah looked at the wings and said.  " OMG it worked, it worjed ZUGA " 

" Yes ofcorse it did " he replied

" So can I try flying with it now, pleassse don't say no " Sarah asked

" Yes you are free, that's if you can " ZUGA smiled and said and when she tries to control the wings so she can fly, it disappeared Immediately leaving her in shock

" What just happened ? " Sarah asked

" Well it seems like Mr wing wasn't ready to fly with you " he told her

" Can you tell me why " Sarah asked

" I don't know, I'm just as surprised as you are " ZUGA said

" C'mon ZUGA don't give me that looks, you knew I wasn't gonna be able to fly with it don't you ? So tell me why you think so " Sarah asked

" You are not yet ready for that Sarah, you just learnt how to make your wings appear when you need them and not how to fly with it. This things takes practice and patience to be able to get a good result so I will advise you to train yourself through meditation and everything is gonna be just as you want it to be " zuga said to her and she listens to him attentively. " And I also want you to know that your Powers becomes stronger every night of ZUGATA so take note because you would definitely feel uncomfortable when it does, but do not be bothered about it because it's only gonna be temporal till you become used to it okay ? " He added

" Ok I get you and thanks so much for explaining all these to me, it's really gonna help in the long run " Sarah said

" Don't mention sarah, an your guardian spirit so it's my work to make you aware of all that's happening to you and enlighten you more about the spiritual " he said to her with a smiley look on his face

" Sure but I thinking have got one more question " Sarah said to him

" Ok, what is it ?" 

" Can you tell me who I am and why I possess this powers ? Who am I actually

 An angel, a demon, a spirit or what ? Please I will like to know because the first step to self awareness is knowing your league in the world so please what's mine ?" Sarah asked and he looks at her in silence for minutes like the question had just made him speechless .....
