



18 +


I freezed still on doggy position, as i withdrew my hand in fear of being busted by Eric.

"Natasha, I am asking you a question. What are you doing"  Eric sounded serious as he ejects his dick from my ass

Nothing dear and why asking me such question. Is anything wrong?" I replied still in fear of the thoughts that he might have noticed me trying to get the knife as I suddenly sat on the bed and look at him🔪

"No dear, there's no problem, I just asked because I noticed you were not screaming as I bang your ass again so I thought maybe you'd suddenly lossed interest in me"  he replied worriedly

"No bae I'm still enjoying the sex, I only got quiet because it's becoming more intense. That's what I do when I am about to have an orgasm" I replied and rubbed his dick romantically  with the excitement of knowing that he never noticed my plans

"Now go on and fuck me hard and this time, let it be my pussy and I will still maintain the doggy position ok?" I added

"Ok baby, now turn and give that style to me"  Eric said and I positioned for him

He quickly inserted his dick in my pussy  stroking me harder as I let out a fake moan pretending to be enjoying it

"Awwwwwwwwn, thats more like it my love, stoke that pussy so well. I love the way you do it baby" I said as he continues  stroking fast then I turned back to look at him after few seconds and noticed he was carried away with the sex( closing his eyes as he fucks emotionally) I gently reached out for the knife on the floor and quickly stabbed him directly to his ball and he screamed so loud holding his penis

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Eric screamed as he jumps off the bed holding his dick as blood flows out of it

I quickly picked up the key from the ground where he unconsciously dropped it, being carried away by the sex and rush to open the door

"That's is a lesson for you bastard, next time you would never mess with a lady again" I said him when I opened the door to leave

I told him and quickly picked up my clothes

"What have you done to me you hoe"Eric said rolling on the floor and holding his dick which was bleeding so badly

"You promised me that after the sex I wouldn't be able to walk home but I guess it's the other way round. now I guess I have changed your walking step forever with this" I said devilishly holding the knife up and licked the blood

All of a sudden Eric immediately got up and chased me as I run picked my clothes and walked to the main door. I quickly opened the door and ran out, he wasn't fast enough because of the injury I gave to him

I ran outside the compound quickly and wore my dress without the underwear  just to save time and ran out through his gate, then i quickly got a cab to pick me and zoomed off


"Eric would never be able to fuck a girl in his life entirely again hahaha" I thought to myself in the cab bitting my lips and laughing wickedly


Sarah & the vampire

Sarahs pov

"Answer me now, what are you hiding from me, please tell me, do you wanna hurt me?"I asked James who was still in thoughts

"Why would you say that" James said as he turned to me

You told me the previous day that my dad kept something special for me and you wanna give it to me. Why haven't done that ?"

"Because you are not yet ready for it" he replied facing another direction

"Then why have you brought me here if you know I am not ready?" I asked

"Sarah, there are things that I will like to tell you but I can't now because it's not yet time" he said calmly as he walked to me and held my both palms gently

"I am not planning to harm you and I would not, but all I will let you know for now is that you are special and you have to believe me"

"Special? but how" I asked looking into is beautiful eyes blazing fire 

"You are special Sarah I don't know how to explain it to you but I know it, infact, I can even feel it now holding your hand and looking into your eyes"

"One day I will not only tell you how special you are but you would see it for youself, Eric said passionately and I feel in love with the way he spoke to me calmly

I became speechless by his words and how sweet he sounded and all I could do was blush

"Ok no problem then I won't push it, but it's getting late now so can I go please? I know everyone would be worried of my where about now"

"Sure dear you can, but wait a little before you go, I have got a gift for you" he said and leaves my hand gently

Am coming, let me go get it" he said smiling and went to get a box from a room and handed it over to me

"Take it"  he said calmly as stretching the box to me

"What is inside" I asked softy as I receive it from him

"Just open and see for you self" he replied

I immediately opened the box and saw a very beautiful necklace shinning really bright and In excitement I covered my mouth with my hand " 

"Wow this is really so nice, is this for me" I asked him looking surprised

"Yes its for you, it's for your time spent here. You deserve more than this dear" he said sweetly while I look at the necklace in happiness

"Wow I love it, thank you so much" I expressed gratitude jumping in excitement. unconsciously, I spread my hands open to hug him and then I realized what I was about to do and brought down my hands immediately"

"Im sorry" I said calmly

"There's no problem" now lets get you home. but least I forget, here is your phone he said giving it to me

"Oh, I almost forgot this, jeez, thanks" I said as I collected it 

"Where did you find it or did you take it?"

"Yes I did"

"And why ? "

"Because I don't want you to take pictures in here or even record any the conversation we had here "

"And why? "

"Because it's forbidden, so let's get you home now hmm" he pats my should

"Ok then, but hope am not gonna walk in the forest all alone to my car because it's late and am already scared"

"No you won't"

"So you would walk with me right ? " I asked

"I am definitely gonna escort you but not by walking you know, am gonna use my own method to take you there"

"Oh really, What method then "

"It's called "SAFARI" by the vampires, you saw the way I came to you at the at first when you arrived yesterday right? "

"Oh yeah I did, it was so fast like the speed of light, you were just like flash hahaha" I laughed

"Yeah now, that's what we call SAFARI and that's how I am gonna get you through the woods to the spot where your car is" he said

"Seriously? Wow that's nice, but I don't have such speed so how are you gonna do it, or would you turn me into a vampire? " I asked looking into his eyes curiously waiting for his reply

Hahahah.... No am not gonna turn you to a vampire hahaha" he laughed out loud 

"I will be the one to take you there so all you have to do is to hold me and we will be there in no time, are you cool with that ?"  He asked

"Oh, yeah definitely.." I replied 

"That's good so? " 

He said as he opened his arms wide for me "hug and hold me tight" he said to me

I slowly walked into his arms nervously and he wrapped it around me 

"So are you ready?" He asked

"Yes I am"

"Ok" he said and immediately hit his left foot on the ground and before I knew, it we are both already in the place my car is parked

"Wowwww, amazing" I said as he gently unwrapped his hand around me

"Can we do that next time? It was fun all I could see was green leafs in a cloudy form" I asked excitedly

"Yes of course but you have to go home now it's already late ok"

"Yeah sure bye" I said and waved him by e as I entered my car. I started the engine and zoomed off.....


I arrived home 9 pm and my sighted  mom outside with some corps discussing so I parked my car faraway and walked slowly to know what the discussion was all about....

1 Corp: ma'am you have to relax ok, I assure you everything is gonna be fine

"I hope so, but why can't you understand me and declare her missing maybe someone would have an idea of where she is". Mrs Sarah said panicking

2 corp: I can understand how you feel ma'am but the corps can only declare an individual missing After 48hrs but that doesn't mean we won't try our best in finding her so please take it easy.

"Sarah has never gone anywhere without letting me Know. I know somethings is definitely wrong.......

She was still talking when I ran to go meet them ......

"Hey l, who is the lady running toward here" one of the corp asked as he sighed me from a distance

"She's the oneeee!" Mom said in surprise as she ran to me and hugged me so tight crying profusely

"What happened to you Sarah where have you been" she asked still holding me tight and crying

"Mom am really sorry for and this I promise It won't happen happen again" I replied as I broke into tears also feeling so sorry for my mom and the panick I had put in her

"Hello Sarah are you ok, please what happened to you ?" the corp asked and we gently released each other.

"Sorry sir nothing bad happened to me I went to go see a friend and lost my phone along the way so I couldn't reach anyone and I don't have my mom's contact off heart "  I lied

"Hmm, you have to be really careful you know, you got your mom really worried and looking for you all day. Please make sure you tell her before heading to anywhere next time ok? " The second corp said and patted my shoulder

"Ok sir I will thanks" I soberly replied.

" We would have to leave now Mrs Sarah it's a nice thing that nothing bad happened to your daughter. Do have a nice day " he said

"Thanks you so much officers I really appreciate God bless you both for your concern bye" mom replied and express her gratitude passionately

"You are welcome ma'am" the corps said as they walked away and waved her goodbye..........

"Let's go in Sarah"

Ok mom"I said as we held each other and went into the house together


"What did you say happened to you again dear ?"  mom asked seated next to me on the sofa

"Nothing bad mom, I went to a friends house far away and I lost my phone" I lied

"How did you lost it baby?" 

"When I came down to pee along the way mom, I must have dropped it by mistake "

" I heard you telling the corps that you don't have number by heart. How were you able to forget it baby" mom interrogated and i immediately became speechless. I knew It would definitely get to this

Answer me dear or is something wrong? She asked 

No mom, I......." I stuttering and didn't know what to say

"Dear what is wrong have you changed overnight? You have never gone anywhere without telling me before and you don't hide anything from me. Why have you suddenly changed. Who is influencing you?. I am still your mother you know you can talk to me,this is not the Sarah I know" she said worriedly which made me sad

"Mom why saying all this, you have suddenly started blaming me because I made a mistake? Have I ever done something like this before? Why are you so mad at me" I asked her angrily

"Am not mad at you,I just need you to tell me what exactly happened because I don't believe what you are telling me" she said sounding upset.

"Mom that's enough,I have had enough of all this. (Sarah said getting up from the sofa) ever since Dad died you have been monitoring my movements and I don't like it. "

" I am a big girl and deserves my privacy for once "

" Oh dear don't say that, you know I love and respect you, I'm only worried about you for security reasons. You are the only one I have now and you know it" she said getting up from the sofa also

" You know what, just let me be mom I'm not in the mood to talk now. I am going to bed, tomorrow is work, bye" I said and walked away from her to my room


I got to my room and sat on my bed really upset with the conversation I had with my mom when my mind was suddenly diverted to the necklace on my neck, given to me by James.

I touch it and began remembering all what happened. How he was so calm and caring to me,

 how he rushed to help me up when I feel down,

 how he wore me the necklace and smiled at me and also how he wrapped his soft arms around me and escorted me through the woods with the SAFARI style

My mind also flashed back to the conversation we had and how his smiles we're beautiful and rare all through

I thought of him as Iay on the beg touch the necklace and smiling with more of his memories flooding into my mind

"He is so hand with a nice hair and beautiful eyes. His voice are as sweet as the sound of a good music and his arms were so soft around me" I said silently as I blush

"Damn, why am I even thinking about him I haven't even thought of David who I left since yesterday even till now" I said wondering and tried to stop thinking about him for a while 

"Let me sleep and forget this thoughts" I said as I lay my head on my pillow to sleep but I began to imagine me and him kissing and how soft his lips will be when I quickly snapped myself out of the imagination

Damn, what is happening ? , why am I still thinking of him ?, Am I falling for him? I asked my self wondering
