



" Despite things weren't looking all nice, they were still in love with each other and everything was going well if not even better until one day; a really strange thing happened " Cynthia said 

" Ok what happened ? " Sarah asked curiously while she sat down looking at continue eye ball to eye ball for response

" On a faithful night after having sex,sex both slept off when Josh got woken by the sounds of this strange lady at about 3:am in the morning. He couldn't sleep so he could hear what she was saying and he heard her mentioning the names of so many vampires and talking about the mysterious vampires cave which got him surprised. It went on like that till 4:am before she slept off but he never interrupted her. Instead, he got his phone and recorded all what she's was saying before laying to sleep.

When they woke up, she greeted him and prepared breakfast for him before he goes to the studio for his Album ( SACRED LOVE) which he wrote for the purpose of their love but when she served him, she noticed his mood to be so dull so she decided to ask what happened, and then he told her all what she had said through out the mid night which got her shocked and when she tried to disagree what what he said, he brought out his phone and played the voice recording of her so she could confirm what he said " Cynthia said and stares at sarah with a smile

" What,why are you looking at me like that, is that how the story ended ?" Sarah asked her in anxiously

" Nope I just wanted to see your mood well, I believe you are feeling the way I'm giving you the history back to back right ? Haaa...am just too good isn't it " Cynthia praised jt self and Sarah hissed and nodded her head before responding to her

" Cynthia I thought I give you rules to follow if you really wanna work with me on this research ? " Sarah asked, looking at her

" Yes you did, and I didn't break any of them " Cynthia responded.

" Yes you didn't, except for the last one. I warned you about being boasting with your knowledge right, or didn't I ? " Sarah asked her seriously

" But wasn't boasting I just wanted to know if you were feeling me " Cynthia said

" No... there's no need for that, just tell me the whole strory and stop keeping me in suspense. I really wanna workd in this research and there's no more time left for me " sarah told her

" Ok am sorry. Now back to the full story. When she discovered that she was caught, she admitted that what she was saying wasn't a dream and it was real so Josh crave saw this as an opportunity to know that secrets about the mysterious vampires cave wihich everyone has been talking about since she told him that she was in if the vampires. At first she never agreed, claiming that it was against the rules but he succeeded in persuading her into telling him what the vampires cave is all about but Josh wasn't satisfied with the history of the cave and what it's about but wanted to know where he could see the cave and get to it. She begged and told him how dangerous it is for a mortal being to have such ideas of the cave but he insisted and out of love, she had to tell him how he could get to the cave but gave him some protection spell which was to help keep him save even though it made her bridged the rules of the cave. So her took her descriptions and on a Friday night, went to the cave on the night which is called the NIGHT OF ZUGATA " Cynthia sis and Sarah suddenly became surprised that she had to stop her ...

" Wait....hold on there Cynthia.. the night of what ? Please repeat your last statement again ? " Sarahs asked her curiously

" I Said the night of ZUGATA. it is recorded as the nights of the spirits where vampire seat with their Dracula to discuss things bothering their legions and also inform them if there's some other messages from their gods " continue explained to her while Sarah remained surprised still

" How did you hey to heat about this name ? " Sarah asked her

" It's parts of history...."

" Part of history ? Where in the internet can you get such informations because I have searched about the mysterious cave for a long time but haven't even gotten half of what you have said to me now ? " Sarah asked as she was still very surprised on how Cynthia knew about the night of dracula which detials couldn't be found on the internet as a whole

" No sarah.. you don't expect to get such informations for the internet, do you ?  Those informations and very much private and can't be seen publicly but I was able to know about it this much because of a secret history book I read about the vampires cave which I couldn't have gotten of not fr my uncle who is an international known librarian in the world that can access books that isn't allowed in the public " Cynthia explain to Sarah

" Wow.. that's amazing " Sarah said.

" Yeah sure...but is everything ok ? " Cynthia asked; staring at Sarah weirdly

" Yes of course, everything is fine, why do you ask ?"

" Because you are acting strangely since I mentioned about the night if Dracula or have you had any information similar to it before ? Please share if you do. It's gonna help a long way " Cynthia said and sarah denied knowing anything about it

" No ..no .. no.. I really haven't heard anything about the so called night of zugata, I was just so surprised of his far your knowledge has gone on the mysterious vampires case "' Sarah said

" Oh yeah **smiles** I have been reading a lot so am ised to the information " Cynthia said

" Yeah sure...so go on please, what happened when he got to the cave on the night of zugata ? Please tell me, the conversation is getting so interesting " Sarah asked her

" Thanks.. well he had his way into the cave at the night which was said to be forbidden for mere humans but was able to leave with the help of the protection spell giving to him by the strange lady. Before he left, he made sure he was able to gather much of the information he needed and still couldn't be caught because of the invisibility spelled in him so he got home and wrote down all he experienced in the cave. He was so really happy that he was able to break limits and doing what everyone couldn't do by finding out the cave and even touring around in it without being caught, for the first time in his life he felt something supernatural and knew how Sweet it was, so with this, he decided to go pay a visit to the cave again but the strange lady begged him with tears in terms eyes not to go but as a really curious man, he insisted on  going, claiming that he hasn't been able to get all her wanted and needed to see more of the spiritual dimension which excited him , so he threw her advice and Left for the cave but unfortunately for him he got caught by the dracula who was so much stronger that the protection spells given to him by the strange lady couldn't even function in the sight of the Dracula. Josh who couldn't stand the sight of the dracula ran, trying to escape from the cave but it was impossible as the Dracula used magic in holding him down for the other vampires to come take his to where he could be caged for sanctioning.

" Josh was caged there and there Dracula came to ask him how he got the powers and knowledge to know where the cave was but he refused in telling him the truth even after being totured almost to death by them so the dracula decided to use his magical powers to know went against the vampire rule by giving him the full for forbidden knowledge of the cave and the strange ladys face appeared on his magical mirror. With  this, he ordered the strange lady to be caught and when she was, he made her own for what she didny making her to kill Josh with her on what hands by force and warned not to tell anyone or even touch her about it. She was told that if she could follow the orders and do what the Dracula said, she was gonna be left to go home and for the sake of Josh, she told him everything and they Dracula made her said everything but kept to his word about keeping her and leaving him with an how public region plucked out and his eyes also. The strange lady couldn't fight the dracula because that was the rules of the cave but he tried I helping her out and she held him down with powers so tightly.t Mr Josh couldn't go and the vampires where still alive " Cynthia said

" Wait..do you mean the vampires are still alive ? What about the strange lady ? " Sarah asked her curiously and she got a reply also immedietely

" It was recorded that she had to run away from the cave and never to be seen again because of what happened. The Dracula gave her two choices which was for her to come serve some punishments in other for Josh crabe to be released or for her to leave him all alone in Monday it seems she had to go with the second choice maybe because of reasons that are only known to her " continue explained to sarah who has been so intrigued and excited with the story from the start

" Wow so that was how the Josh crave legs and pubic region was chopped off ? Including his eyes ? "  Sarah asked Cynthia 

" Yes ofcorse, that's it Sarah " continue replied

"Ok but it's been centuries the guy has been seen, no one, not even the police knows his where about now so do you believe that he's still in this strange cave for years and he's still alive ? " Sarah asked her colleague, Cynthia who was the one explaining everything to her from the start that actually made get surprise

" Yes, best still in there in the cave according to the history I read which is one of the main reasons why scientists and searching day and night to get to portal that would take them to the cave but they wouldn't claim, anything of that nature happened really life and always refers to the story as a fairly tail

Wow that's surprising, like seriously ". Sarah said and sighed before she continues with what she was about to say..  " what about the strange lady. What was get effort when she heard her so called Josh of a boyfriend she betrayed had not only been captured but also totured to the point where his hands, eyes and pubic region was harvested ?" Sarah asked in serious concern to.the case .

" Cynthia was about giving her own explainations on what she thinks about the case of the strange lady to Sarah when David they both sighted david walking in the office so quickly with a paper on his hand and acting so eagerly

" Oh no not again, what does this guy wants here again " Sarah said as she saw him coming

" You mean you don't have any appointment with him ? I mean if you don't have and also really don't wanna see him you can say it so I would quickly get the securities to come pick him out the office, you know they can do that right ? " Cynthia asked Sarah who was looking all moody as she sighted david walking towards her in full confidence which she knew wasn't a good sign as david only comes when he is with a news that would be really heartbreaking to her

" No there's no need for that Cynthia, am gonna handle this " sarah said to Cynthia

" You are sure ? " Sarah asked

" Yes of ofcorse am sure Cynthia, don't you just worry about me,I will be fine. I have just got some personal issues to iron our with him and that's all, am sure it wouldn't take long" Sarah assured Cynthia who excused them by going back to her seat when david finally walked closer to sarah and giving her a really bright smile as he stands confidently

" Hey baby, I guess you must have really missed me alot right ? We I actually did miss you and I will like to remind you of how prettier you get everyday and how good it touches my heart " david said and lowered his head to give her a kiss on the forehead but she turned her face away from it angrily

" What are you doing here in my office uninvited david, I thought I warned you never to meet me in such a way like this again ? " Sargay asked him and he gave a smirk

" So it has gotten to the point when I have to call you or to be invited before I come see you now right, that's the way you want it now ? " He asked her bitterly

" Yes david, I'm sorry but that's the way it works now with us so you better choose to follow what I just said or the next time you get here uninvited like this I will get the securities throw you out " Sarah threatened as david stares at her

" Well I'm not surprised of what you just said now but I would just let it go and tell you the reason why I came here ........."

" Yeah good, so tell me,why are you here ? " Sarah asked him impatiently like his presence in her office was already irritating her

" It's about your one and only James sarah, that James who has been the reason you have been acting this way to me lately and not even feeling a bit remorse about it " david replied Immedietely and throw Sarah I to surprise 

" Who ? How did you get the know about that name? " Sarah asked him in shock while he opened his mouth and smiled at her

" I remember telling you that there's nothing hidden under the sun and anything you do would be exposed..I guess it's what I said that is actually coming true and nothing else really " he replied with a really dirty smile in his face that shows he hasn't come to play to was in the office for something really serious. 

Sarah stared at him in despise and really couldn't know how he was able to know James name but anything it is, she was about to find out sooner enough...
