




James sat down in his chamber, looking at the pictures he had with Sarah during their romantic moments and smiled widely. The thoughts of her always gives him an excitement that he can't even explain, she is so kindhearted and always help him get through difficult moments, most especially when he wants to take a really tough decision. He kept having imaginations of her when he heard a knock on his door that he needs to reply to quickly

" Yes come in " he said still holding the pictures in his hands and smiling at them when seun entered 

" I see you are having a quiet time without your girls pictures sir. It looks really interesting to see" seun smiled and said to James as he took a seat

" Yeah.... she's such a beauty isn't she ? Never believed we would be getting along so well liek the way we are right now, we ate justs perfect together " he replied

" Wow I'm so happy your relationship with her is going well sir, that is what we have always wanted " seun said to James who still haven't taken his gaze off Sarahs pictures

" Yes seun, I never expected it. When we start I thought she was gonna give me a really hard time but the way things are now, it seems we have so much in common and we are meant to be, all I have to do now is to be truthful and straight forward to her because Sarah is a kind of lady who doesn't like lies and corny kind of living " James said and seun smiled at him

" That's so good sir, i love what am hearing but does this means she has finally fallen for you ? " Seun asked James curiously

" Yes of course she loves me so much. I'm the main reason she even ended her relationship with David, this is to show how much she loves me"  he said

" Good, so now that things are going well with you I really think this is the right time for us to proceed with our plans " 

" Our plans ? What plans ? "James asked and seun looks at him in surprise

I " What do you mean by that James, have you forgotten to main reason why we are chasing after Sarah ? " Seun asked; looking at James seriously " it was because we wanted to drain her powers for your own benefit James. That's the reason James " he said and James was looking so calm.   " Why are you not saying anything James, respond "

" I'm heard what you Said seun bit don't you think it's too early for that ? I mean, we are just getting along so why the rush ? " James said and seun became surprise

" What are you saying James, have something suddenly gone wrong with you ? The coronation is less than a month now and you still think there's time ? I hope you know your position as the next Dracula is at risk here if anything goes wrong right ?" Seun said in surprise

" Take it easy seun I Know what am doing and nothing is gonna go wrong, I just don't wanna rush things now besides, since sue has already fallen for me, it's isn't gonna be difficult anymore, sacrifice is a one day thing " james said calmly in his seat and seun immedietely noticed so something was wrong

" Ohh now I see.... don't tell me you have fallen for her James because that wouldn't sound nice" seun asked James 

" No how can you say that. I haven't fallen for her " he said as he stood up from his seat. " I'm not even a bit close to falling for her " he said boasting as he pace around the chamber while seun looks at him and smiled then stood up from his seat and walked up to James and said

" I don't really know what is happening to you now James but I just pray it's not what am thinking. Whatever your plans are, I will advise you get it ready for execution on time so it wouldn't be too late " seun said to James who is just staring at him like he was sad and walked out of the chamber.



Sarah got home after a really longer day at work in typing and publishing the trending news. She got into the house and was surprised to see her mom seating on the couch and eating popcorn while she watches the TV

" Mom, where have you been since morning. I have been trying your number " Sarah said to her mom as she walks into the house; holding her bag

" Hey sarah you are back. I'm sorry I had something very important to catch up at work today. How was work ? " Mrs peter asked

" Work was fine mom. Why didn't you at least call to tell ne where your are so I would've have worried ? The worst of it akll was trhat I tried your line but it was switched off " Sarah said to her mom as she joins her on the couch

" Sorry dear it never occurred to me because my phone has been acting faulty lately, but don't worry, it's hit gonna ever happen again, promise " Mrs Peters said

" Ok mom, just make sure you work on the phone or better still, go get a new one okay ? " Sarah advised

" Ok dear I will do as you say " Mrs peter replied with a smile and gave her daughter a huge on the couch

" So how was work today mom ? " Sarah asked her Mom as she joins her in eating the popcorn

" Work is since stressful dear, I had several orders of different varieties of clothes and we had to make sure we get it ready before the clients time of use so we wouldn't disappoint them ". Mrs Peters replied Sarah

" Wow that cool, I guess that's more more " Sarah said with a smile.

" Yes dear, as we know, more money comes with more stress " Mrs Peter said

" Yeah that true mom "

" Yes dear, so telllme about your work today, how was it " Mrs Peters asked Sarah

" Work was also stressful today mom, I had a whole lot of work loads which I actually caused for myself " Sarah said; expressing her tiredness from work

" Did I hear you say you caused work from yourself ? How dear ? " Mrs Peters asked her daughter in concern

" Well it's a long story mom " Sarah said trying to waive away the question

" Good, I will like to hear the long story; there's enough time for that " Mrs peter insisted and Sarah seeing that her mother was interested, had no Choice but to tell her what happened

" Well I wasn't at work for the whole of yesterday's evening mom. Though I went early.and finished the work I had before I left "

" Ok so where did you go then, if you were jit at work ? " Mrs Peter asked 

" Actually, I went to see a friend of mine mom, it was urgent and I needed to go " Sarah said

" Okay, and I guess this friend of yours is a Mae right ? " Mrs Peters said and Sarah was forced to admit

" Yes mom, but it was for something really serious and that's why I rushed to his place " Sarah said and Mrs Peters smiled at her

" It's no problem going to see a man Sarah because you ate of age to even get married but I will like you to be watchful of the guys you are with Sarah so.it wouldn't end up.like your last relationship okay ? " Mrs Peters advised

" Okay mom " Sarah said 

" So what was the work all about, any new case? " Mrs Peters asked

" No mom it's still the case of the chief and the detective " sarah said and Mrs Peters became more interested in the conversation

" So what happened, what news did the media carried about it " Mrs peter asked

" The death is so mysterious mom and there's no trace of what actually killed then but the police are on it, though I think the death was also kinda related to that of Jeff and cross " Sarah said

" And why do you say that ? " Mrs Peters asked

" Because the same mark found on their Mr Cross was also found on the cops body " Sarah said

" What , how do you guys Know about that, did you guys see the Mark with your.own eyes ? " Mrs peter asked as she starts to act worried

" No we didn't actually because the police passed the news to the press after the corpse has been taken for autopsy but the strange part was that we got a call not to post anything about the marks found on their bodies to the media or our company stands the risk of loosing it's license " Sarah said

" Wow that's strange. And why would they passed that threat, I thought everyone has the right to information ?" Mrs Peters asked

" Yes but we were told that the information can cause so much trouble to the public......" Sarah was still explaining to her mom who was curious to know when her phone rang..

" Excuse me mom, I have to take this " Sarah said when she saw the caller was James and picked up the call....


" Hello James, what's up " she said on the phone with a smile as her mother noticed her

" I'm fine baby, how was work today ? " James asked

" Work was so stressful dear " Sarah replied

" We didn't get to see today " James Said

" Yes and that was because I had alot to cover up at work today, you know the can of the two dead cops is still trending and we need to keep the public updated " Sarah said

" Yes that's true baby, I guess you bate he now right ? " He asked 

" Yes dear am home " she replied

" Ok im on my way to come see you, expect me " James said; making Sarah surprised

" Are you for real ? You are coming for real ? " Sarah asked 

" Yes I am but is your mom at home ? " James asked her

" Yes my mom is at home " Sarah replied as she stares at her mom who was giving a smile

" Ok then, im my way,I will like to see her " he said

" That's cool baby, she will really love to see you too, please come because am already expecting you okay " Sarah said

" Ok baby " James replied and ended the call then Sarah turn to her mom excitedly


" So I guess we are having a visitor right ? " Mrs Peters asked her daughter with a bright smile on her face

" Yes mom, James told me that's he's on his way now " Sarah replied

" Wow that's great. James is the guy who you are into now right ? " Mrs peter asked

" Yes mom he is the one and trust me, he's a really nice guy. You are definitely gonna love him " Sarah said to her mom

" Ok I can't wait to see him dear " mrs Peter said

" Yes mom and be can't wait to see you also " Sarah replied

" Yes dear " Mrs peter was happy for some seconds until something occurred to her and she decided to ask.  " Wait a minute, was James thesame guy who gave you that necklace " she asked

" Yes mom he was the one " Sarah replied and her mom's emotion changed instantly

" What happened mom, you aren't cool with the 

necklace ? I Know you must be bothered because it's looks so expensive and you must be wondering how he got it but trust me, he is a legit worker and not into any fraudulent activity " Sarah defended as she saw bee mom's channge in mood

" Ermmmmm....no dear, I wasn't even thinking about that actually, just got somethings going on in my head and that's all " Mrs peter said as she fakrd a smile to her daughter

" What is it on your mind mom, hope there's no problem ? You know you can talk to me " sarah asked her mom in concern but her mom told her there was no problem. They both kept discussing about different kinds of issues as they wait for James to come; which was actually taking like forever

The discussions went on for an hour as they await James when they suddenly heard a knock the door

" Someone is at the door Sarah,. I guess that is him " Mrs peter said to Sarah who was already nervous

" Yes Mom I'm really surprised he is the one, lemme go get the door " Sarah said ad excitedly ran to the door and opened it.

" Hey James, you made it " she screamed excitedly and hugged him while they were still at the door while Mrs Peter was curious to see which the James really was . After they were through with hugging, Sarah ushered him in and as James walked in slowly, mrs Peter saw him.and she got from the couch with her eyes opened in surprise. James on the other hand saw her and stood still without moving and they both looked at each other eye ball to eye ball and went nub

" What is happening here, hello do you guys know each other before ? " Sarah asked as she tries to bring their both attentions but it was all void as they were both lust; staring at each other and she stood, looking at them in surprise, trying to figure out what was really happening. Mrs Peters who is staring staring deeply into James eyes suddenly starts to gather tears in her eyes and when James noticed it, he turned back and stormed out of the house immedietely, leaving both of them with even saying a word

" James where are you going, cam you come and explain to me why you are leaving ? " Sarahs followed him; trying to call him back but before she could even get outside, he was already gone in a speed of light into thin air and she walked back inside to go meet her Mom who was already seated in the sofa with her eyes and eating popcorn like nothing happened.

" Mom, what juaty happened now " Sarah asked her mom

" What happened, like what Sarah ? The guy you brought in just left the house without even saying a goodbye so I should be the one asking you that question you know, so what's wrong with him, is he shy or what ? " Mrs Peters asked and sarah became so confused than ever

" Mom what are you talking about ? I saw the way you also stared at him like yuu bith know each other before so can you please tell me what the hell just happened here. I believe there's something you are not telling me.and so I demand and explanation now mom, and please be sincere about it, I don't need more lies" sarah Said to her mom seriously

" What do you mean by that sarah ? Have I ever lied to you before ? " Mrs Peter asked as she stood up from the couch gently
