



Mrs Peters was at home and in the kitchen preparing something for lunch with the intentions of going to see sarah at the hospital after she was done cooking.

She sliced the vegetables carefully while there was meat on the gas cooker heating up for use. She left the the vegetables and opened the pot to see if the meat was ready

" Hmmmm, It just needs few minutes to be ready " she said and closed the pot as she went back and continue slicing the vegetables when the door bell rang from the sitting room

" Yes... I am coming.." she replied from the kitchen as she reaches for the kitchen rag and dust her hands with it as she prepared to go check who's at the door

***Door bell rings again ****.

" Give me a sec ! " Mrs peter replied and quickly walked to the sitting room and gently opened the door.......

" Oh my , Jeff, it's you ( she said calmly in surprise ) come in " She ushered him in with a smile

" How are you doing dear, Jeff and hugged her before sitting as he comes in.

" An doing dear good and you ? "Mrs peter replied

" I am fine as you can see , I'm sorry I haven't come to see you concerning sarahs accident. work has been really crazy for the past few weeks now and I have been traveling to so many places " jef said to Mrs Peters as she sat close to him

" I understand Jeff, you told me about it " she said to him

" I'm glad you do. So how's Sarah doing now " Jeff asked

" Well I checked her yesterday and the doctors said they are trying their best "

" But is she giving any positive response to treatment ? "

" Hmmmm (Mrs peter breaths in deeply to the question ). to be honest with you, she isn't even giving any response at all. The doctor said she has got medical issues with the brain and heart. And also, the cuts on her body is extremely deep

" Oh my God, didn't they stitched the cuts " he asked looking so concerned

" They did, but it keeps on opening "

" Oh my, that isn't good at all " Jeff said as he shook his head " well, can we go and see her now at the hospital ? "

" O yeah, we can " Mrs peter replied him nodding her head

" Get prepared then, so can head out immediately "

" Ok but give me some minutes first, I have got to check what's on fire. I will be right back " Mrs Peters said as she quickly got up from the couch walking to the kitchen

" Ok then " Jeff replied and he relaxed to watch TV waiting for her to come 

Few seconds after Mrs peter walked to the kitchen to check what's on fire leaving Jeff alone in the sitting room, The door was thrown open and Jeff turned to look who it was and to his greatest surprise, it was Sarah who walked in looking all healthy and even more beautiful

" Oh my God Sarah ! " Jeff shouted in shock as he was both in surprise and confusion

" Good afternoon Jeff " Sarah said as she smiled brightly at him. Jeff admired her as she was looking even more beautiful than before. Her hair was longer and darker and her skin was soo smooth and beautiful, her eyes was shinning like that of a mermaid while her voice became more sweeter nand melodious to the ears than ever

" What happened to you " Jeff asked still lust in her sudden change and looking at her in surprise when he heard Mrs Peters voice as she walks back from the kitchen to the sitting room.

" Food is almost ready Jeff, I think we should wait a little longer before going to see sarah at the hospital " Mrs peter said as she walks to the sitting room but paused and became mute in great shock also when she saw sarah standing so healthy in the sitting room, looking at her as she smiles so wonderfully

" Sarah ?? " Mrs peter called sarahs name in shock ..

" Mom, what's on fire ? I really missed your cooking allot " Sarah replied but Mrs peter still stood looking at her dumpfolded without moving an inch

" Sarah is that you " Mrs peter managed to ask and sarah smiled and she quickly walked closer to her mom and gave her a very warm hugg, tapping her back

" Yes Mom it me " sarah said looking Into her mom's eyes

" Oh my God, it is really you . Your skin is so smooth and you don't have any cuts on you. You are even looking more beautiful wow " Mrs Peters said happily as she scanned sarah from head to toe in surprise

" Can I know what is happening here because I think am really lost right now " Jeff asked as he walked to Sarah and her mom carefully

" My daughter is healed Jeff, it's a miracle " Mrs peter said excitedly and hugged sarah so tight again

" Sarah how did it happened ? " Jeff asked sarah and she turned to him and said with a smile. " I think it's a miracle Jeff "

" Yes it is, please come and have a seat at the dinning, lunch is almost ready. " Mrs peter Said to Sarah dragging her to the dinning while Jeff stood still, looking at them still in confusion. 

" What is happening here , I'm so fucking lost and confused " Jeff said to himself silently with both of his hands on his waist as he shakes his head looking to the ground

" Jeff ? Why standing there, come join her here also so I can go get the food from the kitchen and serve " Mrs Peter said to Jeff excitedly and she quickly ran to the kitchen while he gently walked to the dinning table and sit down gently while he looks at sarah carefully

" So Jeff, how have you been and how is work ? " Sarah asked him starting a conversation

" Work has been going well and all stressful, O have been travelling to different states for grh past few weeks.. " he said and carefully opened a bottle of water and siped

" That's nice, how about your relationship with my mom ? Hope it's going well ? " Sarah asked and Jeff smiled and said  " It has never gotten worst as it's gets better every day "

" That's so nice to hear " sarah said smiling so brightly when her mom came to the dinning with the food

" Hey guys food is here, hope I didn't delay " Mrs Peter happily said as she kept the food in the dinning table

" Oh no you didn't " they both replied her uniformly and looked at each other again

" Well I'm glad to hear that " Mrs Peter said as she began to serve the food

" Hmm this food smells so delicious mom, I have really missed this " sarah said as she smells the food closing her eyes as the sweet aroma of the meal began intoxicating her 

" You can say that again sarah " her mom said and they both smiled and began eating the meal after it has been served while they gist about things happening in the county from work, the streets , political and so on and it was a really happy moment..........

After they were done with they meal, mrs peter received and accolade from both Jeff and Sarah for a the delicious meal

" Hmm dear this meal was so delicious, damn, you are such a very good cook " Jeff said as he read his back on the dinning chair with a smile and took pick in his mouth

" Mom the meal was so delicious, you are such a good cook, I think you were born to do this " sarah said and Mrs peter laughed out loud in joy.

" Hahahaha, thanks to both of you, I really appreciate " Mrs Peters said 

" You are welcome " 

" It was such a nice day with you guy all and I really enjoyed the meal, thanks to you darling " James said and turned to Mrs Peter who smiled feeling loved

" Thanks you so much dear I appreciate "Mrs peter said

And also the conversation with you guys was so nice , Sarah, a bug thumbs up to you, you really know how to keep a gist going. You kept on bringing interesting topics and we didn't even know that it was already getting late. You have a nice social skills " Jeff said go sarah who kept on smiling

" Thank you so much Jeff , you are also good in keeping a conversation too "

" Yeah, but you are really good at it, I think you should organize a world famous top show " Jeff teased and they all laughed. " Well, its already 6 pm and I will take my leave now as I have got so much things to handle before work tomorrow , thank you all once again for a wonderful day " Jeff said as he gets up from his seat in the dinning "

" Welcome Jeff, you also made day amazing for us all

" Yeah, that's true Jeff " Sarah said giving him a thumbs up and he smiled and appreciated

" Let me see you off Jeff " Mrs peter sad as she got up also

" Ok dear, sarah nice one on your recovery and please do take care of yourself ok ? I will see how I can get you another car " Jeff said to Sarah and she responded to him happily

" I will Jeff and do take care of yourself too. Am also anticipating for that " they both laughed t what sarah said walked out of the house


" Thanks for being here today Jeff " Mrs peter said to him as he enters he car

" Thank dear, but darling I think there's something I'm not getting clear here " jeff said to Mrs Peters

" Ok, what is that dear " she replied showing interest in what he wants about to say

" You said the doctor told you that sarah has got blood clots and water brain and her heart stopped to pump while she has got deep cuts that resfusedy to get stitched right ?

" Yes dear I i did.

" Did you see her properly now ? She's looking all healthy and her skin is so smooth without cuts, now tell me, even if she got treat from the rest what kind of treatment can cause very deep cuts on skin to heal so fast with a day " Jeff asked and Mrs peter smiled at him

" It's a miracle Jeff, that's why it's called a miracle. Sarah didn't get healed by the doctors but from God almighty

" A miracle " Jeff said

" Yes Jeff, it's is. "

" Ok then I thank God then if that's the case. Lemme take my leave now dear . I love you "

" And I love you so much dear please take care of yourself and call me when you get home " mrs peter said to him

" I will dear " Jeff said as he pecked her and she closed his door for him and he drove off...

After James drove away home, Sarah ad her mom gisted for some hours until it was already late ( past 9pm )  and her mom told her to go take a rest so she could go to work the next day and make people know that she has been healed by the hands of God .



I got into my room, put off my light and lay down on my bed as I close my eyes and began meditating on everything that has happened right from the hospital till how I got home. The way I got healed wasn't just a surprisingly thing to people who saw it but to me also. As I got into a deep form of meditation, I got into a trance and as usual, saw myself in a room with red lights and pictures all around it but this time around, I wasn't chained to a chair anymore and I can move around. As I walked around the room struggling to see if I could see my dad picture again like the last time, I heard a familiar voice called my name and I turned back to check who's it is but this time, I wasn't shocked

" You are here " A man with the head of a goat and body like a human who I knew to be my guidian spirit said 

" Yes I am, how do I even get here " I asked

" You get her whenever something something strange happens or when I am to warn you ".he reool

" Speaking of something strange, I think I just experienced something strange with the way I got healed today, everyone one is just so surprised about it. C'mon, can you tell me how it happened ? " I asked and curiously waiting for his reply

" What was the last thing you remembered before you got healed " ZUGA asked me and I close my eyes trying to remember

" All I could was following a mermaid who wants to show me how powerful I am into a room and all of a sudden, I woke up and saw myself in the hospital looking healthy and more beautiful " 

" Good you remember, that was how your healing took place,she didn't heal you buy brought you into to world of impossibilities, now that you have accessed that portal, all you need to do now is to know ythe truth and who you really are and you can access your powers fully " he said to me

" Wait a sec. first of all, who is was that beautiful mermaid ? and tell me the truth, I really wanna know " I asked ZUGA and he laughed for the first time before replying

" Her name is Sandra and shes a mermaid just as you know. She is my ex and we were happily married together until something happened that separated us ".

" Good , so can I know what happened please " I asked him curiously

" No you can't, that is not what you re her for, you are here to be enlightened on who you truly are and how powerful you are . Time is really running out Sarah and there's isn't much time for you to know about that

" But I ve been trying, why do I keep hearing about this every and I don't get any help answer. It's better I don't know if you guys can't give me an answer " sarah said feeling so tired and irritated by the question 

" The answer is left for you to find Sarah " he replied pointing to me

" But can you help me ? I thought you told me you were my guidian spirit ? Why don't you help out because am already loosing it ".

" The only advise I can give you is to go ask your mom, that woman has got so many things she's hiding and I really think it's time she tell you part of it and leave the rest for you to find out for yourself " ZUGA said to me

" What are you talking about ? " I asked already lost in confusion

" Did you see the way she looked at you when you walked in from the hospital today, every normal person would be shocked by the sudden healing and even ask questions. Some might even faint due to the shock but your mom didn't, see kept emphasizing that it was a miracle.

" Go meet your mom Sarah she has got answers, that woman is hiding something.. go now....!!!! "

ZUGA said to me and I disappeared as I revived from the trance to the real world