



" That's is a really good idea. I also wanna have a taste of her flesh " Alicia said with an evil smile

" Cuts her  " he said and walked back to his seat and Alicia quickly took a sweet from the chamber

" No ...... please I beg you , I don't wanna die " the maid cried out. Alicia held and sliced her throat and she and Dracula both start to suck the blood gushing out

" Hmmmm, taste nice " Dracula said as he pushed Alicia away just so he could have all the blood to himself

" Sir.... " She called in frustration. 

" No matter what, you ain't supposed to Dracula a juice with your Superior " he said to her then continues sucking the blood off the innocent maids neck until he was satisfied then she three her body on the ground. " Cut her into parts and bring her for supper " he said to Alicia as he wipes his mouth with his wiper. Alicia obediently obeyed her order as she began to cut the the body into part and prepared a fires when the body would be rosted . She was angry at Dracula's first character by pushing her away when there was still blood in the body but she dears not show it out . She roasted the flesh properly and served it to Dracula.

" Wow, this looks good " Dracula said " help yourself ". He said and they both began eating.


It's been hours already since sarah and Mrs Peters spoke on the phone and since then, Mrs Peters l tried calling her phone back but it wasn't reachable. " OMG where has Sarah gone too ? I told her to get back home immediately so we can settle this issue " Mrs peter said as she kelt on trying dialling sarahs number but I was still not available. She got frustrated as she kept her phone aside and went to the kitchen so she could prepare something in which they would eat. she was slicing some ripe plantain in the kitchen in which she had intentions of frying when she heard her phone ringing 

" O my , I guess that's sarah " she said as she quickly clean her hand and rushed out to go get the phone. She got to the sitting room but noticed it's a strange number, in curiousity, she picked the call immediately and placed the phone on her ear.

" Hello and good afternoon, is this mrs Peters on the phones " the strange caller asked

" Yes this is Mrs Peters who are you ? " 

" Well it's the town's emergency team . A car accident occurred few an hour ago that someone loosed control and fell off the cities bridge, we were able to bring the car out and the body we discovered in it was no other person than sarah Peter ".Mrs peter hearing this shouted in shock on the phone "

" What ? Where ?? ! Please tell me where she is now ? " She asked

" She's at the accident emergency's unit hospital still receiving treatment "

" Ok ok coming right away now " she said on the phone

" That would be necessary ma'am " the caller said but Mrs Peters wasn't ready for more discussion on phone as she hastily ended the call and rushed don't her room, dressed up quickly, came out and picked her car key from the table and then she enters int her car the speedily drove off to the hospital.


At the hospital

Mrs Peters arrived the hospital with haste and got down from the car running towards the health center when she saw a colleague of hers who greeted

" Hello Mrs Peters " her colleague greeted her

" Hey Tracy how are you, long time ?" Mrs Peters went straight to her and greeted her. Where have you been

" I am now working in Dubai now "

" Wow that's nice you ve finally Left the country "

" Yeah so where are you too ? "

" My daughter was rushed down here, she had an accident "

" what ? sarah got an accident ? , Let's go and see her " Tracy said go her and they both rushed into the health center

They both approached a nurse at the reception to ask of where sarah was admitted

" Hello good afternoon, please am the mother of sarah Peters who was brought for the issue of accident

" Ok give me some minute " the receptionist said as she brought out her book checking for her name. " Ok here is it, take the stairs and locate ward 34 " the nurse said to her

" Thanks you so much " Mrs Peters said and they both ran quickly  upstairs. When they both got upstairs, they were able to locate the ward and they both entered with haste entered

They both saw Sarah lying down unconsciously on the bed while a doctor and three nurses were  trying to revive her. mrs Peters seeing this , fell to the floor immediately and broke  into tears and here friend tracy was trying to calm her down

" Take it easy dear, I understand how you feel but everything is gonna be ok " she said as he lift her up

" Please ma'am we want here to be silent , we are trying to concentrate here " the doctor who was trying to revive sarah said to Mrs Peters who was crying

" I'm sorry sir, I will be silent " mrs Peters said cleaning her tears. Please how's is my daughter ? Has she been able to regain consciousness ? " Mrs Peters asked

" As you can see we have been trying to revive her , she has been unconscious since she was brought here "

" Doctor is there any sign that she's still Alive ? " Tracy asked as Mrs Peters couldn't say a word again 

" Yes at least she still has a pulse " the doctor replied

" Oh thank goodness ( Tracy said )

" Please we would appreciate it if you guys leave now, we are in a serious operation here, you can come see her in the next 5 hours "

" Ok doctor, wee would leave immediately " Tracy said and she turns to leave as she tries to drag Mrs Peters who was still hesitating to leave. " Let's go friend " she said to her 

"  but I still want to see my daughter " Mrs Peters said as she still looks back at sarah while she weeps profusely

" Don't worry we can come back to see her at anytime, let's just leave the doctors for now so they can concentrate on their work " Tracy said holding Mrs Peters and they both walked out of the ward.


" So where do we go now from here " Tracy asked Mrs Peters while they were both still in the hospital

" I want to know how the accident really occurred and what was damaged in her body " Mrs Peters replied with a heavy heart

" Well let's go meet the nurses at the reception then, only then can give us the whole story " Tracy said and they both walked to up to the nurses in the reception.

" Hello  "Mrs Peters greeted the nurses

" Hi you guys are back ? " The nurse who attended to them at first asked

" Yes we are back " mrs Peter replied sadly

" So how is she doing now ? " The nurse asked

" She still unconscious and it pain me allot " Mrs peter replied as she begins to weep again

" No ma'am stop crying, all we are hoping for now is for her to.be alright. This is not the time to cry " the nurse said to her 

" C'mon friend the doctor says she still got a pulse which means she's alive and not dead, let's just pray for her ok ? " Tracy said trying to console her

" Please can I know the harm the accident has done to her body " Mrs Peters asked the nurses as she tries to control herself not to cry 

" She fell off the bridge into the lagoon and before the emergency team could get there it was in 10 minutes time. This time made water to accumulate into  her brain after which she drawn. There is also possibilities that she might suffer a heart problem as she fell off the highway bridge and hit her chest so hard on the car steering. Furthermore, there were also cuts in her body which has to be stitched but that is actually minor " the nurse said to mrs Peters who's mouth was already wide open in shock

" So all these happened to my one and only daughter, Ah ! David you are Soo wicked not for you sarah wouldn't have gotten into this " Mrs Peters said as she broke into tears again

" Who is David " Tracy asked in concern

" David is the guy who promised to marry her, the date of the wedding has already been set and the wedding gown and suit has already been gotten. Then suddenly, he woke up one morning and cancelled everything. The was what made sarah crazy while she was driving home front his house, I just hope this so called accident isn't an attempted suicide by her " Mrs Peters said still in tears

" What ? that is sooo bad. Did he gave any reason for calling off the wedding? " Tracy asked bitterly

" No Tracy, not even a single one "

" I guess I will like to know this David of a guy, I will like to make him pay dearly for this " Tracy said in a threatening voice
