


" Mum there is something strange about dads death and I feel you know about it but you don't wanna tell me about it " Sarah said to her mum

" That's enough Sarah, I told you I don't have an idea of where your fathers corpse is, or would I possibly be lieing to you ? "     

Mrs Peters replied and quickly put off the cooking gas, off her apron and then starts dusting her hands with the kitchen rag

" What happened mum ? " Sarah asked 

" I am done cooking " she replied angrily and left Sarah alone in the kitchen as she looks around confused and not knowing what to do

" Did I just pissed her off ? I only asked a question or is it a crime now to know about what happened ?  but wait a minute, I remembered my second encounter with James, he told me that he will give me full details of my dad if I followed him but it's like he's silent all of a sudden and I didn't even bother to ask " sarah said to herself calmly as she walks around the kitchen with her finger on her lips thinking.   " 

" No....no..no....no..no....no how can I possibly forget to ask him again or has he charmed me or something ? 

" I will make sure I ask him about this and he must tell me what he knows once and for all " she said and walked out of the kitchen 


I went to the sitting room and saw mum staring at dads picture emotionally as tears rolled down her eyes. I suddenly became sad and emotionally too and I walked to her

" Mom, hope I'm not making old wounds to bleed right?, " I asked her passionately as I wrapped my hands around her in tears also

" No... dear you ain't the reason I'm crying, my reason for crying is because I can't even give you an answer of how your fathers body disappeared. It's so painful " she said and burst into tears again

" No mum don't cry, I don't need the answers anymore if that's what is making you cry " I said holding her tight   " you are the only family I have now and I appreciate you for that so please wipe your tears " I said wiping  tears off her face 

" It's okay baby I don't know where your father is now but anywhere he is, I am very sure he would be proud of the kind of girl you have grown to become. A curious and observant kind of lady with a kind heart " she said tapping Sarah and wiping her tears also

" Awwwn thanks mum " sarah replied filled with emotions

" I want you to still know that where ever your fathers corpse is, we are still gonna find it ok , don't worry " she told Sarah again

" Ok mum so can we go and eat your delicious meal now " I said to her and smiled

" Oh yeah, come help me with the dishes, it ready and I am sure you would love it " mom replied me

" You can say that again mum, " I replied as we both walked back to the kitchen smiling

We dished the food together and brought it to the dinning table and we both sat down getting ready to eat

" Hmm, delicious " I said smelling the food

" You can say that again dear " mum replied. I wanted to start eating when she stopped me

" Sarahhh, " she called looking at me 

" Yes mum, " I replied

" Have you forgotten that it is important to pray before you eat ? "

" Sorry mum I was just carried away I will pray now." I replied and we both prayed together and I started eating immediately

" Mom this tastes so nice"

" Sure it will, you don't know your mum to be a great cook ?" She replied and we both laughed and continued eating.....

"So how is things going on with you and David " mum asked as we were both eating

" Hmm, its fine mum, we have settled the issues between us and we are both good now " I replied still concentrating on the food

" That's great dear "

" Yes mum " 

" So... Is there any update on how the relationship would go ? "

" Update ?.... How mum " I asked confusingly

" Like..... You know... Your wedding with him ? "

"Hahahahahahahaha" I laughed

" What's funny about what I said dear, I mean..... isn't it yet time for that ? "

" Nothing is funny mum, as a matter of fact, you are right. I am just laughing because I know it will come to this one day lol "

" Sure it will dear, you aren't getting any younger and I think it's time for you to get a engaged "

" Don't worry about that time, there's really no issue there "

" Really ? "

" Yeah, me and david are both in love with each other and very soon, you would know the next plan ok ? " I replied stretching my hand on the dinning table to touch her

" Ok dear .. "

"Good, now let's enjoy our meal because I will soon be heading out "

" Ok dear.... please let it be David's place " she funnily replied

" Mummm, "

" What ? " She replied and smiled

" You are really pushy "

" Hahahahah, by the way I can't see your car parked here, where is it and how would you go out ? "

Mum's last statement immediately made me speechless . I can't really tell her how I was attacked by some so called vampires and how James came to my rescue, I will be totally absurd. 

" Are you ok dear ? " She asked touching me when she noticed I was speechless and in deep thoughts

" Yes mum I'm fine "  I said adjusting properly on the chair. "its just that i had an accident with my car " 

"Whatttt ! An accident ? " She said jumping up with freight and concern   " OMG why didn't you tell me ? were you hurt ? " She asked touching me with concern

" No mum I am fine but it's just that the car got damaged " 

" How did the accident happened dear tell me " she asked sitting close to me

Mum the guy who caused it was drunk and bumped into my car with his, but good thing I wasn't in the car. It was parked while I was inside a mall buying some stuff. " I saying this , immediately gave my mum a sigh of relief

" Oh dear all thanks to God that you were not in the car " she said as she gently sat down in relief

" Where is the car now, can I know where it is ? " She asked curiosily

" No mum ".... I responded not wanting her to see how it is

"Why dear ?  I just wanna know how bad it is "

"No mum.........I mean...the man took the damaged car and promised to get me a new one " I lied to her again

" Oh my gosh, just like that ? I guess he must have really felt guilty. what he did was a punishable offense "

" I think so mum, I think so " I replied feeling the guilt of lying

"I'm glad you ain't hurt and that all "

" Thanks mum" 

" So how would you go out today ?, You can use my car you know, I really don't mind "

" No mum, I'm gonna take a cab that would be okay "

" You are sure about that ? "  She asked 

"Yes mum I am sure "

" Ok baby I'm cool with it too, let's finish the meal before it get cool " mum said and we both continued eating.....

When we were done with the meal, I washed the dishes , dressed up and left the house to work.


Natasha Pov

I was layed, tied to the table helplessly and watched as the three men took their turns in molesting me sexual. My pussy was being banged by one while one of them inserted his dick in my mouth and kept stroking (deep throating ) me even when my mouth was filled with his cum they never stopped instead, another would insert his dick in my mouth again and continue from where the last one stopped

They sexed me so hard and even flogged the hell outta me as a cried and screamed in pain . I became tired and weak till I passed out 

" Woah this is such a nice pussy mehn I love it " One of the guy said as he kept stroking

" Damn I have been deep throating her for long I think it's time for us to switch position man " the second guy replied

" Hey,  you guys have even had something to do with her, I have be massaging her soft body and I wanna come have a taste of her too so one of you should fuck off " he said and the first man ejected his penis from Natasha's pussy. " Oh mhen! , you can come have your turn bro I think I have done alot for today " he Said breathing heavily as sweat was all over his body

" Wait a minute guys " the third guy said as he said as he inserted his dick in her pussy.  " She isn't shaking anymore, I think she has passed out " he said them as he  looks at Natasha feeling concerned

" And how is that supposed to be your problem man ?, If she's passed out then that's her problem and not yours, just fuck the hell outta her to your satisfaction and leave the bitch to die there " one of them said 

" Don't mind the dude, he's feeling so concerned like.its his sister " another guy replied  and they both laughed.

" Hey don't you bring my sister into this ok " he replied angrily and then started stroking 

" Oh mehn, he's now fucking her with the anger in him, what would we call this now " the second guy mocked with his hand on his lips

"Aggressive sex mehn, we call it aggressive sex "the first guy replied and they both began laughing out loud

They were all talking when the door opened and Eric and doc walked in smiling.

" I see you guys are having a nice time " Eric said and smiled

" Yes sir " they replied

" Why is she not responding " doc asked looking at her

" I think she has passed out sir " on of the men replied.

" She's passed out, when we haven't even started with her yet lol " doc said and laughed

" Sir, what are we gonna do to her now " a guy asked

" We are gonna dispose her body " Eric replied..

" That's a nice idea, but where " doc replied

" By the road side " Eric added

" No  that's way too risky. What if someone sees us ? I would suggest we go dump her in a bush " doc said

" I have my reasons for saying that man. If we just dump her in the bush she would die there because no one would see her and help her, but when we drop her at the road side, she might get help " Eric replied

" So you are scared she would die ehhh " doc scoffed

" Yeah, and I wouldn't want that to happen "

" So how are we gonna safely drop her by the road side without being caught ? " Doc asked

" Don't worry leave that to me, we are not gonna get caught when we do that 11pm today . So what we are gonna do now is to dress her up and drop her there " Eric said 

" But sir, she still unconscious " one of the men said 

She would gain conciousness when we drop her off " Eric said and walked out of the room ....

" You hear that boys, so when you are done clean and dress her up so we can dump her in time " doc sad to the men and also walked out of the room too


James POV

James sat in his inner chamber when seun his personal assistant knocked on the door


" Come in " he responded and seun walked in 

" Good day sir " 

" you are here again, what is the problem this time ? this is your second time here today " James asked seun

" Sir the supreme leader sent for you "

Hearing this James gently got of his chair with a scary looks in his eyes

" The DRACULA is here ? " He asked getting up surprisingly

" Yes sir he is here " 

" What does he wants, and why didn't he informed us that he would be coming

" I don't know sir but whatever brought him here must be a really serious issue because he doesn't look happy at all sir " seun  replied

" Hmm is that so, ok I will join him" James said nonchalantly

"Them sir, you will join them " seun said immediately james last statement

" What do you mean by them ? " James asked looking concerned

" He ordered to see the whole superiors of the vampires and he also came with companies that do not even look good when it comes to their facial expression "

" So you mean all the superiors are already present there "

" Yes sir except you"

" Let's get there immediately " James replied and they both left to where the meeting is being held

When James arrived, he saw that they were all seated and already discussing as he walked to go have a seat and all eyes where on him like he just committed a very big offense

" Why are you just here James, where have you been " Dracula (the supreme leader ) who is the head of all the legions of vampires asked as James sat down looking at him. 

" I just asked you a question " he said again looking angry

" I am sorry sir I never knew you were around " he responded to Dracula who was sitting with down on his Royal chair

" You ain't aware, where have you been all this while ?  why are you the only one who isn't aware of my coming here ? " .he asked him standing up with his hands folded to his back as he looks at James disgustfully 

" Sir it was a mistake. why are you sounding like I this is my normal character " James replied arrogantly

" How dare you talk to me that way ! Stand up from that chair at once ! " Dracula said to James angrily as he walked closer to him fiercely

" I'm sorry sir " James responded getting up slowly

" You better be sorry for yourself cause the next time you try such rubbish with me again, I will feed you to the dogs. is that understood ?. "

" Yes sir " James responded reluctantly and Dracula walked back to his seat angrily

" Where did I stop " Dracula said sitting down

" You know it's been 3 years now since the supreme leader died and we need someone. ( may his soul rest in the bossom of our ancestors ) . I Dracula who is definitely gonna be the next supreme leader want to change some of the norms here. "  He sad and stopped to look at everyone just to be sure they were all with him and then he continues to talk

" Like I said there are somethings that needs to be changed here and now so without wasting much time, I will go into it.

First of all, every meeting we normally hold like this is to inform you guys about what is happening in the other dimension and what the spirits are saying to us,but some things need to be adjusted because in as much as am concerned, I will not be doing that for free like the way the former leader did. " He said and they all looked at each other in confusion trying to figure out what he is saying as they began murmuring among themselves..

" Hey I am still trying to pass a message to y'll  whats the murmuring all about hmm "   he asked them and they all became quite to listen to what he have to say to them

" Like I was trying to say, I won't be doing that for free again which means, every meeting we would have like this, you guys must have to come with a live dare for me

Hearing this everyone began murmuring again in disagreement and James stood up

" What do you mean by that sir ? why are you trying to change the rules when you haven't even become the Dracula yet " James said and Dracula immediately got up angrily

" How dare you talk to me like that ! " He shouted as he drew his sword and walked to James angrily and the vampires all became silent
