


" So a fair chance is what you want right ? "

" Yes I want a fair chance, to have the crown on my head and see if I'm the rightful heir to the throne, which I know I truly am " James replied the elders and scratches his chin with a mischievously smile

" Okay, the chance to try the crown shall be granted to you then " the elder responded and alicia eyes opened widely in shock

" What ? No that's impossible. You can't just allow him to wear the royal crown on his head just because he wants to check it would emit light when he does, the royal crown isn't for experimental purposes but for the chosen ones alone " alicia attacked

" And who told you and trying to experiment with it ? Am really sure it would emit light when I wear it and that's why I want you all to give me a try, am the next supreme leader and I strongly believe that, I can feel it in me " he said pessimistically and squeezed his fingers

" Ha... Don't be deceive James, you are no where close to being the next dracula, you energy hasn't even gotten to they stage, how do you think you can handle it with how weak you are" alicia said to him 

" Don't you dare call me weak, I would not take that from you. I can handle that crown and you know it. Besides, am much stronger than the way I use to be " 

" Rubbish.. because you stole energy from the dracula doesn't makes your strong James, it's makes you an a thief " alicia said to James angrily

" Enough. If it was so easy why didn't you do it huh ? I did what no one has ever done before and you still think am not fit for the throne ? I think I know what your problem is, you are just jealous and that's all " James said

" Jealous of who, you ? I rather get jealous of a mere servant than a wicked soul like you who has no sympathy and only thinks of no one but himself " 

" That's enough both of you, how dare you argue when we elders are sitting in front of you, where have you kept your manners " an elder interrupted their argument

" We are sorry wise ones, I was just trying to talk some sense into his head, I mean no disrespect " alicia bowed humbly bowed down her head and apologized to the elders

" I'm also sorry for letting her get the best of me,I shouldn't have fallen for her expression of jealousy " James Said and bows his head too while he stares at alicia

" That's okay, we are here to resolve the problem and not to argue about it. You guys know that we don't have time to mess around and only seriously issue brings us here right ? " An elder said 

" Yes sir " they both nodded their head saying....

" Good so let's settle this now. James would be given the chance to have the crown on his head and let's see if he is the chosen one for the crown since we have got little evidence that proves he might be worthy for it " the elder said

" Ok sir, I appreciate you for that " James thank the elder

" Where is the wizard who crowns kings, he is supposed to be present in this kind of conversation but unfortunately he is not here, what happened to him ? " The elder asked and James went mute; not knowing what to say

" Ermmmm, sir I think he might have gone to make some divinations with the gods, you know that's what he always does ? Haha..." James suddenly speaks but in fear

" Hmm, divinations with the gods ? Okay..." One of the elders said, as they were all thinking of what James said when alicia suddenly speaks out**

" Sir don't mind James he just lied to you, he......"

" What do you think you wanna say huh ? How dare you call me a liar when I just said the truth to the elders ? " James interrupted alicia immediately so.she wouldn't complete what she wants to say 

"Is there anything going on here that you guys aren't telling us ? " The senior elder asked, as they all became suspicious of them

" No sir, not at all... everything is fine. It's just one of those things she does. Talking recklessly without even thinking about the consequences involved, let's continue " James said and as he stares at alicia dangerously but she wasn't even bothered about it 

" My elders, I will tell you the truth if you allow me talk....." Alicia said

" You have no truth to say, I just told them the truth ! " James Said furiously and the elders cut him short

" James, I will like you not to interrupt her again as she speaks or there would be consequences okay ?.." the elder warned him

" Okay sir...I will be still " James apologized and relaxed his back on the chair, feeling so in uncomfortable and the elders turns to alicia

" So what truth do you want to tell us about ? Speak and leave no single thing unsaid " the elder said

" Ok Sir... James lied when he said the reason why the old wizard isn't herewis because he is having some divinations with the gods, that's not true. The reason why he isn't here is because James locked him up in the cell for refusing to crown him after the dracula disappeared " alicia said and the elders all opened their eyes wide in shock

" What ? James locked him up ? James what is what she is saying true ? " They asked

" I can explain my elders " James said with his heart pounding

" Explain, we are listening, tell us what gave you the balls to arrest someone who has crowned several draculas before you were even born ? " The elders asked as James looks down in guilt

" Sir it was a little misunderstanding we had. I told him to give me the chance to prove to him that am supposed to be the dracula by crowning me but he refused and instead went ahead saying that i wasn't fit for it which was an insult to my pride and so I loosed my temper...."

" That is so bad of you James, you shouldn't have jailed him irrespective of what he said to you, you need to give him that respect. Now I want you to give release him out of that cell you put him now immediately " the elder scolded James

" Okay sir, I will " James replied and got up to go do as the elder said but turns but paused.   " Sir what about my request for having a chance with the crown on my head. Hope my actions hasn't spoilt it ? " James bowed down to them and asked humbly

" No it hasn't. You will get your chance because that is what we are here for " the elder replied shortly

" Thank you so much for your consideration sir, I appreciate " James thank and turns to leave with a smile while alicia was sitting with a frown 

" I don't think the smile is necessary now James. " The elder said

" Why sir ? " James turns and asked

" Because there's gonna be a huge consequences if we discover that you aren't meant for the throne "

" What consequences sir ? " James asked

" You are gonna be severely punished for each and everyone you hurt when fighting for the fair chance. You may go now " the elder replied and James emotion changed as he bows to them and walked away while alicia starts to smile



I was driving on a lonely part of the road in the afternoon after going to check out a place which I never knew about. I googled more on the vampires cave and later got a guy on facebook who claims to have been a victim of the cave also but made it out. I messaged him and he asked me to pay him so he could give me the location which i did, only for me to follow the descriptions he gave to me and found myself in a really think forest that I have never been before. (I have been scammed again). I angrily got into my car and began driving in frustration as I played a really slow music that would help lighten my mood again which i could tell was working already, until my car broke down in the middle of no where

" Oh damnit.. what just happened again " I lamented as I stepped out of the car to check the engine. I opened it and I discovered the battery was faulty, then I knew that I was in soup

" Now I'm dead " I kicked the car and lean on it in frustration. I was in a place where no one would stop to help except they know you but who the hell do I know that is familiar with this road ? Absolutely no body. I stood outside the car not knowing what to do or where to even start from. I waved my hands to the cars passing so they could at least help me outta the lonely part but non of them stopped, so I sat on the car hopelessly when a that passed with speed , slowed down at some point and reversed back to where I was. I got up from my car anxiously to know who it was that has finally comes to help me out when the car owner brought down the glass and to my surprise in was someone I'm very familiar with.

" Hey david, what are you doing here all alone " she asked sweetly

" Natasha ? Wow, I should be asking you where you are coming from this lonely part " I replied and she smiled as she opens the door and came out of her car. I admired the her gorgeous dress as she walks close to me with a smile that I haven't seen for a while.  She was looking more beautiful than ever and I couldn't even tell if my eyes were deceiving me or it was just because it's been long we saw

" What is wrong with your car " she asked- as she stares at the engine that was opened

" It's the battery, just discovered it has been bad for quiet a time now " I said

" You don't check your car before using it ? You know that's dangerous right ?" She asked

" I do check it but I have been really busy this week that I don't even have time for myself anymore talk more of my car " I replied her

" Ok so where are you headed right now ? " She asked

" I was on my way home when the car broke down and I still wanna head home "

" Ok then, am also on my way home to go get change for a business meeting I will.be having in an hour time, why don't you hop in so we can go to my house where I will change before going to drop you home ..." Natasha asked

" Would that be okay to you, hope it's not gonna stress you right ? " I asked

" No not at all, I can go for my meeting when I drop you, the important thing is that I need to change this dress into something cooperate, like a suit " she said to me

" Yes you really need too, you look hot in this dress you are wearing and can throw all guys in the meeting on fire " I Said with a smile and she blushed then cut an eye

" So , can we go now ? " She asked

" Of course we can ".

" Ok then hop in " she said and we both got into the car then she began driving. As she drove down the road, I noticed the way she looks at me throw the mirror in front of her while the music plays in her radio. We were both quiet without knowing any conversation when I decided to start up one..

" So you haven't told me where you are coming from, dressed like this " I said

" Yeah, because I don't think it's necessary " she said with a smile

" Okay..." I replied

" So what about you, you haven't tole where you are also coming from " she asked as she drives

" Yeah, because I also don't think it's necessary " I replied and we both looked at each other and bursted into laughter

" So you have finally seen a way to get me right ? " She said with a smile

" No, you started it, not me" I said

" Yeah, so how have you been ? It's been a while I saw you " she asked

" Yeah true, I have been busy with work and some other personal stuffs that I'm trying to figure out and it's been really bothering me " I said with a cold look

" And what is this thing bothering you, would you mind sharing ? " She asked in concern

" It's something really personal so I rather keep it to myself " I replied

" Okay if you say so, but I want you to know that am always here for you if you need someone to talk to" 

" Thanks natasha, I appreciate knowing that" I replied

" You are welcome " she said and we continue to discuss other things.

After some minutes of driving, she arrived home an wed we both walked into her house 

" Make yourself feel comfortable " she said as I walked in

"Hmm, your room smells nice " I said and had a seat

" Thank you so much, I will go in and change immedietely....."

" Wait a minute... Can you hear that outside ? " I said to her

" Yes I can, I think it's raining " she said and rushed outside to pack the clothes she spreaded and came in shortly with them

" Hope it didn't get wet " I asked

" Not really, despite the rain was so sudden . However lemme go get dressed up now "she said and then turn on the tv before going inside. I was watching the series when it was immediately switched to a romantic movie, 365 days, and I opened my eyes wide

" Wow, showing such kind in movie in this raining weather is criminal " I said and fixed my gaze on the tv as I enjoy each and scene in the movie till I became carried away. I watched them and cuddled and i was already getting turned on by it when natasha called my attention and made it worst

" You like the movie ? " She said as she walks pass my front and I got distracted really quick. She was putting on a sexy lingerie that reveals her body and I couldn't help but glanced at her so she won't be suspicious of me

" David, I asked you a question " 

" Yes... What's it please, I was carried away" I replied- snapping out of the thought in my head while she gives me a smile

" I asked if you like the movie " she said and sat beside me on the couch as her good smell began getting me drunk

" Yes I do. It's a really nice movie " I replied

" So what do you like about it ? " She said and rubbed her hair seductively
